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Glue your progress report on a piece of paper and title it grade sheet!. GLOBAL CULTURES. 10-15-13. Bell Work How would you summarize American culture? Write three complete sentences, describing our culture!. What is culture?.

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  1. Glue your progress report on a piece of paper and title it grade sheet! GLOBAL CULTURES 10-15-13 Bell Work How would you summarize American culture? Write three complete sentences, describing our culture!

  2. What is culture?

  3. Culture is the way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs.

  4. ELEMENTS OF CULTURE --What languages the people speak --What religions they follow --What smaller groups form as parts of their societies --Also deals with people’s daily lives --History the people have shared --Art forms they’ve created --How people govern their society --How they make a living

  5. How can this cause conflicts or bring others together?

  6. Language --Language is a KEY ELEMENT in a culture’s development. --People communicate INFORMATION & EXPERIENCES and in turn, pass on CULTURAL VALUES AND TRADITIONS **SHARING A LANGUAGE IS ONE OF THE STRONGEST UNIFYING FORCES FOR A CULTURE.** --There are language differences even in the same cultures Dialects, pronunciations, meaning, slang, etc. --LANGUAGE FAMILIES: large groups of languages having similar roots

  7. Did you know? As many as half of the world’s 3,000-6,500 known languages are expected to disappear by 2100. As global communications increase, the need for languages that are widely spoken becomes greater. Today children learn languages such as English, Chinese, Spanish, or Arabic. RANDOM CULTUREFACT What impact will this have on the future of spoken languages? Will there be new languages?


  9. Religion --Vary significantly around the world --Can cause struggles and are a source of conflict in many countries --Religion enables people to find a SENSE OF IDENTITY --Influences daily life—ranging from MORALS to HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS --Religious symbols and stories have in turn shaped ART—music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, etc. --Major world religions: HINDUISM, BUDDHISM, JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, & ISLAM

  10. Religion

  11. Social Groups --SOCIAL SYSTEM: Helps members of society work together to meet basic needs **FAMILY IS MOST IMPORTANT GROUP WITHIN SOCIAL GROUPS** (however, family structures can vary culture to culture) --SOCIAL CLASSES: groups of people ranked according to ancestry, wealth, education, or other criteria. --ETHNIC GROUP: people who share a common language, history, place of origin, or a combo of these elements (Ethnic Enclaves)

  12. CULTURE SHOCK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLdHRjA8cq8 RANDOM CULTUREVIDEO

  13. Government --A society’s government REFLECTS THE UNIQUENESS OF ITS CULTURE --Governments of the world share certain features, they are meant to…. Maintain ORDER Provide PROTECTION from outside DANGERS Supplies other SERVICES to its people --Governments are organized according to levels of power NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND LOCAL --Governments are also organized by TYPE OF AUTHORITY Single ruler, Small group of leaders, or a body of citizens or their representatives.


  15. CULTURE SHOCK PART DEUX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk8WqjLjLOM&feature=relmfu RANDOM CULTUREVIDEO—video to the 2:30 mark

  16. Economic Activities --People in every kind of culture must make a LIVING, whether it is in FARMING or in INDUSTRY, or by PROVIDING SERVICES such as preparing food or designing web pages. --When examining cultures we look at economic activities. --Geographers study HOW A CULTURE UTILIZES ITS NATURAL RESOURCES TO MEET SUCH HUMAN NEEDS AS FOOD AND SHELTER --They also analyze the ways in which people PRODUCE, OBTAIN, USE, and SELL GOODS & SERVICES

  17. Economic Activities Would this be an underdeveloped, developing, or developed country? Why?

  18. CLICK ON PICTURE! Cultural Change Does culture remain the same?

  19. Case Study: McDonald’s WORLDWIDE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6wJdsYM7qA&feature=related JAPAN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11quU3nqkVE INDIA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmNrvlQ73pU SAUDI ARABIA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC0vzE2WLp4 MEXICO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBwmv3hYgHc UNITED STATES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5h2_eIzoYU

  20. Fill out your assignment sheet and then clear your desk for a pop quiz! #8: Pop Quiz 1 #9: Government/Debate Notes (in journal) **ALSO NOTICE NEW BONUS TO THE LEFT, HAS TO DO WITH TONIGHT’S VICE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!** October 11, 2012 HAPPY THURSDAY!!!!!!

  21. POP QUIZ #1 • 1. What is a key element in a culture’s development? • 2. What are the five major religions in the world? • 3. What is the most important social group? • 4. What are the levels of power in government? • 5. Within economic activities, geographers study how cultures utilize their __________ __________ to meet basic human needs. • BONUS: By what year were half of the world’s languages going to disappear?

  22. HAPPPPPPPYYY FRIDAY!!!!!October 12, 2012 REMEMBER CASE STUDY: McDonalds’ & Globalization DUE MONDAY! #10: Daily Warm-Up #11: Government Worksheet

  23. Government/Debate Notes Textbook page 86-90

  24. Government/Debate Notes • In your journals you will do the following (AFTER WE READ) • Define Vocabulary as we read… • UNITARY SYSTEM • FEDERAL SYSTEM • AUTOCRACY • OLIGARCHY • DEMOCRACY • TRADITIONAL ECONOMY • MARKET ECONOMY • MIXED ECONOMY • COMMAND ECONOMY

  25. 10 Minute Debate • Should students your age be allowed to vote? • What type of economic system do you think is ideal for the United States? • What do you think are things that local citizens should be responsible for? • What do you think are things that the government should be responsible for?

  26. Government Worksheet Read the handouts with your group and then answer the questions/do the activities in your journal. ** BINDER CHECK TODAY!**

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