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Students With High Incidence Disorders. Speech and language disabilities Learning disabilities Emotional disturbance Mild cognitive disabilities. Characteristics of Students With High Incidence Disabilities. Make up 90% of all students with disabilities
Students With High Incidence Disorders • Speech and language disabilities • Learning disabilities • Emotional disturbance • Mild cognitive disabilities
Characteristics of Students With High Incidence Disabilities • Make up 90% of all students with disabilities • Often hard to distinguish from their peers • Exhibit a combination of behavioral, social, and academic problems • Benefit from systematic, highly structured interventions
Students With Communication Disorders: • May have a number of learning, social, and/or emotional needs • Their language problems may affect their performance in all academic areas, including reading, math, written expression, and content-area instruction
Students With Communication Disorders : Socially may be withdrawn, rejected by their peers, difficulty using language in social situations
Enhancing the Academic Performance of Students With Communication Disorders: • Academic performance may be enhanced by using adaptations that present vocabulary in a variety of ways • Modeling concepts that teach students to expand their language increases academic outcomes • Teaching within a context that is meaningful increases the likelihood students will remember the information you are presenting
Students With Learning and Behavior Disabilities Includes: • Learning Disabilities • Mild Mental Retardation • Emotional Disturbance
Characteristics of Students With Learning and Behavior Disabilities Include: • They may be inefficient learners • For example, difficulty attending to task, picking out important details or main idea, language use, organization, reasoning, conceptualization, and generalization, recall and application of to be learned information
They may exhibit social and emotional difficulties in classroom conduct, interpersonal skills, personal and psychological adjustment • classroom conduct for example would be characterized by disruptive behaviors such as hitting, fighting, teasing, refusing to comply with requests, crying, withdrawn, and/or destructiveness
May suffer from depression, melancholy, or pervasive unhappiness • personal/psychological problems such as low self-esteem, poor self image, learned helplessness may lead to interpersonal problems which can lead to their being rejected by classmates and teachers
Make Adaptations and Modifications • Teach/remediate These Social Skills Deficits • Teach them how to do it for themselves
These Skills Can Be Taught Just Like Academic Skills! • Teach them how to manage their own behavior by incorporating social skills training into your curriculum • Providing structure and employing a behavior management plan
Teach students to use strategies to control their own behavior (self-control) • Incorporate attribution retraining into your curriculum
What Is an Inefficient Learner • Do not understand the learning game • Doesn’t use strategies • Is not proactive • Doesn’t make the connection between strategy use and academic and/or social success • Perseverate in the use of strategies that have lead them to make poor grades or social mistakes
Activity 1:Applications in Teaching Practice How are the major aspects of the classroom environment (i.e., Classroom organization, classroom grouping, instructional materials, instructional methods, and student evaluation) typically done in an elementary, middle, high school settings?
Activity 2:Applications in Teaching PracticeUse step one of the INCLUDE STRATEGYto accommodate students with high incidence disabilities in an elementary, middle, and high school setting. The table on page 225-226 and the section on step one of the INCLUDE Strategy in chapter 4 (page 120-155) will be helpful.