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ALICE S tatus Report 106 th LHCC meeting - Open session. Andrea Rossi, on behalf of the ALICE collaboration. ALICE publications in pp collisions. Multiplicity & distributions 900 GeV ; EPJC: Vol. 65 (2010) 111 900,2.36 TeV ; EPJC: Vol. 68 (2010) 89
ALICE Status Report106th LHCC meeting - Open session Andrea Rossi, on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
ALICE publications in pp collisions • Multiplicity & distributions • 900 GeV; EPJC: Vol. 65 (2010) 111 • 900,2.36 TeV; EPJC: Vol. 68 (2010) 89 • 7 TeV EPJC: Vol. 68 (2010) 345 • pbar/p ratio (900 GeV & 7 TeV) PRL: Vol. 105 (2010) 072002 • Momentum distributions (900 GeV) PLB: Vol. 693 (2010) 53 • Bose-Einstein correlations (900 GeV) PRD: Vol. 82 (2010) 052001 • Strangeness (K0,L,X,W,f) at 900 GeV EPJC: Vol: 71, (2011) 1594 • Identified charged particle spectra (900 GeV) • http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.4110 accepted by EPJC • Pion Bose-Einstein correlations at 0.9 and 7 TeV • http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.3665v1 submitted to Phys. Rev. D • J/Y production at 7 TeV : • http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1105.0380 submitted to Phys. Lett. B In this talk, focus on PbPb results
22-28 May ALICE Talks at Plenary: ALICE overview: J. Schukraft Global properties: A. Toia HBT: A. Kisiel Flow: R. Snellings RAA: H. Appelshaeuser Identified Particles: M. Floris Correlations (IAA): Jan Fiete GO J/Psi: G. Martinez Garcia Heavy Flavour: A. Dainese Identified hadrons PID methods: A. Kalweit p/K/p in pp: M. Chojnacki p0,h in pp: K. Reygers Resonances: A. Pulvirenti L/K0: I. Belikov X, W pp Pb: D. Chinellato RAAL/K0 : S. Schuchmann r,w,fpp: A. de Falco Experiments Upgrades: T. Peitzmann cross section pp: K. Oyama Global & Collective Nch, centrality: C. Loizides 'strong CP viol': P. Christakoglou directed flow v1: I. Selyuzhenkov elliptic flow high pt: A. Dobrin elliptic flow PID: M. Krzewicki Ultra-peripheral: C. Oppedisano Diffraction pp: M. Poghosyan Heavy Flavour HF m: X. Zhang HF e: S. Masciocchi J/Y pp: R. Arnaldi J/Y Pb: P. Pillot D mesons RAA: A. Rossi Correlations & Fluctuations Elliptic flow: A. Bilandzic Triggered dihadrons: A. Adare Untriggereddihadrons: A. Timmins Dihadrons pp: Y. Mao pT fluctuations: S. Heckel HBT: J. Mercado HBT K0s pp: T. Humanic In this talk: focus on highlights of PbPb results Jets Jet reconstruction: C. Klein-Boesing RAA charged: J. Otwinowski RAAp0: G. Conesa Balbastre
2.76 TeV pp run statistics • 2.76 TeV pp run: … not only a fundamental reference for PbPb analyses *w/o SDD (0.65 nb-1w/ SDD) • min. bias • single muon trigger (x10) ~ 71 nb-1 • ongoing 7 TeV pp run • now Lint>400 nb-1 with unlike sign muon pair trigger
Study of the QGP expanding fireball An expanding and cooling fireball • HIC complex system of strongly interacting matter • Extended size • Local thermodynamical equilibrium • 25 years experimental research to answer fundamental questions like: • How does the system evolve? • How does the collision geometry manifest itself and what can we learn from it? • Can we access medium global properties (energy density, temperature, size)? • How is particle production modified? • How do high energetic partons interact with the medium?
Particle Identification TPC dE/dx Time Of Flight ITS
Anti-Matter PID Anti-Hypertriton
Study of the QGP expanding fireball An expanding and cooling fireball • HIC complex system of strongly interacting matter • Extended size • Local thermodynamical equilibrium • 25 years experimental research to answer fundamental questions like: • How does the system evolve? • How does the collision geometry manifest itself and what can we learn from it? • Can we access medium global properties (energy density, temperature, size)? • How is particle production modified? • How do high energetic partons interact with the medium?
One of the main highlights at Quark Matter 2011 Triggered Azimuthal Correlations • Triggered correlations: choose a particle from one pT region ("trigger particle") and correlate with particles from another pT region ("associated particles") where pT,assoc < pT,trig in bins of pT,trig and pT,assoc • Lower pT • Assess the bulk of the correlations • Dominated by hydrodynamics and flow • Ridge • Higher pT • Dominated by jets • Quenching/suppression, broadening Away-side jet disappears
Triggered Azimuthal Correlations v1+v2+v3+v4+v5 'Near Side Ridge' broad away side structure v2 v3 2 Particle correlation C(DhDf) Dh > 0.8 Any function can be described with enough coefficients… can we interpret them? Projection on DfforDh > 0.8 Clean double Hump(aka 'Mach Cone') appears for ultra-central (without any flow subtraction !) Full correlation structure described by Fourier Coefficients v1,v2, v3, v4,v5 (for |h|>0.8) v3 very visible, indeed, v3 ≈ v2 for very central 'Mach Cone' & 'Near Side Ridge' shapes evolve smooth with magnitude of v2 and v3
Anisotropic transverse flow py py (elliptic flow) Final momentum anisotropy Reflected in azimuthal distribution Initial spatial anisotropy • Smooth matter distribution in the colliding nuclei • Yn=YRP • v2n+1 = 0 by symmetry
Anisotropic transverse flow py py (elliptic flow) Final momentum anisotropy Reflected in azimuthal distribution Initial spatial anisotropy • Smooth matter distribution in the colliding nuclei • Yn=YRP • v2n+1 = 0 by symmetry • Fluctuations in the matter distribution • event by event fluctuation of the plane of symmetry around YRP • non negligible odd harmonics • v3,v5,.. magnitude regulated by shear viscosity to entropy density ratio (h/s) y3 yRP y2
Higher Order Flow v3,v4,.. arXiv:1105.3865 Accepted by PRL v2 v4{2} = <cos(4(f1-f2))> v3{2} = <cos(3(f1-f2))> v3{4} 4 particle cumulant v3 relative to reaction & participant planes V3: small dependence on centrality v3{4} > 0 => not non-flow v3{4} < v3{2} => geometry fluctuations ! V3{YRP} ≈ 0 => Y3 indep. fluctuations w.r.t. YRP
Flow & Triggered Correlations 'away side jet' ≈ coefficients from flow analysis v3 : explain the 'near side long range ridge' and the away side 'Mach cone’ for |h| > 0.8 and pT < 3-4 GeV ! coefficients from C(PT1,PT2) analysis Any function can be described with enough coefficients - But not if we impose factorization C(pTtrig, pTassoc)=v(pTtrig)*v(pTassoc)(or take coefficients from flow analysis). Correlations (|h|>0.8) can be described consistently with 'collective flow' hypothesis for pT < 3-4 GeV ( consistent with 'collectivity ') only partially or not at all for pT > 5 GeV
Triangular Flow v3 v3 for p/K/p v3 v4 v5 versus pT v3 : - Explain the 'near side long range ridge' and the away side 'Mach cone’ for |h| > 0.8 and pT < 3-4 GeV ! • Compatible with hydrodynamic predictions • Induced by geometry fluctuations v2 p v3 K v4 p v5 Hydro calculation for v3 v3 shows mass splitting expected from hydro flow Has the magnitude (and pTdependence) expected from geometry fluctuations (and has different sensitivity to h/s than v2 )
More on v2: identified particle flow p/K/p v2 RHIC Centraliy 40%-50% • PID flow: • Mass splitting and ordering ≈ hydro • p and anti-p are 'pushed' further compared to RHIC • ≈ expected from hydro (with larger radial flow) • p and K flow well described by hydro • anti-p flow not well described by hydro in more central collisions Centraliy 10%-20%
Study of the QGP expanding fireball An expanding and cooling fireball • HIC complex system of strongly interacting matter • Extended size • Local thermodynamical equilibrium • 25 years experimental research to answer fundamental questions like: • How does the system evolve? • How does the collision geometry manifest itself and what can we learn from it? • Can we access medium global properties (energy density, temperature, size)? • How is particle production modified? • How do high energetic partons interact with the medium?
Transverse energy & energy density Grow with power of CM system energy faster than simple logarithmic scaling extrapolated from lower energy (similar trend than dNch/dh) Energy density (Bjorken) εt≈16 GeV/(fm2c) factor 2.7 larger than RHIC
Identified Particle spectra RHIC p- Hydro Prediction K- Hydro parameters from Blast Wave Fit RHIC -p K0 Very significant changes in slope compared to RHIC Most dramatically for protons Very strong radial flow, b≈ 0.66 even larger than predicted by most recent hydro more central
'Baryon anomaly': L/K0 x 3 RHIC L/K0 Ratio at Maximum Recombination + Radial flow? Baryon/Meson ratio still strongly enhanced x 3 compared to pp at 3 GeV • Enhancement slightly larger than at RHIC 200 GeV • Still present at 6 GeV/c - Maximum shift very little in pTcompared to RHIC despite large change in underlying spectra !
Study of the QGP expanding fireball An expanding and cooling fireball • HIC complex system of strongly interacting matter • Extended size • Local thermodynamical equilibrium • 25 years experimental research to answer fundamental questions like: • How does the system evolve? • How does the collision geometry manifest itself and what can we learn from it? • Can we access medium global properties (energy density, temperature, size)? • How is particle production modified? • How do high energetic partons interact with the medium? • in-medium partonic energy loss • parton nature (quark/gluon), mass dependence?
Charged particle nuclear modification factor (RAA) PLB 696 (2011) 30-39 Extrapolated reference => large syst. error
Charged Particle RAA: Ingredients pp spectrum Pb-Pb 2.76 TeV pp reference Measured reference, still needs extrapolation for pT> 30 GeV (but not in √s => smaller syst. error) Note: measured spectrum somewhat different than previous extrapolation (RAA goes down, but stays well within old systematic error bands)
RAA: Results RAA versus pT <RAA > in pT bins vers. Nch PHENIX pT 4-7 GeV 4-7 GeV RCPL, K Rise continues beyond 20 GeV Gradual change of slope above 30-40 GeV Note: centrality dependence is independent of reference spectrum ! L Identified particle RAA(K/L): - Interesting differences < 6 GeV - RAA universal > 6 GeV K0 K±
D0→ K-p+ Charm RAA: Ingredients Total Charm cross section D*+→ D0p+ D+→ K-p+p+ D0→ K-p+ ALICE ATLAS LHCb pp 2.76 TeV - charm in pp @ 7 TeV - subtract B feed down - absolute cross section - scale (FONLL) to 2.76 TeV - check with CDF & data @ 2.76 TeV - compare with other expts => Charm Cross section for comparison
Charm RAA: results D0→ K-p+ D+→ K-p+p+ - charm central in Pb-Pb! - subtract B feed down - absolute cross section (TAA) => prompt charm RAA (pT, centrality) - check consistency D0, D+
Charm RAA: results Strong suppression observed in central (0-20%) collisions, factor ~4-5 for pt >5 GeV/c (p+ + p-) RAA little shadowing Hot medium effect p-Pb run at LHC crucial to understand the low-pt rise - RAAprompt charm ≈ RAApions for pT > 5-6 GeV - RAA charm > RAAp for pT < 5 GeV ? • Qualitative expectation: RAA Charm > RAA Mesons • - DE gluon > DE quark (Casimir factor) • - DE masslessparton > DE massive quark ('dead cone') • Needs quantitative comparison with quenching calculations
Heavy Flavour decay muons • single promptmuon cross section (c,b) pp @ 7 TeV
Heavy Flavour Electrons Inclusive Electrons pp Beauty + Charm pQCD Beauty Electrons Background Inclusive electron spectrum pp 7 TeV Background 'cocktail' based on measured p± subtract => heavy flavour electrons (c, b) consistent with pQCD(and measured charm!) impact parameter cut => select beauty consistent with pQCD
Heavy Flavour decay Electrons Inclusive Electrons Pb Data / Background => hint of excess around 2 GeV interesting region (thermal radiation ? seen at RHIC…)
Heavy Flavour decay Electrons & Muons RAA - pp reference: 7 TeV measurement scaled (FONLL) to 2.76 TeV Resulting HFe RAA consistent wit HFm for pT > 3-4 GeV
Heavy FlavourRAA Comparison D0pt > 6 GeV/cmpt > 6 GeV/c e pt > 4.5 GeV/c • Consistent centrality dependence • Muons ~ Electrons ~ CMS J/y from B (QM2011) • D mesons clearly lower (charm vs beauty?)
J/y suppression: Ingredients 7 TeV ppJ/y→mm 7 TeV pp4 LHC expts ppJ/yCross Section Atlas 7 TeV 7 TeV CMS e+e- mm 2.76 TeV LHCb 2.76 TeV 2.76 TeV pp J/y cross section ds/dydpT 7 TeV & 2.76 TeV Agreement with pQCD Agreement among 4 LHC experiments (in region of overlap)
J/y suppression: Results Di-muon channel pT > 0, 2.5 <y<4 PbPb 0-10% Rather small suppression & centrality dependence
J/y suppression: Compared to.. RCP e+e- RAA Surprisingly (?) : less suppression than RHIC ! Phenix mm ATLAS RCP RCP(Alice/Atlas): suppression stronger at high pT ?? Complementary measurements
Progressing analyses • pp exclusive analyses: • Resonances in pp • Event shape characterization in pp • Analyses in both systems: • RAA • J/ψ (paper on pp results submitted) • study of polarization • Single electron from heavy-flavor decays • Single muons • Open charm • π0 production cross-section & RAA • Azimuthal correlations • Λ/K0s • Multi‐strange particles • Pb-Pb exclusive analyses: • Identified particle • Including nuclei and • anti‐nuclei • Azimuthal anisotropy • vn • Chiral magnetic effects • Event-by‐event fluctuations • HBT vs centrality
Resonances & Hyperons Resonances Hyperons
Data Samples 30 h only
User activity – month on month increase Running jobs per user Average 5000 jobs, 190 users Factor x2.5 increase over 2010 average Average 5600 (+ 12%), 240 users (+20%) Average 7100 (+27%), 280 users (+16%) 1/4 of CPU resources
User activity – month on month increase Average 7500 jobs, 290 users • Two weeks before final review - 10000 jobs in average • 5-6 May – all grid resources freed for users – 80% job slots • utilization ONLY from chaotic user analysis Stress-test for the GRID & Offline …OK!
ALICE Central Barrel 2 p tracking & PID • Dh ≈± 1 ACORDE (cosmics) V0 scintillator centrality |h|:1.7-3.7, 2.8-5.1 T0 (timing) ZDC (centrality) FMD (Nch -3.4<h<5) PMD (Ng, Nch) Muon Spectrometer 2.5 < h < 4 Collaboration: > 1000 Members>100 Institutes > 30 countries Detector: Size: 16 x 26 meters Weight: 10,000 tons 45
Detector Status Complete since 2008: ITS, TPC, TOF, HMPID, FMD, T0, V0, ZDC, Muon arm, Acorde PMD, DAQ Partial installation (2010): 4/10 EMCAL*(approved 2009) 7/18 TRD* (approved 2002) 3/5 PHOS (funding) ~ 60% HLT (High Level Trigger) 2011 10/10 EMCAL 10/18 TRD TRD to be completed end 2011 EMCAL HMPID TOF TRD TPC ITS L3 Magnet PHOS *upgradetothe original setup PLC 20J. Schukraft 46
J/y suppression: Compared to.. RCP e+e- RAA Phenix mm ATLAS RCP Complementary measurements Surprisingly (?) : less suppression than RHIC ! RCP(Alice/Atlas): suppression stronger at high pT ?? Caveats: -J/y (B) about10% (LHCb) => RAA(prompt) lower by ≈ 0.05 - compare toPhenixe+e- ? => less difference, still significant - shadowing(LHC) > shadowing(RHIC) ? => RAAgoes up ? - cold nuclear matter suppression ? shadowing range
Anisotropic transverse flow py py (elliptic flow) Final momentum anisotropy Reflected in azimuthal distribution Initial spatial anisotropy • More on v2 • Non-flow contribution (d) • Measure flow fluctuations (s) • different cumulants • Identified particle flow (sensitive to radial expansion) from last LHCC
More on v2 v2 no eta gap between particles Non-Flow corrections v2 |h|>1 both v2 corrected for remaining non-flow (Hijing or scaled pp)
More on v2 Non-Flow corrections v2 Fluctuations Flow fluctuations: - comparable to RHIC (driven mostly by geometry)