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Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Learn about the factors, complications, and techniques in constipation treatment. Discover how to manage diarrhea and its prevention. Anatomy of the digestive system and common prevention measures are covered. Translation, causes, and complications of constipation are also discussed.

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Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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  1. Nursing English Unit 26 Diarrhea Unit 27Constipation* Lecturer: Wang Lei School of Nursing, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

  2. Learning Objectives • Indentify the factors that lead to constipation. • State the complications and treatment of constipation • State the techniques in the treatment with laxatives • Remember the commonly used words and their suffix , prefix in diarrhea and constipation management • Describe the common cause for diarrhea and its complications. • List the types of diarrhea which indicate medical supervision • Describe the prevention measures for diarrhea

  3. Anatomy of the Digestive System esophagus stomach liver large bowel or colon Small intestine rectum anus

  4. What is constipation? discharge, void 排泄 Constipation is the passage of small quantity of hard, dry stool (大便). a bowel movement; a bowel motion; feces; poo (pooh, poop)

  5. have a bowel movement • to empty /move / open /relax your bowels • passstools / feces / poo • do a poo 解大便

  6. 便秘的人 • a person who is / becomes constipated • a constipated person • a person with constipation • a person suffering from constipation

  7. Medical interview

  8. Interview Frequency (大便次数) • How many times a day do you have a • bowel movement / go to the toilet? • How many bowel movements do you • have each day? • How often do you move your bowels?

  9. Interview Color • What color is it? Consistency (粘稠度) • What about the consistency? Is it soft or • hard?

  10. Symptoms

  11. symptoms • feeling bloated • uncomfortable • sluggish • difficult and painful when passingstools bloated a. distended 膨胀的 sluggish a. displaying little movement 迟缓的

  12. Translation • He has a bloated, uncomfortable feeling after meal. • He feels bloated in his abdominal area

  13. Causes

  14. What causes constipation? • Not enough fiber in the diet. fibr- fiber 纤维 fibrescope fibroma 纤维内窥镜 纤维瘤 soluble (可溶的) insoluble; Bulk (纤维食物); texture (结构或特征)

  15. cheese; eggs; meat; milk vegetables; fruits, whole grain low fiber food high-fiber food 全谷类食物 barley (大麦), buckwheat (荞麦), corn (玉米), millet (小米), rice (大米), rye (黑麦), oats (燕麦), sorghum (高粱), wheat (小麦))

  16. Liquid: • mineral water; coffee; cola drinks; • juice; alcohol; tea • Not enough liquid Are all the liquids helpful to bowl movements? Coffee, alcohol, cola drinks Harmful! Mineral water, juice, tea Good! Wonderful! Helpful!

  17. lack of exercise • traveling • operation

  18. pain medications (painkiller) • antacids ( containing aluminum and calcium) • blood pressure medicines • antiparkinsondrugs, antispasmodics; • antidepressant;anticonvulsant • iron supplement • diuretics • Medications

  19. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Synonyms: functional bowel disease spastic (痉挛的) colon; irritable colon • Symptomsof IBS • alternativediarrhea and constipation; • abdominal cramps (spasm) 腹部绞痛 • bloating, gassiness, or wind

  20. Changes in life or routine • pregnancy; • aging ; • traveling.

  21. abuse of laxatives or regular use of enemas abuse: misuse abuse of drugs / drug abuse laxative: 轻泻剂 enema: 灌肠剂 stimulating evacuation of the bowels

  22. Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement stimulation, desire e.g. the sex urge

  23. Specific diseases 神经系统疾病 neurological disorders metabolic disorders endocrine disorders 代谢性疾病 内分泌疾病

  24. Problems with the colon and rectum • tumors • scar tissue (adhesions 粘连) • colorectal stricture (狭窄) • Hirschsprung's disease • (=congenital megacolon 先天性巨结肠) intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻

  25. Complications 痔疮 • Hemorrhoid • Anal fissures • Rectal prolapse • Fecal impaction 肛裂 fissure: a crack, cleft 裂缝或裂痕 直肠下垂 prolapse : falling down or slipping out of place 粪便嵌塞 impaction: cram 嵌入; 塞满

  26. Impact of constipation on quality of life • discomfort and fatigue (65%) • irritability (one in four women) • feeling less attractive (51%), • (impact on one’s social life) • affecting sex life (68%) • (due to pain or not feeling attractive)

  27. Prevention & treatment

  28. Prevention of constipation • Build regular bowel habits. • Take regular exercise. • Increase the fiber in your diet. • Drink more water. • Laxatives for a limited time.

  29. Treatment For hemorrhoids

  30. Treatment For hemorrhoids • warm tub baths • ice packs • application of a special cream to the affected area 温水坐浴 冰袋冷敷 膏状物 患处 apply: administer 涂;敷

  31. stretch the sphincter muscle; • surgical removal of tissue or skin in the affected area. extend or enlarge 括约肌 for anal fissure

  32. Mineral oil taken by mouth and by an enema 矿物油 • Break up part of the hardened stool and insert one or two fingers into the anus to remove them. for impaction stool

  33. Summary of Unit 27 • Identify the causes of constipation, its complications and ways to prevent constipation. • key words: constipation • 便秘 • 肠 • 纤维 • 轻泻药 • 灌肠 intestine, bowel fiber laxative enema

  34. hemorrhoid • 痔疮 • 直肠下垂 • 患处 • 温水坐浴 • 冰袋 • 肠梗阻 • 结肠 • 肠易激综合征 rectal prolapse affected area warm tub bath ice pack intestinal obstruction colon irritable bowel syndrome

  35. Unit 26 Diarrhea gonorrhea (淋病) galactorrhea (乳溢) • What is diarrhea? • Medical terms and phrases related to diarrhea.

  36. Diarrhea is an abnormal increase in the frequency and liquidity of one’s stools. Sometimes the loose stools mix with blood, pus and mucus. liquidity: 流动性 pus: 脓液 mucus: 粘液

  37. Other terms related to diarrhea 稀便 (L2) loose stools / bowels watery stools 水样便 unformed stools 不成形的大便 Page 104 Paragraph 3 (L6) go away by itself = resolve by itself 自愈

  38. page 105 (L4) malabsorption malnutrition sequela (pl. sequelae) paragraph 4 (L5) oral solution 吸收不良 营养不良 后遗症 口服液

  39. Thanks for your attention! Special thanks to Ms. Xiehong

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