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Developmental StandardsforPreschool ChildrenWith Disabilities DRAFT
DAILY LIVING • Daily living skills are basic to becoming an individual who can negotiate his/her way through the social world while developing independence. Daily living skills foster social appropriateness both at school and home. It is essential that teachers and family members promote independent living skills by structuring intervention and strategies to develop the skills needed to appropriately function within the classroom and home environments.
Personal Hygiene Students will: • DL.P.1 Wash and dry hands without assistance • DL.P.2 Indicate the need to toilet independently • DL.P.3 Toilet independently • DL.P.4 Brush teeth independently • DL.P.5 Cover mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing
Dressing Students will: • DL.P.6 Manipulate clothing/fasteners for toileting Example: button/unbutton, zip/unzip, snap/unsnap • DL.P.7 Put on/take off coat, socks, and shoes
Feeding Students will: • DL.P.8 Drink from an open cup • DL.P.9 Eat with a spoon or fork • DL.P.10 Open a food/drink container Example: child opens milk carton, boxed drink, zip lock bags, etc. • DL.P.11 Follow mealtime routines and procedures Example: wait in line, carry tray, make food choices, clean area
SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL • Social relationships that young children form with peers and adults are important in forming constructive images of themselves and others. Positive social settings, interactions, and images of self provide children with healthy social/emotional growth. Relationships created during early childhood serve as models for future relationships. Early social emotional competence is the foundation for later development. It is essential that teachers and family members promote strategies to develop skills needed to cope with the social stress and challenges children encounter as they mature.
Self Concept Students will: • S/E.P.1 Display a healthy self image Example: identifies self in mirror or picture Example: shows pleasure in being included in play activities • S/E.P.2 Demonstrate awareness of attributes of self (abilities, characteristics and preferences) Example: refers to self by name and as a girl or boy Example: child says, “I have brown eyes and brown hair.” • S/E.P.3 Identify and label feelings Example: child says, “I’m excited because my dad is coming home tonight!”
Initiative Students will: • S/E.P.4 Make and express choices, plans and decisions Example: chooses and returns toys independently Example: selects a CD or video and operates the player independently Example: child chooses center when given encouragement • S/E.P.5 Choose and complete challenging tasks Example: chooses and finishes a puzzle or task once it is started Example: child makes choices from a choice board • S/E.P.6 Initiate play with other children Example: joins other children playing in activity areas
Self-Control Students will: • S/E.P.7 Understand and follow rules and routines Example: come to circle time, snack time, nap, or other routine activities Example: follow expectations such as sitting in the circle and listening when someone is speaking • S/E.P.8 Recognize and manage feelings and impulses • Example: child exhibits impulse control by developing turn-talking skills • S/E.P.9 Understand how actions affect others and begin to accept consequences Example: listens when an adult offers suggestions to solve a problem Example: asks the teacher for help when trying to resolve a conflict Example: accepts redirection after throwing sand Example: child says, “If we run in the classroom, we can get hurt.” • S/E.P.10 Demonstrate the ability to move from place to place with class or group Example: child stays in line when walking to the playground
Social Relationships Students will: • S/E.P.11 Sustain interaction with peers by helping, playing and interacting Example: joins a playmate in making sand construction (one scooping the sand into a truck and one hauling it away) Example: participates in group activities such as singing • S/E.P.12 Accept changes in plans and schedules Example: using a picture or daily schedule child will transition from one activity to another Example: child follows tornado and fire drill routines • S/E.P.13 Separate easily from family Example: says goodbye to parent without undue distress when parent leaves, and gets involved in classroom activities
LANGUAGE AND LITERACY • Early in life, children begin to acquire the foundations of literacy through daily exposure to oral and written language. Children communicate ideas and feelings through gestures, words, pictures, body movements and sounds. Oral expression in all of these areas help children to experience success, to develop competence, and to acquire self-confidence. The abilities to listen, speak, read and write emerge interdependently.
Receptive Language Students will: • LL.P.1 Follow two step directions (LA.K.15, SS.K.6) Example: child complies to directions, “Put your book bag in your cubby and go to the red carpet.” • LL.P.2 Listen attentively to stories or group conversations (LA.K.1,14,15, R.K.4,5) Example: child sits with a group as teacher reads The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Expressive Language Students will: • LL.P.3 Express wants and needs (LA.K.17, R.K.4, SS.K.5) Example: pointing to a desired object, nodding head, speaking • LL.P.4 Respond to questions using verbal communication (LA.K.17, R.K.5) • LL.P.5 Identify a variety of pictures/objects and actions (LA.K.1,17, R.K.4) Example: Child points to a ball and says, “I throw ball.” • LL.P.6 Initiate conversations with peers and adults (LA.K.17, R.K.5) Example: child tells peers/teacher that his dog had puppies • LL.P.7 Speak in 3-4 word sentences (LA.K.17, R.K.4,5) • LL.P.8 Imitates simple songs/nursery rhymes/finger plays (LA.K.4,8,R.K.4,5) • LL.P.9 Retell simple stories (LA.K.1,7,8, R.K.4,5) Example: retell Brown Bear, Brown Bear by looking at pictures in the book
Phonological Awareness Students will: • LL.P.10 Discriminate and identify sounds in spoken language (LA.K.4,6, R.K.1,2) Example: Child says /s/ when teacher asks, “what is the beginning sound in the word sock?” • LL.P.11 Identify rhyming words (LA.K.4,8, R.K.1) Example: Child says, “Hat and cat sound the same.” Example: While reading Dr. Seuss’ Hop on Pop, the teacher asks, “What rhymes with hop?” and the child responds, “pop.” • LL.P.12 Recognize common sounds at the beginning of a series of words (LA.K.4,6, R.K.1,2) Example: Child says, “Baby and bat start the same.” • LL.P.13 Identify syllables in words (LA.K.4, R.K.1,2) Example: Child claps syllables in a classmate’s name, such as “An- na.” (2-claps)
Print Awareness and Concepts Students will: • LL.P.14 Use emerging reading skills to explore the use of print and to construct meaning (LA.K.2,7, R.K.4) Example: Child recognizes example of environmental print such as Cheerios and McDonalds logo Example: Child finds own name card in a basket filled with name cards. • LL.P.15 Understand that writing is a form of communication for a variety of purposes (LA.K.9,12, R.K.4,5) Example: Child brings a news story that features her uncle’s basketball team. Example: Child points to writing on bulletin board and pretends to read • LL.P.16 Orients picture book correctly and turns pages one by one (LA.K.3,10, R.K.4,5)
Early Writing Student will: • LL.P.17 Experiment with a variety of writing tools and materials (LA.K.19) Example: Child independently chooses to use pencil, pens, crayons, markers, computer keyboards and other writing tools. • LL.P.18 Write some recognizable letters, especially those in own name (LA.K.20,21, R.K.2,3) Example: child copies, traces, or independently writes letters and/or name
Alphabet Knowledge Students will: • LL.P.19 Demonstrate awareness of letters in print (LA.K.2,3,5,8) Example: Child matches letters in puzzles and games. Example: Child picks up magnetic “A” and says, “This is in my name.” • LL.P.20 Relate at least 10 letters to the specific sounds they represent (LA.K.2,3,5,6,8) Example: Matt is writing at the writing center, writes the letter “M” and says, “Michael, M starts your name too.”
MATH • Preschoolers are beginning to construct working concepts of numbers through interactions with people and materials. They are developing an understanding of the essential and fundamental properties of the number system and underlying assumptions about the nature and function of numbers. Appropriate classroom activities should capitalize on children’s natural curiosity and the need to understand the world around them by placing emphasis on numbers, shapes, sizes and patterns made meaningful through interactive experiences.
Number and Operations Students will: • M.P.1 Demonstrate the use of number concepts, such as one to one correspondence Example: child gives one napkin and one snack to another child (M.K.1) • M.P.2 Demonstrate mathematical vocabulary (M.K.1) Example: child says, “You have more blocks than me.” Example: child says, “I am first in line, he is second.”
Geometry and Spatial Sense Students will: • M.P.3 Recognize, describe and name common shapes (M.K.5,6) Example: child points to a clock when asked to show something in the room that is a circle Example: child uses fingers to draw shapes in shaving cream • M.P.4 Understand common positional concepts (M.K.6) Example: a teacher directs child to place the block in front of him, under his foot, etc.
Patterns Students will: • M.P.5 Sort and classify objects by characteristics (M.K.5,6) Example: child makes groups of red bears, blue bears, red frogs, and blue frogs, sorting by color and/or animal • M.P.6 Describe and extend patterns (M.K.5,6,7) Example: child uses beads to make a circle-square- circle-square necklace. After stringing a circle bead, child states, “Now I need a square one.”
Measurement Students will: • M.P.7 Use terms to compare objects –(M.K.8) Example: child says, “I need a bigger box.” Example: child uses terms such as taller/shorter; heavier/lighter; larger/smaller; slower/faster • M.P.8 Use standard and nonstandard measurement tools (M.K.8) Example: child uses his hand as a unit to measure a table top Example: child uses a growth chart on wall to measure her own height and that of a friend Example: child chooses a cup to measure flour when cooking M.P.9 Demonstrate an understanding of measurable concepts of time and sequence (M.K.9) Example: child describes the next step in the daily routine Example: child says, “After music, we go outside.” Example: child says, “We drink chocolate milk on Friday.”
SCIENCE • Children are immersed in science in their daily lives. For preschoolers, science is a time of discovery, a natural process of learning in which young children are engaged at all times. Through observations, classification, and experimentation, preschoolers gather information about how the world around them works and draw conclusions for future interactions and acquisition of knowledge. Classroom activities for preschoolers should capitalize on children’s natural curiosity as they develop a foundation of scientific concepts and knowledge on which to build an understanding of their environment.
Technology Students will: • S.P.1 Demonstrate basic knowledge of computer skills (T.K.1,2) Example: child is able to point and click with the mouse to play a simple matching game Example: child is able to make choices using adaptive technology devices
Scientific Skills and Methods Students will: • S.P.2 Participate in simple investigations (S.K.7) Example: child identifies scent containers using the sense of smell Example: child compares taste of different types of fruit, and the class records responses on a large chart • S.P.3 Participate in scientific exploration and prediction (S.K.1,7) Example: child collects and sorts leaves by size and/or color Example: child will predict what happens when water and gelatin powder are mixed Example: child describes what will happen when ice is placed in a bucket on a warm day
Scientific Knowledge Students will: • S.P.4 Observe, describe, and discuss the natural world and living things (S.K.2,9, SS.K.8) Example: child cares for plants and animals in the classroom Example: child notices seasonal changes in environment • S.P.5 Demonstrate knowledge of concepts and language related to time and temperature (S.K.3,9, SS.K.1, H.K.4) Example: child uses terms such as yesterday, tomorrow, morning, night, and day appropriately Example: child discusses differences between seasons/weather and the clothes to wear at that time • S.P.6 Demonstrate knowledge of and respect for their body (H.K.3,6,12) Example: child washes hands after toileting and before eating Example: child brushes teeth after eating Example: child points to head and says, “This is my head.”
CREATIVE ARTS • The arts encourage the imagination and creative spirit as children seek meaning and reason about their world. The arts invite children to discover more about individual expression, and to develop ways to express and represent their ideas, theories, and emotions. An appreciation of the aesthetic dimensions of daily life fosters understanding of cultural diversity.
Music, Movement, Drama and Art Students will: • CA.P.1 Use a wide variety of musical elements for creative expression (AE Music.K.6) Example: child participates in finger plays, repeats songs and nursery rhymes Example: child has fun creating sounds with musical instruments • CA.P.2 Participate in music and movement activities (AE Dance.K.4, AE Music.K. 1,11, SS.K-9) Example: child moves to the beat of the song Example: child sings and does motions to the Wheels on the Bus Example: child uses props from various cultures to represent new experiences
Music, Movement, Drama and Artcon’t • CA.P.3 Participate in dramatic play (AE Theatre.K.2,3,11, AE-Dance.K.12,13,14, AE Music.K.17, SS.K.4) Example: child pretends to eat, drink, cook, and put up the dishes in the kitchen Example: child pretends to be a fireman putting out a fire Example: child dances and uses props to various forms of music that are part of community diversity. • CA.P.4 Use different art media and materials in a variety of ways for creative expression (AE Visual Arts.K. 4,9,17) Example: child explores a variety of materials such as paper, paint, crayons, glue, markers, etc Example: child molds with clay or playdough
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Physical Development should be integrated into all areas of learning. Motor development is basic to the achievement of cognitive skills, the promotion of agility and strength, neural processing, kinesthetic confidence, and general body competence. Gross motor development is gained through regular play and movement. It involves the large muscles of the body. Preschool activities such as running, throwing, catching, jumping, climbing, and balancing enhance the development of gross motor skills. Fine motor skills involve the use of small muscles such as those in the wrist and hand. Control and coordination of small, specialized motions, using the eyes, mouth, hands and feet enhance the development of fine motor skills. Activities for developing fine motor skills include building with blocks, molding clay or play dough, using scissors or tongs, stringing beads, placing pegs in boards, drawing with crayons or markers and painting.
Gross Motor Students will: • PD.P.1 Demonstrate strength and coordination of large muscles (PE.K.1,2,3,4,5,6,7, AE Dance.K.2) Example: walk, run, jump, hop, climb, throw, catch, balance
Fine Motor Students will: • PD.P.2 Demonstrate strength and coordination of small muscles (LA.K.19,20,21, R.K.2,3) Example: button/unbutton, snap/unsnap, zip/unzip, pre- writing, cutting, stringing beads, stacking blocks, play dough Example: child writes the first letters of his name using a three-finger or tripod grasp pattern when holding writing utensils Example: child rolls, pounds, and squeezes playdough • PD.P.3 Coordinate eye-hand movements in a purposeful way (PE.K.3,6) Example: child completes a puzzle Example: child hits a target with a beanbag or ball