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A Primal-Dual Approach for Online Problems

A Primal-Dual Approach for Online Problems. Nikhil Bansal. Online Algorithms. Input revealed in parts. Algorithm has no knowledge of future. Scheduling, Load Balancing, Routing, Caching, Finance, Machine Learning … Competitive ratio = Expected Competitive ratio =.

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A Primal-Dual Approach for Online Problems

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  1. A Primal-Dual Approach for Online Problems Nikhil Bansal

  2. Online Algorithms Input revealed in parts. Algorithm has no knowledge of future. Scheduling, Load Balancing, Routing, Caching, Finance, Machine Learning … Competitive ratio = Expected Competitive ratio = Alternate view: game between algorithm and adversary

  3. Some classic problems

  4. The Ski Rental Problem • Buying costs $B. • Renting costs $1 per day. Problem: • Number of ski days is not known in advance. Goal: Minimize the total cost. Deterministic: 2 Randomized: e/(e-1) ¼ 1.58

  5. Online Virtual Circuit Routing Network graph G=(V, E) capacity function u: E Z+ Requests: ri = (si, ti) • Problem: Connect si to ti by a path, or reject the request. • Reserve one unit of bandwidth along the path. • No re-routing is allowed. • Load: ratio between reserved edge bandwidth and edge capacity. • Goal: Maximize the total throughput.

  6. s3 t2 s1 t1 t3 s2 1/5 2/5 3/5 Virtual Circuit Routing - Example Edge capacities: 5 Maximum Load: 0

  7. Virtual Circuit Routing Key decision: • Whether to choose request or not? • How to route request? O(log n)-congestion, O(1)-throughput [Awerbuch Azar Plotkin 90’s] Various other versions and tradeoffs. Main idea:Exponential penalty approach length (edge) = exp (congestion) Decisions based on length of shortest (si,ti) path Clever potential function analysis

  8. The Paging/Caching Problem Set of pages {1,2,…,n} , cache of size k<n. Request sequence of pages1, 6, 4, 1, 4, 7, 6, 1, 3, … a) If requested page already in cache, no penalty. b) Else, cache miss. Need to fetch page in cache (possibly) evicting some other page. Goal: Minimize the number of cache misses. Key Decision: Upon a request, which page to evacuate?

  9. Previous Results: Paging Paging (Deterministic) [Sleator Tarjan 85]: • Any det. algorithm ¸k-competitive. • LRU is k-competitive (also other algorithms) Paging (Randomized): • Rand. Marking O(log k)[Fiat, Karp, Luby, McGeoch, Sleator, Young 91]. • Lower bound Hk[Fiat et al. 91], tight results known.

  10. Do these problems have anything in common?

  11. An Abstract Online Problem min 3 x1 + 5 x2 + x3 + 4 x4 + … 2 x1 + x3 + x6 + … ¸ 3 x3 + x14 + x19 + … ¸ 8 x2 + 7 x4 + x12 + … ¸ 2 Goal: Find feasible solution x* with min cost. Requirements: 1) Upon arrival constraint must be satisfied 2) Cannot decrease a variable. Covering LP (non-negative entries)

  12. Example min x1 + x2 + … + xn x1 + x2 + x3 + … + xn¸ 1 x2 + x3 + … + xn¸ 1 x3 + … + xn¸ 1 … xn¸ 1 Online ¸ln n(1+1/2+ 1/3+ … + 1/n) Opt = 1( xn=1 suffices) Set all xi to 1/n Increase x2 ,x3,…,xn to 1/n-1 … Increase xn to 1

  13. The Dual Problem max 3 y1 + 5 y2 + y3 + 4 y4 + … 2 y1+ y2 + y3 + … · 3 y1 + y2 + 2 y3 + … · 8 y1 +7 y2 + y3 + … · 2 Goal: Find y* with max cost. Requirements: 1) Variables arrive sequentially 2) At step t, can only modify y(t) Packing LP (non-negative entries) All previous problems can be expressed as Covering/Packing LP

  14. Ski Rental – Integer Program Subject to: For each day i: (either buy or rent)

  15. Routing – Linear Program = Amount of bandwidth allocated for ri on path p s.t: For each ri: For each edge e: - Available paths to serve request ri

  16. Paging – Linear Program (i,2) (i,1) Time line Pg i’ Pg i Pg i Pg i’ Pg i’ Pg i t If interval not present, then cache miss. At any time t, can have at mostk such intervals.  at leastn-k intervals must be absent n: number of distinct pages x(i,j): How much interval (i,j) evacuated thus far Cost =ij x(i,j) i: i  pt x(i,r(i,t)) ¸ n-k 8 t 0 · x(i,j) · 1

  17. What can we say about the abstract problem ?

  18. General Covering/Packing Results For a {0,1} covering/packing matrix: [Buchbinder Naor 05] • Competitive ratio O(log D) • Can get e/e-1 for ski rental and other problems. (D – max number of non-zero entries in a constraint). Remarks: • Fractional solutions • Number of constraints/variables can be exponential. • There can be a tradeoff between the competitive ratio and the factor by which constraints are violated. Fractional solution ! randomized algorithm (online rounding)

  19. General Covering/Packing Results For a general covering/packing matrix [BN05] : Covering: • Competitive ratio O(log n) (n – number of variables). Packing: • Competitive ratio O(log n + log [a(max)/a(min)]) a(max), a(min) – max/min non-zero entry Remarks: • Results are tight. • Can add “box” constraints to covering LP (e.g. x · 1)

  20. Consequences The online covering LP problem (and its dual packing counterpart) is a powerful framework Ski-Rental, Adword auctions, Dynamic TCP acknowledgement, Online Routing, Load Balancing, Congestion Minimization, Caching, Online Matching, Online Graph Covering, Parking Permit Problem, … Routing: O( log n) congestion, 1 competitive on throughput Can incorporate fairness Awerbuch, Azar, Plotkin result obtained by derandomizing the scheme online by applying pessimistic estimators.

  21. web Consequences (Weighted Paging) • Each page i has a different fetching cost w(i). Main memory, disk, internet … Goal: Minimize the total cost of cache misses. O(log k) competitive algorithm [B., Buchbinder, Naor 07] Previously, o(k) known only for the case of 2 weights [Irani 02] O(log2 k) for Generalized Paging (arbitrary weights and sizes) [B., Buchbinder, Naor 08] Previously, o(k) known only for special cases. [Irani 97]

  22. Rest of the Talk • Overview of LP Duality, offline P-D technique • Derive Online Primal Dual (very natural) • Further Extensions

  23. Duality Min 3 x1 + 4 x2 x1 + x2 >= 3 x1 + 2 x2 >= 5 Want to convince someone that there is a solution of value 12. Easy, just demonstrate a solution, x2 = 3

  24. Duality Min 3 x1 + 4 x2 x1 + x2 >= 3 x1 + 2 x2 >= 5 Want to convince someone that there is no solution of value 10. How? 2 * first eqn + second eqn 3 x1 + 4 x2 >= 11 LP Duality Theorem: This seemingly ad hoc trick always works!

  25. LP Duality Min cj xj j aij xj¸ bi So, for any y ¸ 0 satisfying i aij yi· cj for all i j xj cj¸i yi bi Equality when Complementary Slackness i.e. yi > 0 (only if corresponding primal constraint is tight) xi > 0 (only if corresponding dual constraint is tight) Linear combination i yij aij xj¸i yi bi j xj ( i aij yi ) ¸i yi bi (y ¸ 0) Dual LP Dual cost

  26. Offline Primal-Dual Approach min cx max b y Ax ¸ b At y · c x ¸ 0 y ¸ 0 Generic Primal Dual Algorithm: 0) Start with x=0, y=0 (primal infeasible, dual feasible) 1) Increase dual and primal together, s.t. if dual cost increases by 1, primal increases by · c 2) If both dual and primal feasible ) c approximate solution

  27. Key Idea for Online Primal Dual Primal: Min i ci xi Dual Step t, newconstraint:New variable yt a1x1 + a2x2 + … + ajxj¸ bt + bt yt in dual objective How much:  xi ? yt! yt + 1 (additive update) primal cost = = Dual Cost dx/dy proportional to x so, x varies as exp(y)

  28. How to initialize A problem: dx/dy is proportional to x, but x=0 initially. So, x will remain equal to 0 ? Answer: Initialize to 1/n. When: Complementary slackness tells us that x > 0 only if dual constraint corresponding to x is tight. Set x=1/n when its dual constraint becomes tight.

  29. The Algorithm Min j cj xj j aij xj¸ bi On arrival of i-th constraint, Initializeyi=0 (dual var. for constraint) If current constraint unsatisfied, gradually increase yi If xj =0, set xj = 1/n when i aij yi = cj else update xj as 1/n ¢ exp( (i aij yi / cj) - 1 ) Max i bi yi i aij yi· cj 1) Primal Cost · Dual Cost 2) Dual solution violated by at most O(log n) factor.

  30. Example: Caching xp: fraction of p missing from cache 1 1/k 0 Corresponding Dual constraint Dual violated by O(log k) Dual is tight Page fully in cache (“marked”) Page fully evacuated Page is “unmarked”

  31. Part 2: Rounding Primal dual technique gives fractional solution. Problem specific rounding/interpretation: 1) Easy for ski rental (value of x, is prob. of buying by then) 2) Routing: Can derandomize online using pessimistic estimator or other techniques 3) Caching (tricky): Gives probability distribution on pages, Actually want probability distribution on cache states.

  32. Beyond Packing/Covering LPs

  33. Extended Framework Limitations of current framework 1. Only covering or packing LP 2. Variables can only increase. Cannot impose: a ¸ b or a ¸ b1 – b2 Problem with monotonicity: Predicting with Experts: Do as well as best expert in hindsight n experts: Each day, predict rain or shine. Online · Best expert (1+ ) + O(log n)/ (low regret) In any LP, xi,t = Prob. of expert i at time t.

  34. New LP for weighted paging Variable yp,t: How much page p missing from cache at time t. pt = page requested at time t. Min p,t wp zp,t + t1¢ ypt,t p 2 S yp,t¸ |S|-k 8 S,t zp,t¸ yp,t – yp,t-18 p,t yp,t¸ 0 8 p,t The insights from previous approach can be used. Notably, multiplicative updates Solve finely competitive paging. [B., Buchbinder, Naor 10]

  35. K-Server Problem

  36. 3 1 2 Move Nearest Algorithm The k-server Problem • k servers lie in an n-point metric space. • Requests arrive at metric points. • To serve request: Need to move some server there. Goal: Minimize total distance traveled. Objective:Competitive ratio.

  37. . . . n 1 The Paging/Caching Problem K-server on the uniform metric. Server on location p = page p in cache

  38. Previous Results: Paging Paging (Deterministic) [Sleator Tarjan 85]: • Any deterministic algorithm >= k-competitive. • LRU is k-competitive (also other algorithms) Paging (Randomized): • Rand. Marking O(log k)[Fiat, Karp, Luby, McGeoch, Sleator, Young 91]. • Lower bound Hk[Fiat et al. 91], tight results known.

  39. K-server conjecture [Manasse-McGeoch-Sleator ’88]: There exists k competitive algorithm on any metric space. Initially no f(k) guarantee. Fiat-Rababi-Ravid’90: exp(k log k) … Koutsoupias-Papadimitriou’95:2k-1 Chrobak-Larmore’91: k for trees.

  40. Randomized k-server Conjecture There is an O(log k) competitive algorithm for any metric. Uniform Metric: log k Polylog for very special cases (uniform-like) Line: n2/3[Csaba-Lodha’06] exp(O(log n)1/2) [Bansal-Buchbinder-Naor’10] Depth 2-tree: No o(k) guarantee

  41. Result Thm [B.,Buchbinder,Madry,Naor 11]: There is an O(log2 k log3 n) competitive* algorithm for k-server on any metric with n points. Key Idea: Multiplicative Updates * Hiding some log log n terms

  42. Our Approach Hierarchically Separated Trees (HSTs)[Bartal 96]. Any Metric Allocation Problem (uniform metrics): [Cote-Meyerson-Poplawski’08] (decides how to distribute servers among children) O(log n) Allocation instances K-server on HST

  43. Outline • Introduction • Allocation Problem • Fractional Caching Algorithm • The final solution

  44. Allocation Problem Uniform Metric At each time t, request arrives at some location i Request = (ht(0),…,ht(k)) [monotone: h(0) ¸ h(1) … ¸ h(k)] Upon seeing request, can reallocate servers Hit cost = ht(ki) [ki : number of servers at i] Total cost = Hit cost + Move cost Eg: Paging = cost vectors (1,0,0,…,0) *Total servers k(t) can also change (let’s ignore this)

  45. Allocation to k-server Thm [Cote-Poplawski-Meyerson]: An online algorithm for allocation s.t. for any  > 0, i) Hit Cost (Alg) ·(1+) OPT ii) Move Cost (Alg) ·(e) OPT gives ¼O(d (1/d)) competitive k-server alg. on depth d HSTs d = log (aspect ratio) So,  = poly(1/) polylog(k,n) suffices *HSTs need some well-separatedness *Later, we do tricks to remove dependence on aspect ratio We do not know how to obtain such an algorithm.

  46. Fractional Allocation Problem xi,j: prob. of having j servers at location i (at time t) j xi,j = 1 (prob. distribution) ij j xi,j· k (global server bound) Cost: Hit cost with h(0),…,h(k) = j xi,j h(j) Moving  mass from (i,j) to (i,j’) costs  |j’-j| Surprisingly, fractional allocation does not give good randomized alg. for allocation problem.

  47. A gap example Allocation Problem on 2 points Left Right Requests alternate on locations. Left: (1,1,…,1,0) Right: (1,0,…,0,0) Any integral solution must pay (T) in T steps. Claim: Fractional Algorithm pays only T/(2k) . XL,0 = 1/k xL,k = 1-1/k XR,1 = 1 No move cost. Hit cost of 1/k on left requests.

  48. Fractional Algorithm Suffices Thm (Analog of Cote et al): Suffices to have fractional allocation algorithm with (1+,()) guarantee. Gives a fractional k-server algorithm on HST Thm (Rounding): Fractional k-server alg. on HSTs -> Randomized Alg. with O(1) loss. Thm (Frac. Allocation): Design a fractional allocation algorithm with (e) = O(log (k/)).

  49. Outline • Introduction • Allocation Problem • Fractional Caching Algorithm • The final Solution

  50. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 P1,0 P1,1 Pn,0 Pn,1 p2,0 P2,1 … Pg n Pg 1 Pg 2 Fractional Paging Algorithm State: For each location i, we have pi,0 + pi,1=1 and i pi,1 =k. Say request at 1 arrives. Algorithm: Need to bring p1,0=1-p1,1 mass into p1,1. Rule: For each page i decrease pi,1/pi,0 +  ( = 1/k) Intuition: If pi,1 close to 1, be more conservative in evicting. Multiplicative Update: d(p) / (p)

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