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A Report of the 2012 General Assembly Session. Mr. Mark Rubin, JD Executive Director Office of Government Relations for VCU and VCUHS. 2012 Legislative Session. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Session Overview Budget Implications Important Legislation Preparing for the 2013 Legislative Session
A Report ofthe 2012 General Assembly Session Mr. Mark Rubin, JD Executive Director Office of Government Relations for VCU and VCUHS
2012 Legislative Session TABLE OF CONTENTS • Session Overview • Budget Implications • Important Legislation • Preparing for the 2013 Legislative Session • Contact Information & Ongoing Updates Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
The 2012 Session • A “Long Session” of 60 days – Biennial budget introduced by Governor McDonnell for FY 2013 and FY 2014 • Special Session was required to complete budget • Dynamics of 20/20 split in the Senate as a result of the 2011 elections • McDonnell Administration focused on efforts to promote job creation and prioritized higher education, transportation and economic development 2012 Session Statistics 1987 Bills and 889 Resolutions Introduced 855 Bills Approved & 294 Cont’d to 2013 VCU tracked 200+ Bills 6 Bills Vetoed, all sustained Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Budget Implications – VCU • $7.13 million in base operations, $2.2 million for in-state growth and transfers, $3.6 million for retention, $1.36 million for incentive, $1.36 million for incentive funding linked to specific initiatives that support the goals of the TJ 21 legislation, and $2.35 million for central accounts adjustment; • $15.0 million over the biennium for Massey Cancer Center • $2.08 million for in-state undergraduate and graduate financial aid • $500,000 for a new compounding lab at the VCU School of Pharmacy • Planning funds for the construction and renovation of VCU’s Information Commons and Libraries and VTCC on the MCV campus. The renovation of Sanger Hall, Phase II and the Raleigh Building was added to the state’s list of new projects. Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Budget Implications – VCU (cont’d) • VRS – No increase in employee contribution, but increase in employer contribution • Salaried Employee Bonus – 3.0% bonus for VCU faculty and staff paid in December 2012 (contingent on revenue requirements) • State Employee Pay Increase – 2.0% salary increase in FY 2014 for VCU faculty and staff (contingent on revenue requirements) • Employee Healthcare – No increases to deductibles or copayments, but employee premiums increase for all plans except the COVA HDHP and TRICARE voluntary supplement Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Budget Implications – VCUHS • Indigent Care (IC) Funding • Continuation of previous 3.0% reduction • Medicaid Inflation Payments • 2.6% increase in FY 13 for hospital inpatient payments • No increase in inflation for physicians • Community Safety Net: • Complete restoration of the proposed 50% cuts to non-profit community health safety net providers in FY14 • Family Practice Residencies • $4.2 million each year • Increases Medicaid payments for Primary Care to Medicare rate • Proposal to move all prisoners to Medicaid (inpatient only) effective January 1, 2014 Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Important Legislation – Higher Ed HB 195, Course Credit for Military Experience: Requires the award of academic credit for educational experience gained from military service HB 33, Public Procurement Labor Organizations: Ensures state agencies require nor prohibit contractors to enter into agreements with labor organizations HB 900, Mental Health Parental Notification: Those licensed to diagnose and treat mental disorders may determine to withhold parental notification of a student's mental health treatment if notification may result in harm to the student HB 970, Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Adds any person employed by a public or private institution of higher education other than an attorney who obtains information of abuse or neglect of a child in the course of legal representation to the list of individuals required to report abuse or neglect HB 1182,Tobacco Indemnification Community Revitalization Fund: Allows the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Fund to provide grants for scientific research performed at one of the Commonwealth's National Cancer research institutes to advance the treatment and prevention of cancers that impact tobacco-dependent communities throughout the Southside and Southwest regions of the Commonwealth Government Relations 7 V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Important Legislation – Health HB 183/SB 568, Medical Assistance for Children and Pregnant Women: Requires DMAS to provide coverage under FAMIS for otherwise eligible children and pregnant women during the first 5 years of lawful residence in the US HB 344/SB 384, Dental Faculty Licensure: Simplifies requirements for advanced dental education programs & clarifies that direct patient care can occur; clarifies that out-of-state grads can participate in hands-on CE; streamlines requirements for “license to teach”& clarifies that direct patient care can occur; extends the expiration date for restricted license for foreign appointments (12 to 24 months). Dr. David Sarrett assisted in lobbying for this legislation HB 346, Nurse Practitioners Scope of Practice: Instead of a “supervisory” relationship, nurse practitioners now practice with physicians as a “patient care team.” Within the patient care team, the physician to NP ratio is expanded from 1:4 to 1:6 SB 106, Physician Assistants – Use of Fluoroscopy & Supervision: Specifies the circumstances under which PAs may administer fluoroscopy; expands the supervisory ratio from 1:2 to 1:6 Government Relations 8 V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Other Important Legislation HB 350, Disability Benefits: Provides that disability benefits to state employees will no longer be reduced by the amount of military disability benefits received Reflects changes made in 2009 by the General Assembly that limits new employees to disability payments in an amount of 60% of their creditable compensation for the first 60 months of employment SB 498/HB 1130, VRS: Creates a hybrid retirement plan mandatory for state employees hired after 2014 Creates a new hybrid retirement program administered by the VRS with a defined contribution and a defined benefit component, effective January 1, 2014 Provisions of this bill will also apply to any employee with less than 5 years of service Current employees would be given the opportunity to make a one-time, irrevocable election to participate in the new hybrid program Government Relations 9 V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Defeated Legislative Items • HB 91, Possession Concealed handguns for Faculty: Allows full-time faculty members of public institutions of higher education who possess a valid Virginia concealed handgun permit to carry a concealed handgun on campus • HB 935,Medical College of Virginia Naming Convention: Would require VCU to include the name "MCV" in references to The Medical College of Virginia, Health Sciences Division of VCU • SB 104, Tuition Waiver for Children of Faculty: Provides a 50% tuition waiver to dependent children of full-time faculty members employed full time for seven years Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Legislation Continued to 2013 HB 191, Small business tax credit for hiring graduates of Virginia's colleges: Beginning January 1, 2012, this bill provides a tax credit of $2,500 for each new full-time job that is filled by a person holding associate's or bachelor's degree from in-state institutions of higher education HB 1207,Right of students to Assert Conscientious Objection to Degree Requirements: No public or private institution of higher learning may deny academic credit to students because of a refusal to perform coursework that violates sincerely held religious beliefs SB 496, Virginia Health Benefit Exchange: Creates a VHBE in the State Corporation Commission Facilitative model, vs. active purchaser Not required to cover state mandated benefit if not part of federally required EHB EHB benchmark = largest small group plan in VA No coverage of abortions (except life of mother; rape/incest) Government Relations 11 V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Preparing for the 2013 Session • We are here to advocate for your division • The 2013 Legislative Agenda • Agenda for the next legislative session is drafted throughout the summer • Advance concerns or issues through your respective vice president for consideration • Become involved in the legislative process Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m
Updates &Contact Information • Subscribe to the Office’s weekly highlights of federal, state legislative and political news • State and federal legislation monitored by staff is listed on the Office’s website at www.govrel.vcu.edu • Contact Us: via phone (804) 828-1235 or via email govrel@vcu.edu Government Relations V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n iv e r s i t y a n d V C U H e a l t h S y s t e m