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IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE MOST BENEFICIENT THE MERCIFUL. PACOSON (Pakistan Conference on Sanitation). Presented by Local Government & Rural Development Department; Government of Balochistan. Update On Provincial Sanitation Strategy & Action Plan.

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  2. PACOSON(Pakistan Conference on Sanitation) Presented by Local Government & Rural Development Department; Government of Balochistan

  3. Update On Provincial Sanitation Strategy & Action Plan • The Provincial Sanitation Strategy and Action Plan was approved by the Cabinet and PC-1 is at final stage for submission to P&D department for approval • The Provincial Sanitation Strategy and Action Plan was prepared by the support of UNICEF following to National/Provincial Sanitation Policy

  4. Background Information • Balochistan has a predominantly, thinly distributed population and difficult terrain • Its remote rural areas still present the picture of medieval ages. • Many swampy places in the rural areas serve as breeding grounds for Malaria and many other diseases. • According to MICS 2004 following is the coverage: Coverage water and sanitation: Drinking water: Access to household: 34% Adequate Sanitation: 40% (includes PFL, VIPs and traditional pit latrines) Disposal of waste water: 10% Solid waste: 05% Washing hands with soap: 20% (After defecation) main reason for diarrhoea and other water related diseases causing deaths Resulting: Child Mortality: 182/1000 (App: double of National figure) Literacy Rate: Primary Edu: Male 39% and Female 16%

  5. NWFP AREA MAPPING Balochistan Zhob Musa Khel Qila Saifullah Qila Abdullah Pishin Ziarat Loralai Qu etta Barkhan Sibi Mastung Kohlu Chagai Bolan Dera Bugti Kalat Nasirabad Jhal Magsi Jafarabad Washuk Khuzdar Panjgur Awaran Kech Lasbela Gwadar B Afghanistan Nushki Kharan F A C T S Iran Arabian Sea

  6. Water Borne Diseases Cholera Diarrhoea Gastroenteritis Amoebiasis (Amoebic Dysentery) Bacillary Dysentery Shigalosis Typhoid Fever Hepatitis-A (MAIN CAUSE BEHIND THESE DISEASES ARE NON AVAILABILITY OF SAFE DRINKING WATER, INADEQUATE SANITATION AND POOR HYGIENE PRACTICES) 6

  7. Plan Objectives • To ensure that the entire population of Balochistan has access sustainable Development in the WES sector; • A happy healthy and hygienic environment for all can be ensured; • Reduction of Water borne diseases; • Increasing awareness and Commitment from actors at all levels; • To provide Excreta free, litter free, foul free personal health and hygienic • environment for Rural communities in Balochistan; • Behavior change through information, Education & communication • campaign; • To achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and feels confident that the targets is within reach.

  8. Provincial Strategy/Principles Solid Waste Management 8

  9. Plan Provision • The goal of Provincial Sanitation Strategy and action plan is to ensure that the entire population of Balochistan has access to safe sanitary environment. A “happy, healthy and hygienic environment for all” can only be ensured if the indiscriminate and unhygienic disposal of liquid solid municipal, industry and agricultural is completely eradicated. • The plan is to achieve the targets set in approved sanitation strategy as the MDGs i.e. “proportion of people without sustainable access to improved sanitation will be reduced by half (50%), by the year 2015 and all (100%) population will be served by the year 2025 with improved sanitation”. To achieve these goals, Provincial/Federal Government or any other funding agency may be approached to provide the funds. So, that the obligations of the Government of Pakistan in view of the MDG may be achieved.

  10. CLTS approach works in high density areas and is not applicable in low density areas like Balochistan. In Balochistan, sanitation demand has to be created where as in high density areas like Bengal and Punjab demand already exists. In Provincial Sanitation Strategy there is no binding regarding any approach. It has been accepted to provide tractors and allied facilities for solid waste disposal. • To facilitate the success of the strategy in Balochistan perspective and considering the poverty issue, in light of the previous attempts made by the different development projects, it is decided to provide hardware including: • WC, P trap and pipes for latrine; • RCC rings for only 4 UC in coastal areas; • Tractor and accessories for solid waste disposal at each UC; • Provision of hand pumps in all UC.

  11. Future Expectation • To reduce the burden of water and sanitation-related diseases, especially amongst children, thus improving the quality of life of the people (particularly women) and future generations; • To increase access to drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities, and maximize the health benefits through widespread adoption of hygiene practices THROUGH: • Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) • Public Awareness Campaign: Behaviour change • Outcome Focused • Incentives for Performance • Different Approaches for Rural & Urban Areas • Financial and Technical Support by PG • Phased Implementation

  12. Major Challenges • Fast increasing population (high growth rate and migration from neighbor county); • Poverty • Scarcity of drinking water • Lack of water testing facilities • Significant impact in shifting the mind set of community to change behavior • Scattered population (density 19 persons per sq. kilometer) • High costs (Materials and labourers) • Financial constraints

  13. Thank You for your attention Balochistan Team

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