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Specification and Implementation of Abstract Data Types. Algebraic Techniques. Data Abstraction. Clients Interested in WHAT services a module provides, not HOW they are carried out. So, ignore details irrelevant to the overall behavior, for clarity. Implementors
Specification and Implementation of Abstract Data Types Algebraic Techniques LADT
Data Abstraction • Clients • Interestedin WHAT services a module provides, not HOW they are carried out. So, ignore details irrelevant to the overall behavior, for clarity. • Implementors • Reserve the right to change the code, to improve performance. So, ensure that clients do not make unwarranted assumptions. LADT
Abstraction : Equivalence Relations • Computability • Recursive vs Non-recursive • Semantics • Behavioral Equivalence • Resource-independent interchangeability • Performance aspect irrelevant for “correctness” • E.g., Groups, Fields, Sorting, UNIX, etc • Algorithms • Time and Space requirements • Big-Oh (Worst-case Analysis) • NP-hard vs Polynomial-time LADT
Specification of Data Types Type : Values + Operations Specify SyntaxSemantics Signature of Ops Meaning of Ops Model-basedAxiomatic(Algebraic) Description in terms of Give axioms satisfied standard “primitive” data types by the operations LADT
Syntax of LISP S-expr • operations: nil, cons, car, cdr, null • signatures: nil: S-expr cons: S-expr*S-expr-> S-expr car: S-expr-> S-expr cdr: S-expr-> S-expr null: S-expr-> boolean for every atoma: a : S-expr LADT
Signature tells us how to form complex terms from primitive operations. • Legal nil null(cons(nil,nil)) cons(car(nil),nil) • Illegal nil(cons) null(null) cons(nil) LADT
Formal Spec. of ADTs Characteristics of an “Adequate” Specification • Completeness (No undefinedness) • Consistency/Soundness (No conflicting definitions) GOAL: Learn to write sound and complete algebraic(axiomatic) specifications of ADTs LADT
Classification of Operations • Observers (“Queries”) • generate a value outside the type • E.g., null in ADTS-expr • Constructors (“Creators and Commands”) • required for representing values in the type • E.g., nil, cons, atoms a in ADTS-expr • Non-constructors (“Creators and Commands”) • remaining operations • E.g., car, cdr in ADTS-expr LADT
ADT Table (symbol table/directory) empty : Table update : Key x Info x Table ->Table lookUp: Key x Table -> Info lookUp(K,empty) = error (Use of variable) (Alternative : Use of Preconditions) lookUp(K,update(Ki, I, T)) = if K = Ki then I else lookUp(K,T) (“last update overrides the others”) LADT
Implementations • Array-based • LinearList-based • Tree-based • Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, B-Trees etc • HashTable-based • These exhibit a common Table behavior, but differ in performance aspects. • Correctness of a client program is assured even when the implementation is changed. LADT
A-list in LISP a : A nil : A-list cons : A x A-list -> A-list car : A-list -> A cdr : A-list -> A-list null : A-list -> boolean • Observers : null, car • Constructors : nil, cons • Non-constructors : cdr LADT
Algebraic Spec • Write axioms (equations) that characterize the meaning of all the operations. • Describe the meaning of the observers and the non-constructors on all possible constructor patterns. • Note the use of typed variables to abbreviate the definition. (“Finite Spec.”) LADT
for all S, T in S-expr cdr(nil) = error cdr(cons(S,T)) = T car(nil) = error car(cons(S,T)) = S null(nil) = true null(cons(S,T)) = false (To avoid “error”, use preconditions instead.) • Other atoms “a”are handled in the same way as“nil”. LADT
Natural Numbers zero : N succ : N-> N add : NxN -> N iszero : N->boolean observers : iszero constructors : zero, succ non-constructors : add Each numbers has a unique representation in terms of its constructors. LADT
for all I,J in N add(zero,I) = I add(succ(J), I) = succ(add(J,I)) iszero(zero) = true iszero(succ(n)) = false LADT
A-list Revisted a : A nil : A-list list : A -> A-list append : A-list x A-list -> A-list null : A-list -> boolean • values • nil, list(a), append(nil, list(a)), ... LADT
Algebraic Spec • constructors • nil, list, append • observer isnull(nil) = true isnull(list(a)) = false isnull(append(L1,L2)) = isnull(L1) /\ isnull(L2) LADT
Problem : Same value has multiple representation in terms of constructors. • Solution : Add axioms for constructors. • Identity Rule append(L,nil) = L append(nil,L) = L • Associativity Rule append(append(L1,L2),L3) = append(L1, append(L2,L3)) LADT
Writing ADT Specs • Idea: Specify “sufficient” axioms such that syntactically distinct patterns that denote the same value can be proven so. • Completeness • Define non-constructors and observers on all possible constructor patterns • Consistency • Check for conflicting reductions • Note: A term essentially records the detailed historyofconstruction of the value. LADT
General Strategy for ADT Specs • Syntax • Specify signatures and classify operations. • Constructors • Write axioms to ensure that two constructor terms that represent the same value can be proven so. • E.g., identity, associativity, commutativity rules. LADT
Non-constructors • Provide axioms to collapse a non-constructor term into a term involving only constructors. • Observers • Define the meaning of an observer on all constructor terms, checking for consistency. Implementation of a type An interpretation of the operations of the ADT that satisfies all the axioms. LADT
Model-based vs Algebraic • A model-based specification of a type satisfies the corresponding axiomatic specification. Hence, algebraic spec. is “more abstract” than the model-based spec. • Algebraic spec captures the least common-denominator (behavior) of all possible implementations. LADT
Example car( cons( X, Y) ) = X cdr( cons (X, Y) ) = Y (define (cons x y) (lambda (m) (cond ((eq? m ’first) x) (eq? m ’second) y) ) )) ; “closure” (define (car z) (z ’first)) (define (cdr z) (z ’second)) LADT
Identity Element Associative Op Commutative Op Idempotent Delete element Collapse tree into linear list (parenthesis redundant) Order list elements Remove duplicates Canonical Form for Equality Testing LADT
Ordered Integer Lists null : oil->boolean nil : oil hd : oil->int tl : oil->oil ins : int x oil->oil order : int_list->oil Constructors: nil, ins Non-constructors: tl, order Observers: null, hd LADT
Problem: • syntactically different, but semantically equivalent constructor terms ins(2,ins(5,nil)) = ins(5,ins(2,nil)) ins(2,ins(2,nil)) = ins(2,nil) • hd should return the smallest element. • for all I in int, L in oil, it is not the case that hd(ins(I,L)) = I. • This holds iff I is the minimum in ins(I,L). • Similarly for tl. LADT
Axioms for Constructors • Idempotence • for all ordered integer lists L; for all I in int ins(I, ins(I,L)) = ins(I,L) • Commutativity • for all ordered integer lists L; for all I, J in int ins(I, ins(J,L)) = ins(J, ins(I,L)) Completeness : Any permutation can be generated by exchanging adjacent elements. LADT
Axioms for Non-constructors tl(nil) = error tl(ins(I,L)) = ? tl(ins(I,nil)) = nil tl(ins(I,ins(J,L))) = I < J => ins( J, tl(ins(I,L)) ) I > J => ins( I, tl(ins(J,L)) ) I = J => tl( ins( I,L ) ) (cf. constructor axioms for duplicate elimination) order(nil) = nil order(cons(I,L)) = ins(I,order(L)) LADT
Axioms for Observers hd(nil) = error hd(ins(I,nil)) = I hd(ins(I,ins(J,L))) = I < J => hd( ins(I,L) ) I > J => hd( ins(J,L) ) I = J => hd( ins(I,L) ) null(nil) = true null(cons(I,L)) = false LADT
Object-Oriented Software Construction • Building software systems as structured collections of (possibly partial) abstract data type implementations. • Function categories • Creators ( …x … -> T ) • Queries (…xTx … -> …) • Commands (…xTx … -> T ) LADT