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CUIN 6371 Models of Teaching. Fall, 2003 Howard L. Jones Session 3 Group Investigation Cooperative Learning. Social Interaction. Teaching About Society Jurisprudential Oliver and Shaver Role Playing/Simulations Teaching Social Skills National Training Laboratory
CUIN 6371Models of Teaching Fall, 2003 Howard L. Jones Session 3 Group Investigation Cooperative Learning
Social Interaction • Teaching About Society • Jurisprudential Oliver and Shaver • Role Playing/Simulations • Teaching Social Skills • National Training Laboratory • Teaching Academic Content & Social Skills • Various Forms of Cooperative Learning • Including Group Investigation
Where Did They Come From? Original Theory/Philosophy Application of Original Theory Model of Teaching
“…if anything is genetically-driven, it’s a social instinct. If it weren’t for each other, we wouldn’t know who we are.” Herbert Thelen to Bruce Joyce
Synergy To work together
Assumptions Behind Group Strategies • Synergy in cooperative settings produces positive energy – “positive interdependence” • Group members learn from each other • Greater intellectual activity is a result • Positive views of other people emerge; alienation is reduced • Self-esteem increases • General social skills emerge
Life in the classroom is a series of “inquiries” Herbert Thelen
The National Geographic Society Presents….
…students can become quite expert at analyzing group dynamics and learning to create group climates that foster mutuality and collective responsibility. Models of Teaching, pp. 37-38
Johari Window Known to Unknown to Self Self Arena Blindspot Blindspot Known to Others Unknown to Others Unknown Private
Syntax of NTL Model Dilemma Invention Feedback Generalization
Syntax of NTL Model An Inquiry Invention Feedback Generalization
…cooperative learning increases learning partly because it causes motivational orientation to move from the external to the internal. When students cooperate over learning tasks, they become more interested in learning for its own sake rather than for external rewards. Shlomo Sharon
Remember…focus on the function of the the entire room, not just the individual artifacts!
One should not attempt to teach knowledge from any academic area without teaching the social process by which it was negotiated. Herbert Thelen
Instructional Effective group process and governance Discipline of collaborative inquiry Constructivist view of knowledge Nurturant Independence as learners Respect for dignity of all Social inquiry as a way of life Interpersonal warmth and affiliation Group Investigation Outcomes
Syntax of Group Investigation Model An Inquiry Construction Feedback Generalization
Traditional Classrooms Curriculum is presented part to whole; emphasis on basic skills Strict adherence to fixed curriculum Activities rely heavily on text and workbook Students viewed as “blank slates” Teachers generally behave in didactic manner, disseminating information to learners Constructivist Classrooms Curriculum is presented whole to part with emphasis on big concepts Pursuit of student questions is highly valued Activities rely heavily on primary sources of data and manipulative materials Students are viewed as thinkers with emerging theories about the world Teachers generally behave in an interactive manner, mediating the environment for students School Environments
Key Questions What Would School Be Like If What’s-His-Name Ran The World ... 1. What is the purpose of schooling? 2. What is the role of the teacher? What skills would be most of value to the teacher in his/her efforts? 3. What is the nature of the curriculum? What subjects are valued? Not valued? 4. How are schools related to society? 5. What is “truth” for X? How would he suggest that we, as educators, assist our students in finding truth?
Dewey Enlarge child’s experience Educate the individual through social Promote socialization Community aspect of education Continuity with past/present Learn instinctively through social interaction Vygotsky Challenge students to integrate new concepts with old through cultural and social experiences Provide a scaffold or support system through which children can develop both personal and social skills Combination of affective and intellectual skills Zone of Proximal Development - 1. What is the purpose of schooling?
Transmit knowledge to next generation – as a facilitator, moderator; guide by the side Jiffy lube Three step deal; Adult or peer with greater knowledge as leader; teacher provides opportunities for learning in social interaction Child/Adult cooperation Child independently Teacher challenges the student with work that fits into ZPD 2. What is the role of the teacher? What skills would be most of value to the teacher in his/her efforts?
Any subject as long as the student valued it and is relate to the real world Those that are not related to the real world - abstract Social interaction building on concepts in curriculum – “build upon” Play is important One subject not valued over another Curriculum will change according to the developmental level of the student Program of inquiry 3. What is the nature of the curriculum? What subjects are valued? Not valued?
Place for social interaction to happen Schools represent the larger society “School is not preparation for life; school IS life.” Social aspects – interaction; intersubjectivity Social development and thinking ability are related Medium through which students can advance their social skills + Training ground for society and a mini-society 4. How are schools related to society?
Real life experiences Problem “It works!” Truth is a process Truth? How get there?
Models that emphasize democratic process assume that the outcome of any educational experiences is not completely predictable.
Teacher’s role…. Counselor, consultant, and friendly critic…teacher must “read” the students’ social and academic behavior and provide assistance that keeps the inquiry moving without squelching it
The Constructivist Teacher(Brooks & Brooks, 1993, 1997) • Encourage/accept student autonomy and initiative • Use primary sources, manipulative, interactive materials • Focus on “classify,” “analyze,” “predict,” “create” • Allow student responses to drive lessons (teachable moment) • Determine students’ understandings before sharing own • Encourage student dialogue, inquiry, and elaboration • Engage students in contradictory ideas • Allow wait time • Provide time for students to construct relationships and metaphors
The Democratic Classroom National Training Laboratory Group Investigation Herbert Thelen Cooperative Learning Kagan, Johnson, Slavin, Sharan
Cooperative Learning Spencer David & Roger Robert Shlomo Kagan Johnson Slavin Sharan Individual Accountability and Group Rewards
“Constructivist”Models Group Investigation “Mastery” Models Student-Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD) Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) Cooperative Learning Types
Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) • Teach • Team Study • Testing • Team Recognition
Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) • Teach • Team Study • Tournament • Team Recognition
Prime Time Prime Time
“Constructivist”Models Group Investigation Jigsaw II “Mastery” Models Student-Teams-Achievement-Divisions (STAD) Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) Cooperative Learning Types
Jigsaw II • Multifaceted Topic • Expert Teams Meet and Study • Experts teach Home Teams • Testing • Team Recognition
The role of education…improving the capacity of individuals to reflect on the ways they handle information..on their concepts, their beliefs, their values…A society of reflective thinkers would be capable of improving itself and preserving the uniqueness of individuals. Intellectual development and skill in social process are inextricably related. Hullfish & Smith, 1961
Reasons for Using Cooperative Learning • Subject matter knowledge is increased • Students value shared academic work • Students can regulate their own resources • An individual’s work pace can be more flexible • Students learn to manage others’ resources and coordinate work with others • Challenging tasks are more approachable or do-able because of shared expertise …
Reasons for Using Cooperative Learning • School tasks are similar to those outside of school • Group members serve as models for one another • Students develop an expanded understanding of self and others • The awareness of variability in aptitude may allow students to be more creative, to view errors as acceptable, and to learn from failure.
Reasons for NOT Using Cooperative Learning • Students’ misconceptions are reinforced • Students simply shift dependency from teacher to peers • Students often value products more than process; speed often takes precedence over problem solving • Some group situations present little more than an opportunity for high-achieving students to perform for other students • In some situations high-achieving students may feel excessive pressure to do all of the work • Some students learn that they need not contribute and may consistently receive feedback suggesting that their input is not valued
Next time… • Inductive/Deductive …and • Concept Attainment