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Amtech Electronics is a leading manufacturer & supplier of Active Harmonics Filter in India. We provides state-of-the-art technology products like Active Harmonic Filters, Passive Harmonic Filter and Active Front-end Converter at best market price.
AMTECH ELECTRONICS Dedicated To provide Quality Product www.activeharmonics.com
ABOUT AMTECH ELECTRONICS • Amtech Electronics is a leading manufacturer of technology products in the field of motion control, automation, power quality and industrial electronics solutions, aims to meet future customer expectations. • The company's ongoing efforts include successful implementation of innovative and comprehensive power quality and harmonic analysis as well as power quality solution for industrial, commercial, and utility sectors. www.activeharmonics.com
Services • Multi Function Active Harmonic Filter • Energy Audit • Power Quality Audit • Power System Study • Energy Conservation Project www.activeharmonics.com
Active Harmonic Filter • Amtech’s multi functional Active Harmonic Filter can compensate for reactive currents of fundamental waves, harmonic currents etc. • It finds applications in various scenarios with combination of its multi-functions. www.activeharmonics.com
AXPERT-i-sine • AXPERT-i-sine is designed with the intelligent control algorithm which dynamically changes the switching frequency to optimize the performance & efficiency. • AXPERT- i-sine is equipped with a user friendly control panel. Self-explanatory full parameter names, easy navigation of parameters through well organized parameter sets & functional keys, 8-selectable parameters on single screen makes it easy to operate and program. www.activeharmonics.com
Energy Audit • An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a building/plant, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s). • Amtech’s power quality & energy conservation management group is delivering comprehensive solutions to industries. Amtech electronics is authorized Energy Audit Firm by BEE designated nodal agency GEDA, MEDA, MPUVNL and Government of Gujarat. www.activeharmonics.com
Contact Amtech Electronics India Limited E-6, GIDC, Electronics Zone, Gandhinagar - 382 028, Gujarat , India . Phone No. :+91-79-23289101, :+91-79-23289102, :+91-79-23289103 Fax: +91-79-23289111 E-mail:info@amtechelectronics.com