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Technology Education Proposed Standard Course of Study. Presented by Brian Moye. Technology Education Mission.
Technology EducationProposed Standard Course of Study Presented by Brian Moye
Technology Education Mission Technology Education helps students develop an appreciation and fundamental understanding of technology through the study and application of materials, tools, processes, inventions, structures and artifacts of the past and present. This series of courses allows students to apply knowledge, tools, skills, and insights to the solving of problems.
Technology Student Association • The Technology Student Association is a non-profit national student organization devoted to teaching technology education to young people. TSA's mission is to inspire its student members to prepare for careers in a technology-driven economy and culture. The demand for technological expertise is escalating in American industry. Therefore, TSA's teachers strive to promote technological literacy, leadership, and problem solving to their student membership.
Technology Education SCOS • New Scope and Sequence • Rational for Change
Technology Engineering and Design Education SCOS NOTE: - Internships and Cooperative Education become XXXX WBL Official Course Name. (WBL=Work-Based Learning) (XXXX is the course number of the course in which student is enrolled during the same academic year.) - Color Code: Black = No Change, Green = New Course/Number, Blue Italics = Name/Number Change
Technology Engineering and Design Education SCOS NOTE: - Internships and Cooperative Education become XXXX WBL Official Course Name. (WBL=Work-Based Learning) (XXXX is the course number of the course in which student is enrolled during the same academic year.) - Color Code: Black = No Change, Green = New Course/Number, Blue Italics = Name/Number Change
Technology Engineering and Design Education SCOS NOTE: - Internships and Cooperative Education become XXXX WBL Official Course Name. (WBL=Work-Based Learning) (XXXX is the course number of the course in which student is enrolled during the same academic year.) - Color Code: Black = No Change, Green = New Course/Number, Blue Italics = Name/Number Change
Proposal Technology Engineering & Design Education SCOS NOTE: - Internships and Cooperative Education become XXXX WBL Official Course Name. (WBL=Work-Based Learning) (XXXX is the course number of the course in which student is enrolled during the same academic year.) - Color Code: Black = No Change, Green = New Course/Number, Blue Italics = Name/Number Change
Proposal Technology Engineering & Design Education SCOS NOTE: - Internships and Cooperative Education become XXXX WBL Official Course Name. (WBL=Work-Based Learning) (XXXX is the course number of the course in which student is enrolled during the same academic year.) - Color Code: Black = No Change, Green = New Course/Number, Blue Italics = Name/Number Change
Exploring Technology / Technology Design and Innovation Course Focus A Standards-Based Middle School Course Guide • Provides students with opportunities to apply the design process in the invention or innovation of a new product, process, or system. Students participate in activities to understand how criteria, constraints, and processes affect designs. • Students learn about brainstorming, visualizing, modeling, constructing, testing, experimenting, and refining designs. • Students develop skills in researching information, communicating design information, and reporting results.
Invention and Innovation Course Focus A Standards-Based Middle School Course Guide • Provides students with opportunities to explore invention and innovation, and the core concepts of technology, problem solving, design, troubleshooting, research and development, and experimentation.
Technological Systems Course Focus A Standards-Based Middle School Course Guide • Students will learn how technological systems work together to solve problems and capture opportunities. As technology becomes more integrated and systems become more and more dependent upon each other than ever before, this course gives students a general background on the different types of systems, with particular concentration on the connections between these systems.
Technology Engineering and Design Course Focus A Standards-Based High School Course Guide • Core concepts of technology • Elements and principles of design • Basic engineering concepts • Physical and virtual modeling concepts • Research and development • Technical presentation
Technology and Design Course Focus A Standards-Based High School Course Guide • Core concepts of technology • Graphic design • Industrial design • Architectural design • Physical and virtual modeling • Technical presentation
Technology and EngineeringCourse FocusA Standards-Based High School Course Guide • Design optimization • Problem solving • Material testing and data collection • Physical and virtual modeling • Research and development • Technical presentation
Game Art and Design I Course Focus • Art concepts • Electronic gaming industry • Mathematic modeling • Pilot development • Storyboarding • Virtual modeling • 2D visual theory
Game Art and Design II Course Focus • Audio and visual effects • Automation techniques • Network protocol • Scripting • Visual design • 3D visual theory
Technology Engineering and Design Education • Rational for Change
Technology Engineering and Design Education • The current TE high school core courses are structured around an old paradigm of systems courses and do NOT reflect new national science and technology standards well.
Technology Engineering and Design Education 1 - The current TE high school core courses lack depth, focus, and rigor. 2 – Several of the current systems courses have low enrollment.
Technology Engineering and Design Education 1. Most high skill occupations require a high degree of general and technical literacy. • There is a strong demand for engineers and engineering technicians. 3. There is a strong demand for designers. 4. Game designer is a high growth industry in NC. 5. Generally, high skill occupations pay high wages.
Technology Engineering and Design Education Primary Goals • Provide 21st Century literacy skills and understandings. • Provide focused and accelerated pre-engineering skills and understandings. • Prepare students for high skill, high wage and high demand industries. • Provide a state-of-the-art program for application in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and arts.
Strategies for Implementation Questions of Concern • Will in-service training be required for the new core courses (TED, T&D, and T&E)? 1. While in-service training is not required, it is strongly encouraged. Along with an increased focus on design and engineering, these new courses contain new content as well as new strategies for delivering the curriculum. Together, these changes argue for training both new and veteran teachers. 2. Some teachers will need training in CAD and virtual modeling tools. 3. Partnership with ITEEA will provide curriculum training for the state.
Strategies for Implementation Questions of Concern Will any of these courses require changes in equipment? • Yes – The core high school courses will require a ratio of one computer per student. 2. The visualization courses already require a 1-to-1 ratio. 3. There will be some additional equipment requirements for the course Technology and Design such as material testing equipment.
Strategies for Implementation Questions of Concern Will additional physical modeling tools be required? 1. No. Existing requirements for hand tools and table top machines will remain virtually the same.
Strategies for Implementation Questions of Concern • Will there be additional software requirements for the core courses? 1. Yes. Programs will need 3D modeling software such as AutoDesk Inventor, SolidWorks or ProDesktop AND virtual modelers such as Rhino or 3D-MAX .
Strategies for Implementation Questions of Concern • What software will the visualization courses require? 1. Virtual and Physical Modeling requirements are the same as the core courses, with minor exceptions. 2. The SciVis and the Game Art and Design sequence will require virtual modelers such as Rhino or 3D-MAX. 3. The gaming engine software is free.
Strategies for Implementation Questions of Concern • What facility changes will be necessary? 1. Facilities will need to accommodate the additional computer stations.
Strategies for Implementation Questions of Concern • How will these changes affect modular programs? 1. Programs having less than a 1- to -1 ratio of computers to students will have to purchase additional computers. 2. As with the existing curriculum, modular curriculum must reflect the state curriculum. 3. OR – LEAs may use third-party curriculum through the local course option process.
Technology Engineering and Design Education • Please complete the survey