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The Corruption Prevention Programme of Hungarian Government. Ms . Eszter Dargay Head of Department , Secretariat of the State Secretary. CORRUPTION IN HUNGARY - BACKGROUND.
The CorruptionPreventionProgramme of HungarianGovernment Ms. Eszter Dargay Head of Department, SecretariatoftheStateSecretary Rule of Law: Implementing a Comprehensive and Integrated Approach in Prevention and Fight against Corruption in the Danube Region, Pravetz 21-22 May 2012
CORRUPTION IN HUNGARY - BACKGROUND Hungary is a medium touched country with deteriorating tendencies (TI CPI scores 2009: 5,1; 2010: 4,7, 2011: 4,6) → ACTION IS NECESSARY • The number of detected corruption crimesis around 850 yearly→ NEW METHODS ARE NECESSARY • The Eurobarometer survey on Corruption of 2012 shows that 97% of the Hungarian have the opinion that corruption is a major problem in Hungary. → LARGE SUPPORT
MEASURES AGAINST CORRUPTION SINCE 2010 • Strengthening the anti-corruption capacities of the Prosecution Service and the Court of Justice • Introduction of the integrity testing forthe professional personnel of armed forces and public servants, executed by the newly established National Protective Service • Revision of the Criminal Code Act and other regulations for a more efficient and effective prosecution of corruption crimes • 2009-2012 – Integrity Project of the State Audit Office (new, value-based approach, mapping corruption risks and promoting integrity of public administration organisations) • Common declaration on a coordinated, effective anti-corruption action plan (2011) • Adoption of the 2-years Corruption Prevention Programme (29. 03. 2012)
THE CORRUPTION PREVENTION PROGRAMME • Adopted by the Government, based on the Common Declaration and on the Integrity Project of the State Audit Office • Value-based approach, the main goal is to promote integrity inside the public administration • Focus on the State, parallel measures in party-financing and parasolvency in the health care • Principles: credibility, gradualism (step-by-step), simultaneous action against corruption in the public administration and economy, co-operation with NGOs, prevention and organisation development
PROGRAM ME CONTENT I. - ETHICS • Implementation of the integrity management system and integrity officers in the Hungarian public administration organizations (pilot: 2012, general: 2014) • Green book onethicsfor public servants (adoption • a Code of Ethicsby the Corps of Public Servants) • Establishment a whistleblowing system in the public administration (local and governmental level)
PROGRAM ME CONTENT II. - EDUCATION • Organisaton of trainings and e-learning courses for public servants (focus group: leaders and scholars) • National University of Public Service – studies on ethics and integrity • Complementation the National Core Curriculum with ethics and anti-corruption requirements (for primary school students) • Information campaign for the society and Hungarian enterprises about the risks of corruption
PROGRAMME CONTENT III. - LEGISLATION • Revision of the current impact assessment system for reducing corruption risks in the legislation process • Revision of the legal system for the better implementation of the Anti-bribery convention of the OECD • New law for strenghtening the criminal liability of legal persons • Internal rules for the public administration organizations on transparency relations with lobbyists
PROGRAMME CONTENT IV. - COORDINATION • Center of policy coordination: Ministry of Public Administration and Justice • Providing information for the ministry about the integrity measures of the public administration organisations (contact points: integrity officers) • Enlargement of the participants of the Common Declaration for integrity • Governmental transparency: joining to the Open Government Declaration (concrete commitments)
FINANCIAL BACKGROUND • Initiation of a Corruption Prevention Project for realising the Program’s goals (EU founded priority project) • Budget of the Project: 1,63 million EUR (one of the largest anti-corruption projects in the EU) • Realization: 2012-2014 (2 years) • Project owner: Ministry of Public Administration and Justice
Anti-corruptionactivities of theMinistryofInteriorin Hungary Ms. Eszter Dargay Head of Department, SecretariatoftheStateSecretary Rule of Law: Implementing a Comprehensive and IntegratedApproachinPreventionandFightagainstCorruptionintheDanubeRegion, Pravetz 21-22 May 2012
The National Protective Service • Established: 1stJanuary 2011 • „Protected” organizations: • Law enforcementagencies • Civiliansecretservices • Administrativegovernmentagencies • Strong powers – strictlegalguarantees Almost 100.000 personnel!
The tasks of the NPS I. Crimeprevention and detection Prevention and detection – NOT investigation: • immediatelyreporttothecompetentinvestigationauthority • passthecollecteddatatotheprosecutor’soffice
The tasks of the NPS I. Crimeprevention and detection Main casesaredetectedbythe NPS: • Crimes related to office • Bribery • Abuse of personal data • Harbouring a criminal • Forgery of official documents • Blackmailing • Crimes committed in place of service or related to the activity of the office • Military crimes (except for the escape, the rebellion and the threat to combat readiness)
The tasks of the NPS II. Lifestyle monitoring • Applicants & theproffesionalstaff, whohavealreadybeenemployed • More strictrequirements!
The tasks of the NPS III. Integrity test • NPS creates „realisticconditionsorsituations” • Dothestaffmemberfulfillthestatutoryobligations?
Public construction monitoring project Informationprovidingbasedonaerialphotography Explore and discoverillegalconstructionactivities Anti-corruptioneffect • Authorities has no discretionalpower • Changesthebuilders’ attitudeforthebetter