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Raised Intracranial Pressure with Obstructive Hydrocephalus from a Third Ventricle Colloid C yst. Rabih Hage , MD Valérie Biousse , MD. Fundus Photographs. Right eye. Left eye. Figure 1.
RaisedIntracranial Pressure with Obstructive Hydrocephalusfrom a ThirdVentricleColloidCyst Rabih Hage, MD Valérie Biousse, MD
Fundus Photographs Right eye Lefteye Figure 1 Bilateralsevereoptic nerve headedemawith normal visualacuity and enlargedblind spotsin a 24 year-man with 2 weeks of severeheadaches, suggestingincreasedintracranial pressure
T1-Weighted Axial Brain MRI(withoutcontrast) Figure 2a Dilation of bothlateralventricles (yellowarrows) suggestinghydrocephalus
T1-Weighted Axial Brain MRI(withoutcontrast) Figure 2b Dilation of bothlateralventricles (yellowarrows) suggestinghydrocephalus
T1-Weighted Axial Brain MRI(withoutcontrast) Figure 3 There is a T1 isointenselesionwithin the thirdventricle (yellowcircle)
T1-Weighted Sagittal Brain MRI(withoutcontrast) Figure 4 This midline sagittal cutdemonstratesseveralradiologicsignsof raisedintracranial pressure
Signsof RaisedIntracranial Pressure:Obstructive Hydrocephalus Figure 4a Dilation of the lateralventricleswith normal sized (or evensmall) fourthventricle (yellowarrow), suggesting an obstruction at the level of the thirdventricle (foramen of Monro)
Signs of RaisedIntracranial Pressure:CerebellarTonsilsHerniation Figure 4b Displacementof the cerebellartonsils (arrow) below the foramen magnum (dashedyellowline)
Signs of RaisedIntracranial Pressure:Flatteningof the Pituitary Gland Figure 4c The sella has a shallowshape(yellowarrows), and the pituitaryappears flat (bluearrow)
MRI Signs of RaisedIntracranial Pressure:Effacement of the SuprasellarCistern Figure 4d Effacement of the suprasellarcistern (yellowarrow)
Sagittal brainMRI Showing a Mass in the ThirdVentricle Figure 5b Figure 5a T1 isointense (5a – yellowcircle) and T2 hyperintense(5b – redcircle) lesionwithin the thirdventricleand the region of the foramen of Monro, suggesting a colloidcyst
Axial brainMRI Showing a Mass in the ThirdVentricle Figure 6b Figure 6a T1 isointense (6a – yellowcircle) and T2 (FLAIR sequence) hyperintense (6b – redcircle) lesionwithin the thirdventricleand the region of the foramen of Monro, suggesting a colloidcyst
Final diagnosis Colloidcyst of the thirdventricleat the level of the foramen of Monro, complicatedby severeobstructive hydrocephalus and raisedintracranial pressure withheadaches and papilledema