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THE COLORECTAL CANCER. تحت نظر: پوهنیار دوکتور شفیق احمد ” جویا ” تهیه کننده گان: محمدآصف و روح الله محصلین صنف چهارم. THE CONTENTS:. Definition of cancer and the types of cancer. Epidemiology and the types of colorectal cancer. The normal digestive system. What is polyp?
THE COLORECTAL CANCER تحت نظر: پوهنیار دوکتور شفیق احمد ” جویا ” تهیه کننده گان: محمدآصف و روح الله محصلین صنف چهارم.
THE CONTENTS: • Definition of cancer and the types of cancer. • Epidemiology and the types of colorectal cancer. • The normal digestive system. • What is polyp? • Classification of colorectal cancer. • Risk factors of the colorectal cancer. • Signs and symptoms . • Who is at the risk of this cancer?
WHAT IS CANCER? • It is a group of diseases that cells growth increasingly and out of control. It has about 200 hundred different types, like: • Carcinoma • Sarcoma • Lymphoma • Leukemia • Myeloma
Epidemiology • Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in the developed world wide and increasingly becoming so in the developing world. • After the breast, skin and stomach cancer, the colorectal cancer is the most widespreadingly cancer in the world.
In IRAN • As a research done in Iran, from 1382 up to 1386, the whole cases of cancer have been 263366, that 7,4 percent which is 19519 people involved to colorectal cancer. • The male and female face equally, which commonly after age 50.
In the USA • Cancer is the fourth most common cause of death in the USA, causing more than 500000 deaths per year and 7 million deaths worldwide. • Cancer is associated with aging and has increased as life expectancy has increased. • Median age and diagnosis for all cancers in the USA is 67 years.
Stage 0: • In this stage , the malignant cells are limited just in the mucus layer of the colon . • It is the best time for diagnosis and prognosis .
Stage one : • In this stage , the tumor penetrate in the sub mucosal layer but fortunately, the tumor is under the control .
Stage two: • In this stage the tumor involves all the layer of the colon. • It is divided in two parts: • 2A : Just involves the layer of the colon . • 2 B : Cancer spreads to nearby organs.
Stage three: • In this stage, the cancer spreads to region lymph nodes. This stage divides in three parts:3A: three nodes of the lymph nodes are involved.
3B: • the cancer spreads to the nearby tissues of the colon and rectum.
3c: in this stage, more than four lymph nodes are involved, furthermore, the visceral layer might be involved too. • Stage four: • in this stage, the cancer metastases not only to colon, but to multi-organs like: liver, kidney, urinary bladder and…
دانشجوی پزشکی باید ...!! • آ زاده باشد • تیز هوش باشد امّا کودن نباشد • خوش گفتار وخوش سلیقه در مشورت باشد • باعفت وشجاع باشد • طرفدار مسایل مادی نباشد • در هنگام خشم خودداروعلاقه مند به حرفه ی پزشکی خودباشد • غمخوار بیماران ودلسوز آنان باشد • صبور وبردبار باشد • راز نگهدار بیمارباشد و... (از وصیت نامه بقراط ) ازتوجه تان جهان سپاس!!
Risk factors for colorectal cancer • A risk factor is anything that affects your chance of getting a disease such as cancer. • Different cancer have different risk factors. • Risk factor don’t till us everything. • Some people get the disease may not have any known risk factors.
Risk factors include age more than 50 years, physical inactivity, obesity, diet with increased red meat and deceased fiber, personal history for polyps or colorectal cancer and IBD and hereditary syndrome(FAP) and hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer(HNPCC).
Risk factors you cannot change Age Younger adults can develop colorectal cancer, but the chances increase markedly after age 50; More than 9 out of 10 people diagnosed with colorectal cancer are at least 50 years old. Personal history of colorectal polyps or colorectal cancer If you have a history of adenomatous polyps you are at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer.
Personal history of inflammatory bowel disease: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, is a condition in which the colon is inflamed over a long period of time. • Dysplasia is a term used to describe cells in the lining of the colon or rectum that look abnormal (but not like true cancer cells) when seen under a microscope.IBS
Family history of colorectal cancer Most colorectal cancers occur in people without a family history of colorectal cancer. First degree relatives. More than 45, mixed factors. Inherited syndromes About 5% to 10% of people who develop colorectal cancer have inherited gene defects (mutations) that cause the disease.
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP):FAP is caused by changes (mutations) in the APC gene that a person inherits from his or her parents From 20-40,. Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC):HNPCC, also known as Lynch syndrome, accounts for about 3% to 5% of all colorectal cancers. Women with this condition also have a very high risk of developing cancer of the endometrium.
Turcot syndrome • Peutz-Jegherssyndrom • Racial and ethnic background • Type 2 diabetes Lifestyle-related factors Certain types of diets A diet that is high in red meats (beef, pork, lamb) and processed meats (hot dogs and some luncheon meats) can increase colorectal cancer risk (frying, broiling, or grilling) ,certain fats. vegetables fats
Physical inactivity • Obesity • Smoking • Heavy alcohol use • Previous treatment for certain cancers • Factors with uncertain, controversial, or unproven effects. • Night shift work
Clinical Presentation • Bleeding • Abdominal pain • Change in bowel habits • Obstruction • Iron deficiency anemia • Weight loss and weakness • Decrease the stool caliber
HOW TO DIAGNOSE THE COLORECTAL CANCER? 1.Taking a precise family history and the properties of symptoms. 2.Doing a physical exam including TR. 3.OB 4.Segmiodoscopy 5.Blood exam 6.CT-SCAN 7.Barium meal
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