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Teaching and Assessing Science Core Concepts (TASC 2 ) Workshop Science Core Concepts Enhancing an Instructional Unit with the 2007 Weather Wonders Systems PCA Establish the Desired Results Essential Question Activity Assessment Targets Learning Plans
Teaching and Assessing ScienceCore Concepts (TASC2) Workshop • Science Core Concepts • Enhancing an Instructional Unit with the 2007 Weather Wonders Systems PCA • Establish the Desired Results • Essential Question Activity • Assessment Targets • Learning Plans • Legislative Update, 2007 WASL Results & the Crisis in Science Education • What We Know About Successful Program
OSPI Science AssessmentTeam Andy Boyd Assessment TOSA (PEM) andy.boyd@k12.wa.us Roy Beven Assessment Managerroy.beven@k12.wa.us Jonathan Frostad Assessment TOSA (PEM), jonathan.frostad@k12.wa.us Cinda Parton Assessment Specialist cinda.parton@k12.wa.us Molly Becker Miller Assessment Support molly.becker-miller@k12.wa.us Science Assessment Leadership Team (SALT) The 160+ members of this team have developed deep understanding of assessment and are available to provided PD. Contact information will be the science assessment webpage soon. OSPI Science Assessment Webpage www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/Science
Teaching and Assessing Science Core Concepts (TASC2) • Activity Questions: • How is this system related to the core concept? • What activities in your instructional materials are focused on this this core concept? • How do you gather evidences of learning for this core concept in your classroom? • What preconceptions and misconceptions might students have? Capture ideas on chart paper and share
Teaching and Assessing Science Core Concepts (TASC2) Focus on a System Core Concept Core Concept Components and Patterns of Earth Systems ST04 1.2.4 Inquiry in Science Related Concept Nature and Properties of Earth Materials Application of Science
Teaching and Assessing Science Core Concepts (TASC2) Research: Characteristics of Schools Showing the Greatest … by RMC Corporation 2007 Understanding by Design by Jay McTighe & Grant WigginsASCD 2004 ISBN 1-4166-0035-3 Science Curriculum Topic Studyby Page Keeley NSTA/Corwin Press 2005 ISBN 1-4129-0892-2
Teaching and Assessing Science Core Concepts (TASC2) • Core Concept Handout page 2. • Benchmarks for Science Literacy • National Science Education Standards • Benchmarks for Science Literacy • Making Sense of Secondary Science: Research Into Children’s Ideas Take a minute and read page 2 of the handout. Any similarities/differences from the chart paper?
Assessment Target Powerful Classroom Assessment: Weather Wonders Elementary Systems Scenario Please take 15 minutes to read the scenario and write out responses to the 10 items Please take 5 minutes to score the multiple choice items using the Scoring Guide (yellow)
Assessment Target • Core Concept Handout page 1. • Core concept defined in the physical system • Questions gather specified evidences of learning • Item 6 of Weather Wonders: Factors Affecting Precipitation Take a minute and read page 1 of the handout. Brainstorm any other system questions not a part of the scenario on this core concept?
Learning Plan Core Concept ST04 Question: What activities in your classroom could elicit these evidences of learning? Capture ideas on chart paper and share
Teaching and Assessing Science Core Concepts (TASC2) CORE CONCEPT: Components and Patterns of Earth Systems (ST04) What lessons in your instructional materials focus on the Core Concept? Describe the enhancements needed to ensure all students are proficient on the targeted core concepts. (Group work is also encourage) Capture ideas on chart paper and share
Teaching and Assessing Science Core Concepts (TASC2) • Components • Description of the system core concept • Graphic organizer of the system core concept • Description of the inquiry and application core concepts • Enhancements to the learning plan of an instructional material to ensure students become proficient on the targeted core concepts • System, inquiry, and application WASL-like scenarios as targets to develop diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment tools
Core Concepts of Physical Systems • Energy Transfers & Transformations • Forces to Explain Motion • Conservation of Matter (& Energy) • Core Concepts of Earth & Space Systems • Components & Patterns of ES • Processes & Interactions in ES • Interactions in the Solar System & Beyond • Core Concepts of Living Systems • Life Processes & the Flow of Matter & Energy • Interdependence of Life • Biological Evolution
Core Concepts • Planning & Conducting Safe Investigations • Explaining (the results of an investigation) • Evaluating Methods of Investigations • Core Concepts • Designing and Testing Solutions • Evaluating Potential Solutions • Environmental and Resource Issues
Measuring Proficiency to Improve Student Learning • Guiding Principles • Research: Scenario Design, measure Application of Concepts and Processes • Science Standards to focus Scenarios • Science GLEs as Item Learning Targets • Science Evidences of Learning as Item Specifications • Washington Science Teachers as Writers (wisdom of practice)
Science Assessment Scenario Test Map Point-balanced in Physical, Earth/Space, & Living Systems 1 Investigating a Physical System 2 Investigating an Earth/Space System 3 Investigating a Living System 4 Designing a Solution 5 Analyzing a System 6 Analyzing a System Also, there is a Pilot Scenario with 5 items toward the end of a session.
Apply Understanding of the Systems of Science Identify System Structure Use Science Inquiry Identify System Changes A System PCA Written with a reading level two grades below the grade being tested, items ask students to: Identify System Properties
Plan a New Investigation of the same System Explain the Properties, Structure, & Changes in the SYSTEM Apply the Results to Human Problems An Inquiry PCA Written with a reading level two grades below the grade being tested, items ask students to: Analyze a Student Investigation of a System Nature of Science
Explain the Properties, Structure, & Changes in the SYSTEM Describe the Phases of a New Design Process Describe use of Inquiry in Science An Application PCA Written with a reading level two grades below the grade being tested, items ask students to: Analyze a Student Scientific Design Process
Today’s Science Powerful Classroom Assessments (PCAs) Problem: Released Scenarios/Items being used as models for classroom assessments instead of the WASL Specifications Solution: Show how powerful the Science WASL writing templates are at modeling the Science EALRs and helping people learn the Science GLEs • Rebuild the Released Scenarios & print like the WASL • Scenario Map & Scoring Guide with Data (yellow paper) • Ten Student Responses with Scoring Space (green paper) • Annotations for Scoring Student Responses (blue paper) Use: PCA Workshops for Teachers and some teachers adapted these workshops for their students
OSPI Science Assessment Enhancements OSPI Science Assessment produces Powerful Classroom Assessment (PCAs) for teacher workshops. PCAs are fine assessment targets from which diagnostic, formative, and summative tools can be developed. When teacher adapt PCAs for their students, student proficiency increases. Grade 5 PCAs: Scenario, Scoring Guide, 10 annotated Student Responses for each of the 3 open-ended items Better Boiling: Physical System Inquiry 2007 WASL Weather Wonders: Earth System 2007 WASL Let Us Grow: Living System 2006 WASL The Birds: Living System Application 2006 WASL Hold That Soil: Earth System Inquiry 2005 WASL Grass is Always Greener:Living System Inquiry 2004 WASL *Acid Rain: Living System Inquiry STC
OSPI Science Assessment Enhancements Grade 8 PCAs: Scenario, Scoring Guide, 10 annotated Student Responses for each of the 3 open-ended items Wild About Radishes: Living System Inquiry 2007 WASL Soccer Soaker: Earth System Application 2007 WASL Respiratory System: Living System 2007 WASL What’s Your Angle: Earth System Inquiry 2006 WASL Clean Water: Physical System Application 2006 WASL School Garden: Living System Application 2005 WASL Pilot In the Doghouse: Physical System Inquiry 2005 Bubble Gum vs. Chewing Gum: Living System Inquiry 2003 *Electricity to Light: Physical System Inquiry STC/MS
OSPI Science Assessment Enhancements High School PCAs: Scenario, Scoring Guide, 10 annotated Student Responses for each of the 3 open-ended items Sliding Away: Earth System Inquiry 2007 WASL Lifting a Load: Physical System Application 2007 WASL Aquarium Systems: Living System Inquiry 2006 WASL Super Grow: Living System Inquiry 2004 WASL *Mousetrap Cars: Physical System Application NSTA Press PCA Writing Templates for each grade and type of scenario Science Instructional Material Enhancement (SIME) Scenario Writing Templates for each grade and type of scenario with a focus core concept items
100 State Science Proficiencies Crisis in Science Education For 5 yrs, 2 of 3 students did NOT understand science. What will be different in the next 5 yrs? 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 G8 2005 NAEP G4 2005 NAEP Proficient Students on the Science WASL (%) 60.0 50.0 40.0 2009 NAEP 44.4 30.0 36.4 36.3 20.0 39.4 28.2 35.8 35.7 31.8 32.2 29.0 33.0 42.9 35.2 35.7 34.9 35.0 10.0 0.0 04 07 05 06 11 12 13 09 03 04 05 03 04 05 06 07 08 07 10 06 High School Grade 10 Grade 5 Grade 8
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 24.8 36.9 29.2 5.7 2005 26.1 2.1 2004 40.9 28.6 -60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Percent of Students Who Took Test Grade 5 Student Science WASL Students at Each Performance Level (%) 2007 41.0 29.9 5.9 21.2 30,390 22,177 4,370 15,714 4.5 23.0 40.1 31.2 2006 17,260 30,097 23,391 3,360
4.8 34.2 30.9 25.6 2005 2003 4.7 26.4 32.7 31.1 -60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Percent of Students Who Took Test Grade 8 Student Science WASL Students at Each Performance Level (%) 29.4 34.7 23.7 9.4 2007 27,282 7,403 18,592 23,110 Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 29.7 33.6 25.7 2006 9.3 26,314 7,263 20,140 23,236 2004 23.6 33.8 35.2 4.2
Grade 10 Student Science WASL Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Students at Each Performance Level (%) 2007 2.4 30.5 33.5 21.3 25,192 1,836 22,927 16,017 2.4 35.9 32.5 2006 21.5 23,872 1,747 26,339 15,786 3.5 2005 37.7 17.9 31.7 2004 2.0 38.4 21.2 30.1 2003 39.0 19.3 29.2 2.6 -60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Percent of Students Who Took Test
Not any MC item • Not phy., Earth, space, or living systems items • Not content vs. process items • Short Answer Items make a Difference: Proficient students earn about 1 pt per item Basic (level 2)students earn only about ½ a pt per • 36-41%of the exam points are from SA items • Extended Response Items make a Difference: Proficient students earn about 2 pts per item Basic students earned only about 1 pt per item 16-19% of the exam points are from ER items What items make the difference between basic (level 2) and proficient (level 3)students? Analyzing Science WASL Results
What We Know About Successful Programs • Districts needs a Science Plan and Leadership for Science • Teachers must understand the core concepts and appropriate best practice • Teachers need research-based instructional materials • Instructional materials need a focus on core concepts and enhanced diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments
Enhancing Instruction to Improve Student Learning • Focus on the Science EALRs: Systems, Inquiry, and Application • Evaluate Student Understanding - Describe energy transfers - Write a conclusion to an investigation - Plan for an investigation- Design a solution to a human problem • Use Supported, Enhanced Instructional Materials
Legislative Update Federal NCLB: Science to become part of AYP State Laws & Actions 1. HB 1128(appropriations bill) a. 2, 3, 5 additional PD days for science assessment literacy & to implement new standards (talk to your district leadership) b. Quadruple LASER funding www.wastatelaser.org c. ESD science specialist 2008-09
Legislative Update 2. HB 1906: Strengthen Math & Science Standards a. State Board of Education (SBE) to recommend revision to science standards via Science Advisory Panel (consultant via RFP) 6/08 www.sbe.wa.gov b. OSPI to revise science standards by 12/08 (consultant via RFP) c. OSPI to recommend 3 science instructional materials by 6/09 (consultant via RFP) d. 25 secondary science coaches 2008-09 (OSPI to accept district proposals)
Legislative Update 2. HB 1906: Strengthen Math & Science Standards (continued) e. Science proficiency for graduation in 2013 (this year’s 7th graders) f. Study End-of-Course tests for science and math (Governor request through OSPI via consultant from RFP, on-going) 3. OSPI new Assessment Contract Spring 2008 a. Same science WASL b. Many new enhancements & alternatives including end-of-course tests (if funded)
Crisis in Science Education2007 Grade 10 Student Performance Level 1: Below Basic Level 2: Basic Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Advanced 30.5% 22,927 students 21.3% 16,017 students 2.4% 1,836 students 33.5% 25,192 students Percent of Students Who Took Test 400 Scale Score 34 of 62 pts 55% 375 Scale Score 25 of 62 pts 40% 458 Scale Score 51 of 62 pts 83% • Data Notes from OSPI Website, School Report Card, WASL, Scale, 10th • This data is for the 10th graders who took, or should have taken, the High School Science WASL (75,162 students), not the 9th, 11th, or 12th graders who took the test. • Included in the Level 1 calculations are 9,092 students (12.1%) who received no score: unexcused absence/refusal 3,708 students (4.9%), other (no booklet, CSRS but no booklet, incomplete, invalidated, and out of grade level) 5,386 students (7.2%) • 10th graders not included in this data include - WAAS portfolio: 633 students, Excused Absence: 5,011 students, Exempt: 1,884 students • Excluding ‘no score’ students, 41.1% of the 10th graders met standard
Crisis in Science Education2007 Grade 10 Student Performance Level 1: Below Basic Level 2: Basic Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Advanced 30.5% 22,927 students 21.3% 16,017 students 2.4% 1,836 students 33.5% 25,192 students Percent of Students Who Took Test 400 Scale Score 34 of 62 pts 55% 375 Scale Score 25 of 62 pts 40% 458 Scale Score 51 of 62 pts 83% • The Good News • There were only 9 score points in Level 2 (Basic) this year. • There is no difference in performance between Basic and Proficient students on MC questions, on Physical vs. Earth vs. Living system items, or on content vs. process items. • Basic students earn an average of ½ a point on 2-pt items, whereas, Proficient student earn an average of 1 point. (11 2-pt items, 22 pts) • Basic students earn an average of 1 point on 4-pt items, whereas, Proficient student earn an average of 2 points. (3 4-pt items, 12 pts)
Crisis in Science Education Target for the 2011 HS Science WASL
Crisis in Science Education2007 Grade 8 Student Performance Level 1: Below Basic Level 2: Basic Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Advanced 23.7% 18,592 students 9.4% 7,403 students 34.7% 27,282 students 29.4% 23,110 students Percent of Students Who Took Test 375 Scale Score 23 of 62 pts 37% 432 Scale Score 47 of 62 pts 76% 400 Scale Score 34 of 62 pts 55% • The Good News • There were only 13 score points in Level 2 (Basic) this year. • There is no difference in performance between Basic and Proficient students on MC questions, on Physical vs. Earth vs. Living system items, or on content vs. process items. • Basic students earn an average of ½ a point on 2-pt items, whereas, Proficient student earn an average of 1 point. (11 2-pt items, 22 pts) • Basic students earn an average of 1 point on 4-pt items, whereas, Proficient student earn an average of 2 points. (3 4-pt items, 12 pts)
Crisis in Science Education2007 Grade 5 Student Performance Level 2: Basic Level 1: Below Basic Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Advanced 5.9% 4,370 students 41.0% 30,390 students 21.2% 15,714 students Percent of Students Who Took Test 29.9% 22,177 students 375 Scale Score 18 of 49 pts 37% 400 Scale Score 30 of 49 pts 61% 427 Scale Score 41 of 49 pts 84% • The Good News • There were only 16 score points in Level 2 (Basic) this year. • There is no difference in performance between Basic and Proficient students on MC questions, on Physical vs. Earth vs. Living system items, or on content vs. process items. • Basic students earn an average of ½ a point on 2-pt items, whereas, Proficient student earn an average of 1 point. (10 2-pt items) • Basic students earn an average of 1 point on 4-pt items, whereas, Proficient student earn an average of 2 points. (2 4-pt items)
What We Know About Successful Programs • Districts needs a Science Plan and Leadership for Science • Teachers must understand the core concepts and appropriate best practice • Teachers need research-based instructional materials with PD • Instructional materials need a focus on core concepts and enhanced diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments
OSPI Science Assessment Enhancements OSPI Science Assessment produces Powerful Classroom Assessment (PCAs) for teacher workshops. PCAs are fine assessment targets from which diagnostic, formative, and summative tools can be developed. When teacher adapt PCAs for their students, student proficiency increases. Grade 5 PCAs: Scenario, Scoring Guide, 10 annotated Student Responses for each of the 3 open-ended items Better Boiling: Physical System Inquiry 2007 WASL Weather Wonders: Earth System 2007 WASL Let Us Grow: Living System 2006 WASL The Birds: Living System Application 2006 WASL Hold That Soil: Earth System Inquiry 2005 WASL Grass is Always Greener:Living System Inquiry 2004 WASL *Acid Rain: Living System Inquiry STC
OSPI Science Assessment Enhancements Grade 8 PCAs: Scenario, Scoring Guide, 10 annotated Student Responses for each of the 3 open-ended items Wild About Radishes: Living System Inquiry 2007 WASL Soccer Soaker: Earth System Application 2007 WASL Respiratory System: Living System 2007 WASL What’s Your Angle: Earth System Inquiry 2006 WASL Clean Water: Physical System Application 2006 WASL School Garden: Living System Application 2005 WASL Pilot In the Doghouse: Physical System Inquiry 2005 Bubble Gum vs. Chewing Gum: Living System Inquiry 2003 *Electricity to Light: Physical System Inquiry STC/MS
OSPI Science Assessment Enhancements High School PCAs: Scenario, Scoring Guide, 10 annotated Student Responses for each of the 3 open-ended items Sliding Away: Earth System Inquiry 2007 WASL Lifting a Load: Physical System Application 2007 WASL Aquarium Systems: Living System Inquiry 2006 WASL Super Grow: Living System Inquiry 2004 WASL *Mousetrap Cars: Physical System Application NSTA Press PCA Writing Templates for each grade and type of scenario Science Instructional Material Enhancement (SIME) Scenario Writing Templates for each grade and type of scenario with a focus core concept items