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A Brief Overview of BECs in SMC. 1. Total Number of BECs in SMC - 30 Chinese Speaking – 9 English Speaking – 21 2. Total number of families in BEC census - 522 A ve # families per BEC Chinese Speaking - 142 15.8 families
A Brief Overview of BECs in SMC 1. Total Number of BECs in SMC - 30 Chinese Speaking – 9 English Speaking – 21 2. Total number of families in BEC census - 522 Ave # families per BEC Chinese Speaking - 142 15.8 families English Speaking - 380 18.1 families
3. BECs Coordinators • English Speaking BECs – 2 Coordinators • Chinese Speaking BECs – 1 Coordinator 4. BECs’ representation in the PPC - 7
BEC’s FAQs 18th Dec 2012
1. What are the barriers commonly faced when starting up a BEC? * Lack of understanding and awareness among members on importance and vision objective of BEC. * No one in the area want to be the leader. * Members reluctant to take up roles in the core team * Leader lacks the right skills in leading the BEC especially in the area of leadership,
problem solvingand conducting meeting. * Some members refuse to attend meeting because: - They think BEC is a waste of time. - No time to attend meeting…. Too busy with daily chores. - They think they are self-sufficient and independent. * Issue of “ Dual Citizenship” parishioners – members who, though reside within the BEC’s area but attend masses and active in another parish.
Language barrier – e.g. a mandarin speaking • family in a majority English speaking BEC or • vice versa. • 2. What would you recommend • the number of families to make • up a BEC? • 10-15 Families • Big BEC’s • Big BECs tend to have bigger pool of members with diversity of gifts and talents.
Always have enough people turn up for • meeting • Lost of intimacy among members • Tendency for members to form cliques • within BEC • Not easy find venue for big meeting. • Meeting may drag for too long • Small BEC’s • Better Intimacy • More effective meeting and interaction • among members
Easier to find a meeting venue • Lesser conflicts and easier conflict resolution. • Smaller pools of gifts and talents – leader and • members need to multi-task • Run risk of calling off meeting if some • members fail to turn up.
3. Is it good to serve foods and drinks during meeting? Yes. But in moderation. Light refreshments recommended. * Serving light refreshments help to break the iceand promote better fellowship * Caution– must avoid elaborate foods/drinks preparation lest foods become the reason members coming for meeting.
* Caution - Hosts who serve too elaborate foods/drinks during meeting may deter other members in opening up their homes for meeting. * Exceptions – gatherings in conjunction with Christmas celebration, wedding anniversary celebration, memorial service, and etc.
4. Why not ask the parish priest to use • his authority to make BEC • compulsory for everyone ? • No.It is the duty of a BEC leader to make • his/her BEC successful. Parish Priest and • PAT can help and provide support.
5. Apart from regular meeting, what other types of gathering should be encouraged? Yes. There are many activities which promote fellowship and community building and must be encouraged: e.g. Lenten Outreach; Pilgrimage trip; intercessory prayer session; Caroling; Christmas/Easter/New Year celebration/ memorial prayers service; attending funerals and wakes and etc.
6. What is the most important attribute of a BEC leader? Humility and A Sincere Heart to serve. Everything else can be trained or acquired.
7. What advice would give to a new BEC leader? * First and foremost, congratulate yourself as you are already a winner by taking up this challenging role of a BEC leader. * Fully understand the importance and church vision’s of BEC as a new way of being Church. * When encountering a major road block or setback, Never, Never give up. God is with us.Persevere until you see things through.
* When things are going too well, when praises and adulations pouring in, Watch Out! Don’t let pride and complacency get better of you. This may be the beginning of a decline. * Always do a self-check, “Who Am I Serving?” God or Own Ego and Glory? * Be patient, often conversion of non-believers takes time. * Good Luck and Have Fun.