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Jaya Lambodhara Paahi Maam Victory to You Lord Ganesha! You are also known as Lambodara (the Guardian of all types of wealth); Please protect us; We take refuge in You

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jaya Lambodhara Paahi Maam Victory to You Lord Ganesha! You are also known as Lambodara (the Guardian of all types of wealth); Please protect us; We take refuge in You Jagathamba Sutha Raksha Maam O Beloved Prince of the Mother of the Universe (Amba); Kindly protect and guard us; O Compassionate One

  2. Sharanagatha Raksha Maam O Merciful Lord! You are our Protector; At Your feet we surrender, for other than You there is no refuge Hey Karuna Nidhey Paahi Maam You are the embodiment of compassion and mercy! Kindly guard and protect us

  3. Sri Gananaatha Samraksha Maam O Lord of Ganas! Guard us well all the time; Your loving compassion reaches out to all, emanating strength to overcome difficulties Nija Bhakti Mudam Dehi Maam Grant us pure devotion towards You; Give us true happiness that depends on You alone;May the light of love and devotion shine brightly in our hearts

  4. Jai Jai Jai Gananaayaka Jai Jai Vighna Vinaashaka Victory to the Lord of Ganas! Victory to the Remover of all obstacles! O Lord, sit in the core of our heart and remove all our bad propensities

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