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2013 NPSS Awards Report. Craig Woody NPSS Awards Chair AdCom Meeting March 2, 2013 Savannah, GA. 2013 Awards Committee. Craig Woody (Chair, RI) Alberto Del Guerra (NMISC) Kay Chesnut (RE) Christian Bohm (CANPS) Bob Zwaska (PAST) Gerry Cooperstein (PPST) John Sethian (FT)
2013 NPSS Awards Report Craig Woody NPSS Awards Chair AdCom Meeting March 2, 2013 Savannah, GA
2013 Awards Committee Craig Woody (Chair, RI) Alberto Del Guerra (NMISC) Kay Chesnut (RE) Christian Bohm (CANPS) Bob Zwaska (PAST) Gerry Cooperstein (PPST) John Sethian (FT) Christine Coverdale (PSAC)
2013 NPSS Award Winners Shea Award – EdlSchamiloglu For outstanding contributions to the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society through its Pulsed Power Science and Technology and Plasma Science and Applications Technical Committees. Merit Award – Ahmed Hassanein For seminal contributions and leadership in the field of plasma evolution and sources through development of advanced computer simulation combined with state-of-the art innovative laboratory experiments. Early Achievement Award – Sylvain Girard For contributions to the understanding of radiation effects on fiber optics and fiber sensors and their integration in harsh environments.
Graduate Student Awards Joshua Cates (University of Tennessee) Ph.D. Candidate – Nuclear Engineering (Radiation Detectors) Sterling Beeson (Texas Tech University) Ph.D. Candidate – Electrical Engineering (Plasmas) Justin Freeman (Purdue University) Ph.D. Candidate – Nuclear Engineering (Plasmas) Dong-Hoon Lee (Yonsei University) Ph.D. Candidate – MRI, Neuroimaging
Comments about awards • Solicitation of awards was primarily though the TCs • The TCs should know best who their best candidates are • and find the people to nominate them • Except for the Merit Award, the number of nominees was extremely minimal • Five candidates for the Merit, one for the Shea (carryover • from last year), two for the Early Career and five • Graduate Student (4 possible awards) • We need to publicize our awards more and encourage more nominations • More Newsletter articles, brochures,… • More publicity at conferences
Phelps Continuing Education Grants • Intended to pay for tuition and/or travel expenses to conferences for attending Short Courses. Available to students and unemployed members of NPSS • Total award amount for NPSS is $8K • As far as I know, we generally don’t give out all of this money in any given year
Valentine T. JordanovRadiation Instrumentation Travel Grant Funded by Valentine Jordanov, a Bulgarian born entrepreneur, through a grant to the IEEE Foundation ”To promote graduate level study and research on radiation instrumentation and to promote membership in IEEE”. So far has primarily been used to fund travel to the NSS/MIC (preference given to Bulgarian students) Considered a grant not an award and therefore could not be publicized on the NPSS website Still true, but Jordanov donated additional funds in January 2013 and wants to broaden the award. It now looks like IEEE will allow this if we simply list the grant in the TABARC Awards Manual