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Word meanings in contact

Word meanings in contact. Kuiper and Allan Chapter 3.1.5. Word meanings in contact. antonymous adjectives and nouns hot day vs hot chocolate disambiguation single 'unmarried' or 'one only' single book cannot mean 'unmarried book'. compositionality e.g. big house.

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Word meanings in contact

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Word meanings in contact Kuiper and Allan Chapter 3.1.5

  2. Word meanings in contact • antonymous adjectives and nouns • hot day vs hot chocolate • disambiguation • single 'unmarried' or 'one only' • single book cannot mean 'unmarried book'. • compositionality • e.g. big house

  3. Word meanings in contact (contd.) • Sense and denotation • the sense of nouns and fuzzy sets denoted • Collocation • e.g. white wine

  4. Pragmatics • that part of the meaning of an utterance which is not the message carried by the code

  5. Referring • Expressions (typically containing a noun) may be referring expressions. • They are expressions which can be used to refer to people, things, actions etc. • Referring is something speakers use words to do.

  6. Word association and connotation • positive associations and connotations, e.g. of the word home. • negative associations and connotations, e.g. of the word hovel. • pragmatics, or that part of the meaning of an utterance which is not the message. • euphemism, e.g. bathroom. • taboo words

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