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John Milton and Paradise Lost

John Milton and Paradise Lost. John Milton. One of the greatest poets of the English language Wrote political pamphlets and other prose, but little poetry

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John Milton and Paradise Lost

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  1. John Milton and Paradise Lost

  2. John Milton • One of the greatest poets of the English language • Wrote political pamphlets and other prose, but little poetry • Paradise Lost is the epic poem that catapulted Milton to fame and his position as a great English poet although he did not write much poetry • In college, Milton was on a mission to become a great poet (he even described himself as “God’s poet” • Milton came from a Protestant family

  3. Milton’s Political Ambitions • Milton came from a deeply religious family and his father was devoted to the Protestant cause • What was happening at the beginning of the Enlightenment with the different religious factions? What was Charles I role in this? • Connection to Oliver Cromwell: • Parliament rebels against Charles I and replaces the monarchy with Cromwell • Milton began writing pamphlets for the Puritan cause • Criticized control of the bishops over the English church • Defended beheading of Charles I • Cromwell names Milton Secretary of State of Foreign Tongues • Translates official documents into Latin • Write pamphlets in defense of the new government against Royalist attacks

  4. Milton and The Restoration • While working for Cromwell, Milton loses his eyesight-a period of disillusionment and trouble begins • Both Milton’s first and second wife die, as well as a daughter by his 2nd wife • 1660: The monarchy is restored and Milton is imprisoned • These events prompted Milton’s writing of Paradise Lost • Died in 1674: Urban legend-Grave was desecrated when the church he was buried in was remodeled; all the teeth and a large quantity of hair was taken as a souvenir Milton and Paradise Lost

  5. Paradise Lost as an Epic Poem • Recall-Characteristics of an epic: long narrative poem about a hero • in media res: begins in the middle of the action • Invocation of the muse • Use of extended similes • Supernatural elements • Milton alludes to not only Christian tradition and elements, but also to elements of Greek tradition • Which writer do you think Milton admired/was influenced by?

  6. Paradise Lost • Separated into 12 books dealing with the fall of Adam and Eve • At the beginning, Milton details a war between Satan and God: Satan has done the unthinkable and rebelled against God • Remember, there is a lot of upheaval in England at this time and Milton is looking for a way to explain why bad things happen in the world and why men behave in a certain fashion (i.e. why do men suffer and die?) • Connection to religion of the time: The Puritans wanted to bring back the original principles of the Christian religion and this was Milton’s contribution

  7. Questions to Consider • Are all people completely bad or completely good? • Does one person’s actions/decisions affect just himself/herself? • Does free will exist or are our lives predestined? • Is it easy to see evil or can it be easily disguised? • Are some people born bad while others are born good? • How is the political environment of England during this time period reflected in the epic?

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