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Hypnosis Total money magnetism

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Hypnosis Total money magnetism

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  1. Hypnosis Hypnosis- - Total money Total money magnetism Presented Presented By amro By amro

  2. Hypnosis Hypnosis- - Total money Total money magnetism Presented By amro Presented By amro https://tinyurl.com/n2g7sg3 Think Like a Millionaire Think Like a Millionaire - - Money Magnet Money Magnet Why Learn Hypnosis? A Guide to the Benefits Why Learn Hypnosis? A Guide to the Benefits That Hypnosis Can Make to Your Life That Hypnosis Can Make to Your Life Click here to see this now Click here to see this now

  3. Think Like a Millionaire - Money Magnet - Super Powerful and Fun Technique Learn How to Think like a Millionaire, start to Think like a Millionaire and you will become a Money Magnet, Make Money Fast and be a Millionaire. - Self Image, the Basis of your Success. Most likely, someone you know or heard about have already WASTED so much money and energy trying many different ways and schemes to make money fast, get rich and be a millionaire. That person tried to make money online, make money at home, make money on eBay, work at home. He (or she) tried many ways to be a money magnet, become a successful money maker and attract financial success and a great deal of wealth. As he/she thought about making huge amounts of money, he/she bought all sorts of programs on real estate, investing and business opportunities. Just like the GREAT majority of those who tried all those ventures, he/she FAILED miserably! And he/she will continue to fail unless and until he/she learns the closely guarded 'secret' of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires -- a 'secret' that must be learned and used by anyone who really has that burning desire to succeed and become rich. (You may want to read my previous article titled "Conversation with a Millionaire about the Millionaire mind and How to think like a Millionaire", which describes a TRUE story with

  4. the names changed to protect the privacy of the two persons involved in this fascinating conversation) Why do all these well intentioned people FAIL so miserably? These people do not know that when Napoleon Hill wrote in his best-seller "Think and Grow Rich" that "whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve", he was simply stating that each individual is CREATING HIS/HER OWN REALITY through the beliefs he/she holds in his/her Subconscious mind. These beliefs make up the person's Self-Image. Self-Image is the key to success. Self-Image is the key to develop that coveted 'millionaire mind' which will allow you to be a successful money maker, a money magnet, make money fast, get rich and be a millionaire. It is all about belief. You create your own reality through the beliefs you hold in your so-called Subconscious mind (which is really a Subconscious Computer.) Your world is simply the 'materialization' of those beliefs as your physical reality. The sad reality is that most people try to change things from the outside in. In simpler words, they fail to realize that they are creating their physical realities all day long by (1) the beliefs they hold in their subconscious computers and (2) the thoughts they constantly think as a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE of having those beliefs.

  5. That means that the thoughts they think must be in the direction of their predominant beliefs -- which are predominantly beliefs in lack, scarcity and limitation. Therefore, as long as the beliefs in poverty, lack and scarcity are lodged in their Subconscious minds, they will continue to think limited 'poverty' thoughts that will attract and create more of the same: more lack, more scarcity, more limitation. If that were not enough, and to make things even worse, those beliefs and thoughts give rise automatically to feelings, attitudes and behaviors that will guarantee the person continues to FAIL. Unless the person changes drastically what he/she believes, and therefore what he/she thinks about all day long and how he/she feels about those things, he/she will automatically do all the things necessary to GUARANTEE he/she will continue to FAIL. And everything will become hard and difficult in the financial area. Everything related to money will become a real struggle!

  6. Beliefs are the real CAUSE of what we attract and create. Therefore, we can accurately state that beliefs are the building blocks of our reality. The Self-Image is made up of thousands of different yet consistent beliefs. The ONLY way to change one's Self-image is by changing one's beliefs! If a person doesn't change his/her Self-Image (his/her beliefs)., will he/she continue to be a big-time LOSER? The answer is... YES! And whatever he/she does will simply reinforce the failure pattern. This is a 'secret' the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires KNOW and you don't.. Changing a person's beliefs, which will automatically change a person's thoughts and thinking pattern, will change his/her Self-Image. And these changes in his/her Self-Image will automatically result in DIFFERENT thinking patterns, feelings, attitudes and behaviors. And with the "right" changes in that loser Self-Image, a person will automatically start to think the thoughts and do all the 'right' things necessary for him/her to succeed. Everything will start to flow easily and almost effortlessly! You are not using your mind power as you must. You are in a deep state of hypnosis, more accurately self-hypnosis, believing in all sorts of lack and limitations, holding in your subconscious computer all sorts of limiting, restricted, destructive, useless beliefs. And in such a terrible state of mind, you will continue to attract and create all sorts of limitations and difficulties for yourself.

  7. That is why it is CRITICAL to realize that, unless YOU make these radical changes in YOUR loser Self-Image, nothing YOU do will make YOU a winner, nothing YOU do will allow YOU to attract the wealth and riches YOU dream about. Do you really, really believe you are going to succeed with that lousy, limited, inadequate, LOSER Self-Image you now have? Do you really, really believe you are going to think like a millionaire, be a money maker, a money magnet, get rich and become a millionaire with that lousy LOSER Self-Image made up of so many limiting, useless beliefs in lack, scarcity, limitation, failure? STOP KIDDING YOURSELF... because what you NOW believe and think (your current loser Self-Image) can and shall only materialize more lack, scarcity, limitation and failure in your life. That is why 990 out of every 1,000 persons who go into business to make huge sums of money quit after a short time -- and many times cannot even gather enough energy to get started. Maybe you are one of them? --- SUPER POWERFUL AND FUN TECHNIQUE TO REPROGRAM SELF- IMAGE --- I will finish this article by giving you a FUN technique to help you change your Self-Image so that, instead of being a CRAP magnet, you become a magnet to money, wealth and riches.

  8. I am letting you know that this technique will work wonders to eliminate any limiting belief. But, FIRST, you must identify the damaging, destructive limiting beliefs you now hold in your subconscious computer and that you want to eliminate. Practicing this technique while in the state of self-hypnosis, will increase its effectiveness a thousand-fold. So that you gain a quick understanding of how to use this technique, let me give you an example. FIRST THINGS FIRST - Identify some of your most damaging, limiting beliefs There are many methods to identify limiting beliefs. You can find them in many places on the net and in many books. Therefore, I will not go into these details in this article. Let's say you found that your most damaging, limiting beliefs regarding money and your finances are: 1. Money is so hard to make/earn 2. It is real difficult for me to make/earn money. 3. I repel money. 4. I don't know how to make money (or When it comes to making money, I am useless, totally inadequate) 5. I will never make lots of money. 6. I just don't have the smarts to make lots of money

  9. 7. I always had bad luck. The Technique I am presenting here has FOUR steps -- to be done AFTER you identified the most damaging, limiting beliefs you have. -- STEP ONE -- Write a short script of how you want things to be (PRESENT TENSE) In other words, write a short and clear script of how things would look like and be like in your life RIGHT NOW if you did NOT have all those limiting beliefs. Write is as if it were happening TODAY, RIGHT NOW! Here is what I would write in a case like this (notice that I ATTACK each of the limiting beliefs cited above, one by one): -- Example - Step ONE "The fellow who said that money is so hard to make must be crazy. That is total nonsense. More than that, it is absolutely RIDICULOUS. For ME, it is real easy to make money. I feel so happy right now because it is extremely

  10. easy and fun for ME to make money, lots of money. I am a money magnet. I attract money like a magnet. I am an irresistible magnet to money. And I do know how to make money. Every day I get better and better at making money. It is amazing! I don't even know how, but somehow, I ALWAYS manage to find the ways to make lots of money quickly and easily. And every day I am becoming more and more financially prosperous. I am smart enough to make lots of money. I have what it takes for ME to make lots of money. And I am so lucky when it comes to money. Now that I think about it, I am so lucky in just about everything. And I FEEL so happy!" -- STEP TWO - Write a script of how things were in the PAST. When you write this part, refer to your past as something that happened a LONG, LONG time ago! The goal is to convince yourself and your subconscious mind that all these things being described are about something that happened a long, VERY LONG time ago! (Those familiar with NLP will see here elements of "time-distortion" and also re-wiring the past.) -- Example - Step TWO "There was time in the past, A LONG TIME AGO, when I believed that making money was hard, real hard. And indeed, A LONG TIME AGO IN THE PAST it was real hard and difficult for me to make money to the point where I always was short of money. Somehow, I was actually repelling money. In the past, I believed I was a real CRAP magnet. And In those days of LONG AGO, I used to walk along with the constant beliefs and thoughts in my head that I did not know how to make money, that when it came to making money I was totally useless, a real dummy. In those days of LONG AGO, I really

  11. had all those ridiculous beliefs that I was not smart enough to make lots of money and I would look at the rich people around me and I would tell myself that "I would never be able to get rich like they did because I was not smart enough like they were. And whenever things went wrong, I would always tell myself that I was so unlucky, that I did not have any luck at all." -- STEP THREE - Start to ERASE, ELIMINATE all those useless beliefs. Your goal here is to convince yourself and your subconscious mind that all those beliefs belong to your REMOTE PAST and are NO LONGER TRUE! Here you tell yourself that you believed those useless things a LONG, LONG TIME ago in a very REMOTE PAST, and that past was now disappearing in the shadows of the things that were and that are NO MORE! And that you do NOT believe in all that nonsense anymore. -- Example - Step THREE "But I no longer believe in so much nonsense, because all those limiting beliefs were the beliefs I used to believe a LONG, LONG time ago! And I no longer believe in such TOTALLY RIDICULOUS things. They all belong to my REMOTE PAST, a past of so LONG AGO that it is disappearing in the shadows of time. They belong to a time so long ago, that I can not see them anymore. It is even becoming harder and harder to remember them. They are being lost in the shadows of the past, of the things and events that no longer exist, that are simply old memories that have no effect on me any longer. They are gone forever. They belong to my REMOTE past. They are being covered by the shadows of time and I cannot see them or even remember them anymore. It is as if they were being covered by a big, dense

  12. dark mist and disappear in the darkness of the past. It is as if a big, giant hand is wiping them out completely out of existence and I cannot see or remember them anymore. They do not affect me any more. They lost all their power over me because they simply disappear forever in the shadows of time. Those are the beliefs I had a long, long, VERY long time ago! But they are now DEAD, they are gone forever." -- STEP FOUR - Repeat script from Step One (your PRESENT) Here you simply reinforce what is happening in your present, RIGHT NOW. And you do this by repeating the script you prepared for Step One. - - Let's summarize the entire FOUR-STEP PROCESS. Get yourself in a very comfortable position, at a place and time when no one is going to disturb you. Close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and relax your body as much as possible. Then, with your eyes closed, slowly, go over the scripts described above Step One, Step Two, Step three and Step One again). This technique is MORE effective when you memorize these short scripts BEFORE you practice. It will be even MORE effective if you do this while in a self-hypnotic trance state.

  13. What Are the Different Types of What Are the Different Types of Hypnosis Hypnosis Hypnosis is not a new phenomena, it has been used for centuries as a tool to amaze, impress and to help treat and cure. For years it was considered some paranormal, fringe, new age fad. However, now it is recognized as a true effect and its application accepted by mainstream science. The public at large are becoming more familiar with it and the skepticism of old is fading. There principles of hypnosis remain the same for which ever method is used, but there are different routes to achieve it. Some methods are as old as hypnosis, but others are the product of research and new techniques have therefore been created. The type of hypnosis used usually is dependent on the outcome that is required. All have their value, and the learning of any one opens the doors to the other methods. Here are the main types: Traditional Hypnosis Traditional hypnosis is the classic model of hypnosis and has been around for a long time. It is the version conducted by a hypnotist who puts the subject into a deep trance and then directs them by using suggestions and commands. Stage hypnotism uses this technique.

  14. The traditional hypnosis method has been much maligned and ridiculed over the years mostly unjustified, but unfortunately some of the criticism is correct. The use of fake hypnosis employing stage plants and actors has undermined the true traditional hypnosis method. Applied correctly it is a valuable and effective tool which can both fun and helpful. Hypnotherapy Using hypnosis to promote healing or positive development in any way is known as hypnotherapy. It is usually used to tackle psychological problems within the mind as this is where hypnosis can very powerful. When successful hypnotherapy can reprogram patterns of behaviour within the mind and can allow things like phobias, irrational fears, addictions and negative emotions to be controlled. Hypnotherapy can also be used to control the sensations of pain, and hypnosis has been used to perform surgery on fully conscious patients who would be in obvious agony if not for the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis can be used to help people. Hypnotherapy is used to promote positive development and assist healing. With psychological problems, such as depression, hypnotherapy can be extremely effective. Phobias, addictions and all manner of irrational thoughts can be selectively reprogrammed and control established on negative emotions. Hypnosis as used in hypnotherapy, can also have physical effects, the most obvious being the blocking of pain allowing surgical procedures to be undertaken without the harm and risks associated with anesthesia.

  15. Hypnotherapy usually only uses very light hypnosis, not the deep trance state used in the traditional form. Most patients are fully awake and fully aware. The key point of the hypnotherapy is that the patient must remain fully focused on the therapy and listening to the words the therapist is saying. Keeping a good rapport with the therapist is essential. If the patient does not have faith in or believes the therapy will not work then it will fail. However, if the patient is positive and is open minded, the success rate is very high. Self Hypnosis/Auto Hypnosis As the name suggests, this method relies on the subject inducing hypnosis on themselves. This is done by the subject learning a set of procedures, or by listening to a recording. Most self hypnosis is delivered as hypnotherapy and is similar to deep relaxation and meditation.

  16. Hypnosis and self hypnosis are very similar. The key difference is that the subject is working on their own suggestions rather than that of someone else. It is widely held view that all hypnosis is in reality self hypnosis. This is because the hypnotist may provide the suggestions, but it is the evaluation and interpretation these suggestions in the subjects own mind that heralds the results. The hypnotist is merely the vehicle that assists the subject into trance, but it is the subject that processes the information. Regardless, the result is the same. Self hypnosis can be used In a very similar way to hypnotherapy, and is effective in overcoming psychological problems, phobias, stress and addictions. It is often used to simply promote a state of deep relaxation. NLP Hypnosis Some of you may have heard of NLP or (neuro-linguistic programming). This has is it origins as a psychological therapy, dealing with psychological disorders, phobias, depression, habits and learning disorders. The NLP method is still widely used however it is now more widely used as a self help tool to assist and promote feelings of well being. This method has seen a rapid growth in popularity and is being used by professionals for patients, business professionals, life coaches and self help courses. NLP hypnosis is used to tackle psychological or behavioural problems or to simply improve ones sense of well being. It is a great tool for motivation and improving self confidence. Ericksonian Hypnosis

  17. This hypnosis method has many different names, secret hypnosis, covert hypnosis, black ops hypnosis, instant hypnosis, conversational hypnosis but to name a few. This technique uses normal conversation and promotes hypnotic induction without the subject being aware that it is happening. Ericksonian hypnosis or conversational hypnosis was started by the hypnotherapist Dr Milton H. Erickson. Erickson mastered the use of language after being ill with polio, keeping him contained to bed for many years. During this time he perfected how to use normal conversation to induce hypnotic states without the subject knowledge. This form of hypnosis can be used on those who are skeptical about hypnotherapy or more traditional hypnosis, and has been said to be more effective on those who are more skeptical. This technique can be used on those who are skeptical about hypnosis or who are unaware that they are being hypnotised. Skeptical subjects appear to be more susceptible to this technique. The use of hypnotic language and hypnosis techniques within ordinary conversation can induce trance very quickly. This trance state is low level but very effective. This hypnosis method was originally developed as a hypnotherapy technique, but it has become more used by everyday people in the daily lives. The technique allows the individual to take more control of their lives and use these techniques to assist them in many everyday situations. There are many different courses available teaching these

  18. techniques, claiming that you can take control of others. This is true to some extent, and it is clear this form of hypnosis is real and effective. The process is relatively simple, but it will take time to master the method. Click here to see this now Click here to see this now

  19. 8 Myths and Misconceptions About 8 Myths and Misconceptions About Hypnosis Hypnosis Whether you are learning how to be a hypnotist or thinking about going to a hypnotist/hypnotherapist for help, it is important to have a clear idea of what hypnosis is as well as what it is not. Why? Well, as far as becoming a hypnotist is concerned, you need to be able to quell people's fears about being hypnotized. Many people have common misconceptions about hypnosis that have been fueled by movies (think Manchurian Candidate), stage and comedy hypnosis shows, and various other forms of media. These misconceptions can cause people to resist going into hypnosis. When you, as the hypnotist, clear these misconceptions up, you will increase your chances of hypnotizing your client/subject successfully! Now as far as being the person undergoing hypnosis, having misconceptions about hypnosis can decrease your chances of receiving the full benefits of hypnosis, as you are likely to resist going into hypnosis. When you get those misconceptions cleared up, you can relax and enjoy the process as you go into hypnosis, and you will receive the full benefits that hypnosis has to offer you. To help the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized alike, I have included the eight most common misconceptions and myths about hypnosis below with an explanation of the truth about hypnosis.

  20. 1. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Hypnosis. Let us face it, all hypnosis is not the same. Do not be fooled. There is good, bad, and so-so hypnosis. It all depends on how it is done and who is doing it. The best form of hypnosis is performed by a skilled hypnotist/hypnotherapist who has a good foundation of proven psychological principles to help you get what you need most effectively. There really is a load of crap out in the hypnosis world today. In today's world, people are learning more and more to think for themselves and do not like to be told what to do. All of that old "you are getting veddy, veddy sleepy" stuff is outdated and ineffective. Thank goodness that science and psychology (as well as many great hypnotists) have elevated hypnosis to a much higher plain today. Although I still think there is some great value in direct hypnosis (in certain situations), my personal feeling is that indirect/conversational hypnosis is, by far, on the "razor' edge" as far as effectiveness and being up to date. Also, be really careful and hold onto your wallet because there are many hypnosis hucksters selling "hypnotic snake oil" products such

  21. as low-rate subliminal messages and pseudo-spirituality stuff ("You are now completely whole because you are 'at one' with the universe."). Do not get me wrong, I am not against all subliminal messages, and I do think that hypnosis can be used in combination with spirituality. I am just saying that there are a whole lot of charlatans out there who are willing to sell you anything in the name of real hypnosis. Many of these people have no real experience and training in hypnosis whatsoever! 2. Only mental weaklings can be hypnotized/I cannot be hypnotized. Perhaps you have heard that "smart" people cannot be hypnotized. Part of the reason behind this myth is just plain, old, bad hypnosis like I mentioned above. People do not like to be ordered around and told stuff like, "Your eyes ARE feeling so heavy that you CANNOT open your eyes!" while they are thinking to themselves, "Oh, YES I CAN!" Most people do not find that sort of thing to be very pleasant and so they simply do not go into hypnosis. It is that simple. On the other hand, when you really get to experience being skillfully and gently directed into a state of deep relaxation and focus, you will realize that you can, in fact, be hypnotized. In reality, anyone with sound mental faculties and a reasonable amount of intelligence can be hypnotized. Truth be told, experience shows that people who are intelligent and have a creative mind make the best hypnosis subjects/clients because they can "think outside the box" and do not limit their imaginations about what is possible for them. 3. Hypnosis is not mind control/you are not the hypnotist's puppet.

  22. The only person who has absolute control over your mind is you. A hypnotist cannot make you do something you are not willing to do. Bizarre news stories, stage hypnotists, and people who do not know much about hypnosis have promoted this myth for far too long. That being said, a person can use hypnosis and persuasion techniques (both for good and for bad purposes) to cause another person to become more willing to do what they say and accept their suggestions. Ultimately, though, each person has the power to make his/her own decisions (even under hypnosis). A hypnotist cannot force anyone to do anything against his/her will (including go against their morals) unless already willing to do so in the first place. Generally speaking, the hypnotist serves as somewhat of a guide to lead you into a relaxed and focused state and uses psychologically

  23. sound hypnotic techniques to help you make changes or experience certain things that you want to experience. 4. Hypnosis is not sleep. People who try hypnosis for the first time often come out of it a little disappointed because of this myth. They say things like, "I could hear everything you said" or "I felt like I could open my eyes and walk out if I wanted to." In reality, when you are in hypnosis, you can be aware of everything that is going on around you. In hypnosis, you are simply deeply relaxed and highly focused. When you sleep, your conscious faculties seem to disappear for a while. When you wake up, they seem to return to you. Hypnosis is kind of the "middle ground" between these two states of consciousness. It is not the same as when you are asleep, nor is it the same as when you are wide awake. One of the causes behind this misconception is that hypnotists often use the word "SLEEP!" as a command to put someone into hypnosis. This is because sleep is used as a metaphor for helping someone go into hypnosis. I will teach you more about hypnotic metaphors in later articles. 5. You cannot get "stuck" in hypnosis. No one has ever gotten stuck in hypnosis. The only reason a person would stay in hypnosis is because it feels fantastic to be so relaxed and focused. Some people do not want to come out of hypnosis

  24. because they do not want that feeling to go away. The worst thing that would happen if the hypnotist left or suddenly died while the person was in hypnosis is that the hypnotized person would most likely fall asleep and wake up feeling really good. 6. Hypnosis is not amnesia. You will not forget everything that happened while you were in hypnosis. Remember, hypnosis is not sleep. You are not unconscious while you are in hypnosis. You are just very relaxed and highly focused. Now, a hypnotist can suggest that a person forget everything that was said during the hypnosis session, resulting in the person not remembering. However, as a general rule, people tend to remember everything that happens while in hypnosis. 7. You will not reveal your deep, dark secrets in hypnosis. As I said before, you are in control of your own mind and will be even when you are in hypnosis. You will not reveal anything you do not want others to know unless you want to. Hypnosis can, however, be used as a way to help people explore and deal with those things that they would not normally want to talk about under normal circumstances. This is always done with the person's consent and usually in the context of hypnotherapy. 8. You will not become someone else. You will always be you when you are in hypnosis. That being said, a hypnotist can use hypnosis to help another person explore what it

  25. would be like to "become" another person. This is usually done so that the subject/client can experience what it would be like to have the traits that the person they are "becoming" possesses (for instance, confidence). The hypnotized person can then bring this trait back with them into their own personality when they come out from being in hypnosis. (I will teach you the techniques to elicit this hypnotic phenomenon in later articles) Well, if you are wanting to be hypnotized, I hope this clears up any misconceptions you may have had about hypnosis. If you are a hypnotist, you now have answers to give people to help quell their fears and clear up their misconceptions. Hope this helped! Click here to see this now Click here to see this now

  26. Content cerdits : Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7758681 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5822810 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3162215

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