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Interview Techniques . What is the purpose of Interviews? . (Open, Closed, Multiple , Direct, Suggestive?). Question Types.
(Open, Closed, Multiple , Direct, Suggestive?) Question Types What is an open question ? An open question is basically a question that is thought out well , to enable the person answering the question to give a more detailed and elaborative answer. The journalist that asks the questions would ask this question in many different forms such as – from a list, a few sentences , or maybe a paragraph to sum the question up for the person being interviewed. What is a closed question ? A closed question is easier, it’s a question asked where the response should be either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, for example - ‘Shouldn’t you go to bed now?’ Or ‘Are you feeling any better today?’ What is a multiple question? A multiple question is what it is really, it is a question within a question, for example - ‘Tell us about your race today? Do you feel as though you’ve done your self proud? ‘ This is an example of two questions being asked in one, it will make for more of a detailed answer, what journalists require when they are asking questions. What is a direct question ? A direct question is one which is just direct to a person, so for example – ‘Are you scared?’, ‘Do you know?’, ‘Are you crazy?’. Direct questions will put the person being interviewed on the spot more, so a bit more under pressure. What is a suggestive question ? A suggestive question is when the person interviewing suggest things in the question so that the person being interviewed has the option to either agree or disagree, and allows to elaborate, for example – ‘do you agree that most British football fans are hooligans?’ this is a suggestive question because it is forwarding already the fact the fans are, the person being interviewed would simply have to agree or disagree and elaborate his or hers point.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge8cBsPRpws http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4SG6qdFCXk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPD9ifodWm0
Interview Styling (hard news, light hearted, entertainment, investigative) What is Hard News? Hard news is basically the news that you would watch on say the BBC or the Sky news , its news that it is focussed on politics, society, crimes, business and figures . What is Light Hearted News – (Entertainment) - Light hearted news, well this is news that is essentially light hearted because it is. It focuses more on the entertainment side of things, so celebrities , artists , actors, actresses‘ and etc. The conversation will be more casual a lot more laid back rather than something like in ‘The News’. What is Investigative News? Well its investigating, journalists will go to all kinds of lengths in order to get to the bottom of something, it potentially turns into an investigation, because there further going deeper and deeper into a topic finding out more interesting facts and publicly exposing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5JI1y2czO0 Hard News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVGDafKPw0Q Light – Hearted News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwiOn421aig Investigative News
Structure Introduction, developmental, questions, confidence building, key questions, sound – bites, summary, wind-up A base to grow something upon, to further develop .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHlRJlMVzHA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8oWqhDPuYI&NR=1&feature=endscreen
Communication Skills • Building rapport, active listening, body language, • telephone techniques – gathering information, obtaining comments. Communication skills are key to an interviewing process, they are based on your building rapport meaning what your attitude is like with the person you are interviewing Telephone interviews and their techniques. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwXDjZzbup0