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The Foreign Policies of Ronald Reagan. Background. Career started as a Movie Actor Originally supported the Democratic Party, but switched to Republicans because of Democratic tax policies Former Governor of California Powerful, charming personality; earned nickname Great Communicator.
Background • Career started as a MovieActor • Originally supported the Democratic Party, but switched to Republicans because of Democratic tax policies • Former Governor of California • Powerful, charming personality; earned nickname GreatCommunicator
Background (cont.) • Wife, Nancy, played a leading role in his administration • “JustSayNo!” antidrug campaign • Survived an assassination attempt by JohnHinckleyJr. (1981)
The Reagan Revolution • Became part of a growing conservative movement called the New Right • Supported… • School Prayer • Lower Taxes • Small Gov’t. • Strong Military • Bible-based Human Creation
Reaganomics • Two Goals: • Reduce taxes to stimulate economic growth • Cut the federal budget • Reagan’s economic theory was based on Supply-SideEconomics
Supply-Side Economics • Tax cuts allow businesses to expand and invest their tax savings • Businesses could then hire more workers or build new stores • Critics: • Rich would become richer, poor would become poorer • No wealth would “trickle down” to the working class
Reaganomics • Before becoming Reagan’s VP, Bush Sr., referred to it as… • “Voodoo Economics” • Tax cuts combined with increased military spending drove the deficit higher, increasing national debt
Reagan & the Cold War • Rejected policies of détente & containment • Took a hard-line stance towards communism and the USSR • Referred to the USSR as the “evilempire” and wanted to destroy it.
Reagan & the Cold War • “Peace with Strength” • Huge increases in military/defense spending • 1981-1985 defense budget grew from $150 billion to $250 billion • Increased nuclear stockpiles • StrategicDefenseInitiative (SDI): shield in space that would protect the US against incoming Soviet missiles
Reagan & the Cold War • US-Soviet relations warm • In 1985 new Soviet leader MikhailGorbachev began talks to reduce nuclear stockpiles with the US • In an act of defiance, Reagan gave a speech at a famous BerlinWall landmark called the Brandenburg Gate • “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” • The Berlin Wall officially came down in 1989 • USSR fell two years later in 1991
Iran-Contra Affair • Background • US supported Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza • Sandinistas (Marxist group) with help from Cuba (communist) overthrew Samoza • Reagan cuts off aid to Nicaragua and alleges that the Sandinistas were supported by USSR • Reagan then secretly approves $20 million for the CIA to train an opposition called the Contras • Congress discovered the secret activities of the CIA (without their approval) and immediately cut off all aid to the Contras
The Iran Connection • Despite Congress’ ban on aid to the Contras, Reagan remained determined to help them • Reagan approves of weapons sales to Iran – a direct violation of a US arms embargo • Members of Reagan’s National Security Council secretly diverted funds from the illegal Iranian arms sales to the Contras in Nicaragua • Vice Admiral John Poindexter & Lt. Colonel Oliver North carried out the plan
The Aftermath • The scheme was revealed to Congress in 1986 followed by an investigation • Reagan admitted authorizing Iranian arms sales, but denied knowledge of the diversion of funds to the Contras • Other members of the administration engaged in a cover-up • North admitted destroying key documents (let off on a technicality) • Others lied and withheld evidence