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Mathematical Formulas on Corel Draw / GIMP canvas

Mathematical Formulas on Corel Draw / GIMP canvas. Window 9x/NT Version november 2000 Erik Van Eynde KULeuven - LUDIT. Contents. 1. Main objective. 2. How we can do it? Postscript / Ghostview way. Equation Magic Light V2.2 3. How import this in Corel Draw. 4. Evaluation.

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Mathematical Formulas on Corel Draw / GIMP canvas

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  1. Mathematical Formulas on Corel Draw / GIMP canvas Window 9x/NT Version november 2000 Erik Van Eynde KULeuven - LUDIT

  2. Contents 1. Main objective. 2. How we can do it? Postscript / Ghostview way. Equation Magic Light V2.2 3. How import this in Corel Draw. 4. Evaluation. 5. Thanks, Downloading, Remarks, Questions ….. LUDIT/EVE

  3. 1. Main Objective • (La)Tex is a good tool for typesetting complexe formules. • Now we want to import the same code onthe CorelDraw/Gimp canvas making posters. LUDIT/EVE

  4. 2. How we can do it? • Ghostscript - Gsview way • Equation Magic Light way • Convert to AI format and use of psedit software (we don’t discuss this item) LUDIT/EVE

  5. Ghostscript - Gsview way • We start from this LaTeX code-- Foo.tex\documentclass{article} \begin{document} $$ \int_{0}^{x} f(y)dy = \sin x $$ \end{document} LUDIT/EVE

  6. Winedt/Miktex • Winedt/Miktex installation we run LaTex • For compile => LaTeX icon -- foo.dvi • For preview => DVI icon • For Postscript output => DVIPS icon -- foo.ps • For invoking Ghostview => Gsview icon LUDIT/EVE

  7. Winedt/Miktex LUDIT/EVE

  8. DVI Preview LUDIT/EVE

  9. Gsview -- foo.ps LUDIT/EVE

  10. Gsview • Rewrite the Postscript code to normalised code with File | Convert and select epswritedevice with 300dpi resolution (foo1.ps). • Create a bounding boxFile | Ps to Epsno flag for automatically creating a BBoxclick on the borders. Now we have created a foo.eps file LUDIT/EVE

  11. Gsview • Rewrite the Postscript code to normalised code with File | Convert and select epswritedevice with 300dpi resolution. • Create a bounding box • Now you have created a foo.eps file LUDIT/EVE

  12. Gsview LUDIT/EVE

  13. Equation Magic - Light • Equation Magic Software • Two version : • Light version -- freeware • Pro version -- shareware • Open a foo.tex file or Copy/Paste the code. Insert only the mathematical formula !!! LUDIT/EVE

  14. Equation Magic - Light LUDIT/EVE

  15. 3. Corel Draw • Ghostscript / Gsview way import foo.eps on the Corel Draw canvas • Equation Magic way Copy the formule from Equation Magic and Paste on Corel Draw LUDIT/EVE

  16. Corel Draw LUDIT/EVE

  17. 4. Evaluation • Ghostscript / ghostview way • Pro general way - independent of your Latex code. • Contra Long wayYou don’t see the formula in Corel DrawFor printing you need a Postscript printer LUDIT/EVE

  18. Evaluation • Equation Magic way • Pro Easy way - Cut & Paste methodYou can generate a LaTeX code WYSIWYG • Contra Dependant of the LateX codeFor complex formula you need PRO versionIs not a general way - a lot of restrictions LUDIT/EVE

  19. Evaluation • Remarks • For GIMP graphic package in both cases I have problem with internal memory… • There is a third solution with ps2ai & pstoedit in that case CorelDRAW can disassmble your formula in objects. Each object can be changed (not discussed) LUDIT/EVE

  20. 5. Questions, Thanks ... • Thanks to Siep Kroonenberg Piet Van Oostrum for hints and cooperation • For downloading this presentation:ftp://ftp.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/erik/tex/ppt/formules.ppt • For remarks,questions and new thoughts contact me. LUDIT/EVE

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