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Chapter 8 Photosynthesis Dr. Joseph Silver. this chapter deals with 1. what is photosynthesis 2. discovery of photosynthesis 3. pigments involved in photosynthesis 4. the light reaction 5. the dark reaction 6. photorespiration (C3 & C4 plants).
this chapter deals with1. what is photosynthesis2. discovery of photosynthesis3. pigments involved in photosynthesis4. the light reaction5. the dark reaction6. photorespiration (C3 & C4 plants)
photosynthesisdepends on cells capturingthe energy in somewavelengths of visible light
it is estimated that only about1%of the suns energyis captured by plants
there are two typesof photosynthesis1.anoxygenic (does not produce oxygen)2.oxygeneic (produces oxygen)
anoxygenic photosynthesistakes place inpurple, green sulfur, green nonsulfur, & heliobacteriain a previous chapter we learned about theevolution of metabolismanoxygenic photosynthesis was mentionedas a very primitive form of photosynthesiswhere energy (energized electrons)is gotten from molecules without oxygensuch as H2S or FeCl3
oxygenic photosynthesistakes place incyanobacteria, 7 groups of algae, all land plantsthis is modern photosynthesisresponsible for oxygen in our atmospherewater is used as an electron donor
we will concentrate onoxygenic photosynthesiswhich takes place in achloroplast
chloroplasts- have an outer and inner membrane- the inner membrane has many folds- thylakoid surface contains photosynthetic pigments- a stalk of thylakoids forms a grana- the grana are surrounded by a fluid stroma- the stroma contains glucose forming enzymes- chloroplast DNA is in the stroma
there are 3 steps to photosynthesis1. capture light energy2. make ATP & NADPHsteps 1 & 2 require light 3. use ATP & NADPH to make glucosestep 3 (carbon fixation) does not need light
photosynthesis6C02 + 12H2O + light(energy) C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2you should see that this equationis the reverse of cellular respirationyou need to know this equation
outer membraneinner membraneintermembrane spacethylakoidstromapigmentsphotosystemsplastoglobule
Greeks – growth from soilJan Helmont(1600s) – growth from soil & water Joseph Priestly(1700s) – plants add “life” to airJan Ingenhousz(1700s) – O2 off & carbon to carbohydrateF.F.Blackman(1900s) – only one part needs lightRobin Hill(1950s) – use of radioactive labels to trace chemicals through a biological pathway found that electrons from water used to make sugar
let’s digress for a momentandtalk about a subjectno one wants to talk abouttransmutation
seed + water + soil = growth of a plantseed weighs 0.6 grams – soil weighs 200 kilogramswater with pure waterin a few years the soil weighs 188 kilogramsthe tree weighs 920 kilogramsthe water in the tree weighs 600 kilograms920 – 600 = 320 – 12 =308 (where did the 308 come from)
visible light is only a small part of theelectromagnetic spectrum
a particle of light = a photona chemical which absorbs light energy = a pigmentthe shorter the wavelength of lightthe more energy the light contains
pigments absorb lightwhichcause excited electrons to be releasedwhichare picked up by electron carrierswhichwill be used to construct ATP & sugar
plant cells contain 3 types of pigments1. chlorophyll a2. chlorophyll b3. carotenoids
the main pigment = chlorophyll a2nd is chlorophyll b3rd = carotenoids (also antioxidants)
plant pigments absorb energyin the violet, blue and red areastheydo notabsorb in the green areathey look green becausegreen is nor absorbedgreen is reflected away from the chloroplasts
a photon of lightexcites electrons in the chlorophyll moleculewhichis passed among the double and triple bondsof chlorophyll and passed from molecule to moleculeuntil it reaches the reaction center
antenna complex = microdomainphotosystem II and photosystem Ia whole bunch of pigment moleculesin a protein matrixdesigned to do a job1. which is to capture the energy in light2. to transfer energy from molecule to molecule3. until it reaches the reaction center chlorophyll 4. where energized electrons are released5. into the thylakoid lumen6. while producing a proton gradient and NADPH
Photosystem II1. photons of light energize chlorophyll (680)2. cause energy to pass from pigment to pigment3. at reaction center energized electron released 4. to an electron transport complex5. H+ released to from proton gradient6. ATP synthase use H+ to make ATP to use in Calvin cycle to make sugar7. pair of electrons carried to photosystem I8. water oxidized to release H+, e-, & O which regenerate chlorophyll 9. and oxygen is released
Photosystem I1. energized electrons from photosystem II(700)2. energizes chlorophylls which pass3. electrons to reaction center4. which releases energized electrons5. to a second electron transport chain6. which energizes NADP to NADPH7. which will be used in Calvin cycle to make sugar
just as in mitochondriathe energized NADs go to the dark cycleand the proton gradient is used to make ATPwhichgoes to the dark cyclewhereenergy is used to make sugar from CO2
the Calvin cyclethe dark reactioncarbon fixation cycleC3 photosynthesisthe light-independent reactionwhere the ATP and NADPHare used to take CO2and make sugarwhich will go to a mitochondrionand be used to make ATP ??????
the dark reactionthe Calvin Cycle is similar tothe Krebs cyclein thata molecule entersand goes through a cycleand regeneratesthe starting compound
The Calvin Cyclethe light-independent reactionhas 3 parts1. carbon fixation2. chemical reduction3. regeneration of RuBP
in the stroma of a chloroplastRuBP(ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate) [5 carbons]reacts with CO2 (1 carbon)to form3-phosphoglycerate (PGA) {3 carbons}
you need to go through thecycle twice to make1 molecule of glucose