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New Trier All-School Wellness Team. . . . . . . . . Student Activities/Athletics. Kinetic Wellness. Health Services. Nutrition Services. Guidance, Student Assistance, Social Work. Safe Schools, Maintenance, SEED, Security. Employee Wellness. Parent, Admin., Community. . . . . . . FITNESS. NUTRITION
1. New TriersAll-School Wellness Team
Who we are and
where we are going into the future?
2. New Trier All-School Wellness Team
3. The All-School Wellness Teams Mission: To Coordinate, Communicate and Collaborate around school-wide wellness issues
Vision: To educate others about the connection between wellness and academic success
Belief Statement: We believe that
Emotional, physical, and social well-being enhances learning and life.
4. Wellness Programs 07-08 Frosh Athletes/Parent Info Night Aug 28
AIDS Walk: Sept 15
Run to Remember: Sun Sept 16 Volunteers?
Wellness Week: John Mon Sept 17-21 (Free Apples, Lunchtime activities, Smoothies, After School Healthy Snack Bar (N), 10,000 Steps, Triship Lean Steak Sale, Healthy back pack weigh-in and blood pressure cks-Health Services, other?)
Stewart Twemlow: Sept 17
Breast Cancer Awareness Day: Oct 24, 25
Peer Helping Blood Drive: October 31
Employee Flu Shots- Nov 7, 8
TAFY: Town Hall Meetings, Survey, Community Teen Report on Wellness
5. Healthy Balanced Life Action Plan 2004 Action Team Strategy: In partnership with the New Trier Community we will identify those factors that place excessive demands on time and energy and develop plans to encourage healthy balanced life.
2005-2010: Promote Healthy Eating Habits among students and staff
After reviewing organizational and governmental guidelines, policies, and mandates, belief statements were formulated that guide our objectives.
Action Plan approved by school board 4/23/07
6. All-School Wellness Role ASWT has moved to a collaborative task force team to incorporate and promote Healthy Balanced Life Strategic Action Plan.
Impact on All-School Wellness Team: Will add a function to ASWT requiring policy implementation, evaluation, follow-up, and accountability to the School Board.
7. Three Action Plans Evolved The nutrition action team strongly felt that the ASWT was the natural group to oversee this plan, since it looks at the areas of wellness and is represented by students, staff and community. Action Plans evolved:
Establish Nutritional Standards for all foods sold at school through the cafeteria and vending machines
Set Standards for school-based nutrition education
Provide quality physical education and opportunities for physical education.
8. How you can be involved? Join a subcommittee of the ASWT to participate in this process as we take on this function. Members of the Action Team will be a part of this new group and guide the process. Subcommittees:
Education (John)
Nutritional Standards (Colleen/Joan)
Prevention/Data (Kris/Tom)
The whole ASWT will be drawn upon for ideas, support and resources.
9. 2007-2008 ASWT meetings All 5 meetings on Wed 7-8am
Fall: Wed Aug 29, 2007 (W)
Subcommittee Mtg: Oct. 12, 2007 (N)
Winter: Wed Jan 16, 2008 (W)
Subcommittee Mtg: March 5, 2008 (N)
Spring: Wed May 14, 2008 (W)
10. ASWT is your home for school wellness
To Communicate, Coordinate and Collaborate
School Wellness
for a Healthy Balanced Life