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Welcome to AP Psychology. Ms. Hofer. Grading Policy. Daily Grades 40% Major Grades 60% Make-up Tests/Work Tutorials After school 2:45-3:30 Before school 6:30-7:15. Daily Work One day late- 25 points Two days late – 50 points Major Grades One day late- 20 points
Welcome to AP Psychology Ms. Hofer
Grading Policy • Daily Grades 40% • Major Grades 60% • Make-up Tests/Work • Tutorials • After school 2:45-3:30 • Before school 6:30-7:15
Daily Work One day late- 25 points Two days late – 50 points Major Grades One day late- 20 points Two days late – 40 points Three Days late- 60 points Late Work Policy
Psychology AP Guidelines for SB-2033 and EIA (local) Policy DAILY • Students may redo one assignment each six weeks. The assignment needs to be resubmitted within 3 days from when the student receives the grade back from the teacher. • Quizzes may not be redone; they are open note. • Most Free Response/ Timed Writes can be rewritten and new grade is averaged.
TEST • Students may retake tests during the six weeks. If the initial test grade is a 70 or above, then the student will receive whichever grade is higher, the original score or the retake score. If the initial test grade is below a 70, then the original score and the retake score will be averaged together to determine the student’s new grade. • Test retakes MUST take place during a scheduled before or after school tutorial. • Students have one week from the posting of the test grade to complete test retakes. • This retake policy is in place to encourage studying of the material in order to obtain an original passing grade and ensure mastery of content by giving incentive for all students to retake tests. My goal is for students to be successful in the course and master the AP Exam.
PROJECT • Teacher will have check points throughout the project with feedback to the students. If one of the parts of the project is failing, students will be allowed to attend tutorials in order to redo the failing part and resubmit it within 3 days. • If a project was never originally submitted, the assignment does NOT qualify for the opportunity to re-do and remains a zero. • If the assignment is late and the resulting average is failing due to the deduction of late points, the assignment does NOT qualify for the opportunity to re-do. • The redo grade will be capped at 70%. • The redo does not guarantee a 70%.
How does this policy impact eligibility for U.I.L.? According to U.I.L. rules if a student is ineligible but then, retakes a test after progress reports are captured or six weeks grade have been posted, the original grade captured or reported is what would determine eligibility.
Encourage attendance at tutorials for test reviews and also test retakes Monitor grades online Discuss the importance of reviewing and processing material on a regular basis. What can parents do to help?
Student tools Wikispaces (this is where I post most of my PPTs) http://bobcat-psychologyap.wikispaces.com/ Textbook resources http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/myersAP1e/default.asp#t_612492____ Blogspot http://cyfairpsychologyap.blogspot.com/ Facebook page (Bobcat Psychology) http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Bobcat-Psychology/139332099419487
Contact Information • Email kristal.hofer@cfisd.net • I also update my faculty website regularly: • http://tiny.cc/khofer • http://www.epsilen.com/kristalhofe