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Consistent Readers

This text introduces consistency tests for consistent readers, specifically focusing on the Plane Vs. Point Test. It explores the representation, error probability, proof, and the Consistent Reader for Arbitrary Point concept.

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Consistent Readers

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  1. Consistent Readers Read Consistently a value for arbitrary points

  2. Introduction • We are going to use several consistency tests for Consistent Readers.

  3. Plane Vs. Point Test - Representation Representation: • One variable for each planepof planes(), supposedly assigned the restriction of ƒ to p.(Values of the variables rang over all 2-dimensional, degree-r polynomials). • One variable for eachpointx  .(Values of the variables rangover the field ).

  4. Plane Vs. Point Test - Test Test: • One local-test for every: planepand a pointx on p. • Accept if • A’s value on x,and • A’s value on p restricted to x are consistent. Reminder:A: planes  dimension-2 degree-r polynomial

  5. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability Claim: The error probability of this test is very small, i.e.< c’/2 , for some known 0<c’<1. The error probability is the fraction*of pairs <x, p> for a point x and plane p whose: • A’s value are consistent, and yet • Do not agree with any -permissible degree-r polynomial (on the planes), * fraction from the set of all combination of (point, plane)

  6. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability - Proof Proof: By reduction to Plane-Vs.-Planetest: replace every • Local-test for p1 & p2 that intersect by a line l, by a • Set of local-tests, one for each point x on l, that compares p1’s & p2’s values on x. Let’s denote this test by PPx-Test What is its error-probability?

  7. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability - Proof Cont. Proposition: The error-probability of PPx-Test is “almost the same“as Plane-Vs.-Plane’s. Proof: The test errs in one of two cases: • First case: • p1 & p2agree on l, but • Have impermissible values (i.e. they do not represent restrictions of 2 -permissiblepolynomials). • Second case: • p1 & p2do not agreeon l, but • Agree on the (randomly) chosen point x on l.

  8. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability - Proof Cont. • In the first case Plane-Vs.-Plane also errs, so according to [RaSa], for some constant 0<c<1Pr(First-Case Error)£ c • For the second case, recall that: • r= #points, that two r-degree, 1-dimensional polynomials can agree on. • || = #points on the line l. So Pr(Second-Case Error) £ r/|| PPx-Test’s error-probability £ c + r/||

  9. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability - Proof Cont. For an appropriate  (namely: cO(r/||)): c + r/|| = O(c) So, PPx-Test’s error-probability is £ c’, for some 0<c’<1

  10. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability - Proof Cont. Back to Plane-Vs.-Point: • Let pplanes, x(points on p), such that: • A(p) and A(x) are impermissible. • Let llines such that x l • Let p1, p2 be planes through l Plane-Vs.-Point’s error probability is: Pr p, x ((A(p))(x) = A(x) ) = = Pr lx, p1 ( (A(p1))(x) = A(x) )

  11. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability - Proof Cont. Prp, x ((A(p))(x) = A(x) ) = Prlx, P1 ( (A(p1))(x) = A(x) ) =* Elx ( Prp1 ( (A(p1))(x) = A(x)|xl ) ) =**Elx( (Prp1, p2 ( (A(p1))(x) = (A(p2))(x) = A(x) | xl ) )1/2 )  ( Elx(Prp1, p2 ((A(p1))(x) = (A(p2))(x) = A(x) | xl ) )1/2 *( Prlx, p1, p2 ((A(p1))(x) = (A(p2))(x) = A(x))1/2 *** (c’)1/2 *event A, and random variable Y, Pr(A) = EY( Pr(A|Y) ) ** Prp1, p2 ( (A(p1))(x) = (A(p2))(x) = A(x) | xL ) ) = (p1,p2 are independent) (Prp1 ( (A(p1))(x) = A(x) | xl ) )* (Prp1 ( (A(p2))(x) = A(x) | xl ) ) = (Prp1 ( (A(p1))(x) = A(x) | xl ) )2 ***PPx-Test

  12. Plane Vs. Point Test: Error Probability - Proof Cont. Conclusion: We’ve established that: Plane-Vs.-Point error probability, i.e., The probability that p(which israndom)is • Assigned an impermissible value, and • This value agrees with the value assigned to x(which is alsorandom), is < c’/2. Note: This proof is only valid as long as the point x whose value we would like to read is random.

  13. Reading an Arbitrary Point Can we have similar procedure that would work for any arbitrary point x? i.e., a set of evaluating functions, where the function returns an impermissible value with only a small(<c’) probability. Such procedure is called:consistent-reader.

  14. Consistent Reader for Arbitrary Point • Representation: As in Plane-Vs-Point test. • local-readers: Insteadoflocal-tests,we have a set of (non Boolean) functions, [x] = {1,...,m}, referred to as: local-readers. A local reader, can either reject or return a value from the field . [supposedly the value is ƒ(x), with ƒ a degree-r polynomial].

  15. 3-Planes Consistent Reader for a Point x Representation: One variable for each plane. Consistent-Reader: • For a point x, [x]hasone local-reader[p2, p3] for every pair of planes p2 & p3 that intersects by a line l. • Let p1 be the plane spanned byxand l, [p2, p3] • rejects, unless A’s values on p1, p2 & p3agree on l, • otherwise: returnsA’s value on p1 restricted to x.

  16. Consistency Claim Claim:Withhighprobability (  1-c’) R [x]either rejects or returns a permissible value for x. [i.e., consistent with one of the permissible polynomials]. Remarks: • The sign Ris used for “randomly select from…”. • Note that randomly selecting X and using it with l to spanP1is equal to randomly selecting l in P1 .

  17. with high probability Consistency Proof Proof: • The value A assigns l, according to p2 & p3’s values, is permissible w.h.p. (1-c’). • On the other hand, lis a random line in p1 and if p1 is assigned an impermissible value (by A), then that value restricted to mostl’s would be impermissible.

  18. Consistent-Reader for Arbitrary k points How can we read consistently more than one value ? Note: Using the point-consistent-reader, we need to invoke the reader several times, and the received values may correspond to differentpermissible polynomials. • Let  = {x1, .., xk} be tuple of k point of the domain , • [  ] = { 1, .., m } is now set of functions, which can either reject or evaluate an assignment tox1, .., xk.

  19. Hyper-Cube-Vs.-Point Consistent-Reader For k Points Representation: • One variable for every cube (affine subspace) of dimension k+2,containing.(Values of the variablesrang over all degree-r, dimension k+2 polynomials ) • one variable for every point x .(Values of the variablesrang over  ).

  20. Hyper-Cube-Vs.-Point Consistent-Reader For k Points • Show that the following distribution: • Choose a random cube C of dimension k+2containing  • Choose a random plane p in C • Return p Produces a distribution very close to uniform over planes pAlso, p w.h.p. does not contain a point of .

  21. Consistent Reader For k Values - Cont. Consistent-Reader: • One local-reader for every cube C containingand a pointy C, which • rejectsifA’svalue for C restricted to ydisagrees with A’s value on y, • otherwise: returnsA’s values on C restricted to x1, .., xk.

  22. Proof of Consistency Error Probability: c’/2 Suppose, • We have, in addition, a variable for each plane, • The test compares A’s value on the cubeC • against A’s value on a planep, and then • against a pointx on that plane. The error probability doesn’t increase.

  23. Proof of Consistency - Cont. Proposition: This test induces a distribution over the planes p which is almost uniform. Lemma: Plane-Vs.-Point test works the same if instead of assigning a single value, one assigns each plane with a distribution over values.

  24. Summary • We saw some consistent readersand how “accurate” they are. They will be a useful tool in this proof.

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