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The MIT-Skoltech Initiative Building the Future of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Overview. MIT is enthusiastic about Skoltech’s v ision , mission and concept.
The MIT-Skoltech InitiativeBuilding the Future of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Overview • MIT is enthusiastic about Skoltech’s vision, mission and concept. • MIT is working closely with Skoltech to help build its faculty, students, research, education, entrepreneurship and innovation, and administrative structures and programs. • We encourage others to join and help Skoltech in this effort.
Skoltech Mission and Vision • MISSION • To have educational, scholarly and economic impact in the Russian Federation and around the world, • By educating leading graduate students and conducting research programs to address key challenges in science, technology, engineering and innovation, • Using a fusion of exceptional talent, and building the university to be an integral part of the Skolkovo innovation ecosystem. • VISION: Bridges from Science to Innovation • Research with both a firm foundation in fundamental research and a consideration for innovation that bridges functions to bring ideas to impact • Education for innovation that grounds students in fundamentals and the innovation process, so that they can be leaders in bridging ideas to impact
Skoltech Concept • CONCEPT • Creation of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in Russia—an independently-governed, research-intensive, graduate university integrating science, engineering, technology, and innovation • KEY COMPONENTS: Triple Helix • Graduateeducational programsorganized around broad themes rather than traditional academic disciplines, integrating science and engineering • Multi-university, multi-disciplinary research focused on important problem areas • Industrial impact by integrating education, research, and practice in entrepreneurship, innovation and commercialization
Research with a Consideration of Innovation • Collaborative efforts partnering Skoltech with both international and Russian institutes (universities and Russian Academy of Sciences) • Concentrated excellence in one of five strategic themes, solving real problems in biomedicine, energy, IT, nuclear, and space • Building capacity at Skoltech and attracting top talent • Integrating education and accelerating innovation Each center fundedat $6-12mUSD/year • GOAL • Discover new ideas and develop new technologies that address the pressing needs of members of society and society as a whole, and which build upon fundamental science and technology, yet are guided by a consideration for innovation • STRATEGY: Create at least 15 Centers for Research, Education, and Innovation (CREI)
Skoltech Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Engage Skoltech with industry, both existing and new (startups) Adapt and implement best practice models, policies, and mechanisms from MIT and elsewhere at Skoltech Education and student programs Administrative and interface functions Commercialization paths
MIT Skoltech Initiative: Collaboration Framework and People at MIT • MIT has committed the energy, attention, and time of faculty, senior administration, key offices, and staff to the collaboration. • 35 staff, led by 10 faculty: the core of the MIT Skoltech Initiative • MIT headquarters: Building E70, 12th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139 • Over 70 additional facultyacross MIT, with senior administrators from Technology Licensing, Sponsored Programs, Campus Planning and Design, VP Research, School of Engineering, Center for Entrepreneurship, and many other key offices and departments throughout MIT. • Working closely in collaboration to create and build up Skoltech as a new, unique, world-class research university in Russia.
MIT Skoltech Initiative—2012-2013 Highlights • Lead partner in design and establishment of Skoltech • Administration structure, governance, leadership • Skoltech faculty recruiting and development • Advice on campus planning and laboratory design • Design and transfer of graduate MS and PhD degree programs • Core master’s degree curricula in 5 program areas • CREIs contribute to advanced curricula development in multiple tracks • Design, and participate in a subset of, joint research centers (CREIs) • Build Skoltech through globally distributed research centers that create presence and capacity in research connected to education and innovation • Establish Skoltech as a leader through joint research with international and Russian universities and institutions • Create a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation at Skoltech • Education & students: cross-cut or shared degree requirements, clubs, business plan competitions, venture mentoring • Administrative functions and mechanisms: Technology Licensing Office, Office of Sponsored Programs, Industrial Liaison Program… • Commercialization paths: innovation research funding as step in thepipeline leading to Techopark startups, venture funding, etc. • Administration • & Faculty Education & Students Research Entrepreneurship& Innovation
Administration and Operations Outstanding initial board with Russian, MIT, and international leaders Attract staff, serve as university model MIT experience & know-how connected to Skoltech Capacity built in administrative skills at Skoltech 39 initial policies drafted First MIT immersion (ACEP) training of senior Skoltech staff Skoltech Board of Trustees recruited Collaboration office opens at MIT 2011 2012 2013 MIT campus design & EHS advising Search for key Skoltech officers Operating plan, financial model, organization structure Ensure campus facilities will function to enable world-class research and education at Skoltech Executive VP, Senior VP for Research & Innovation hired (Fall 2012) Business model, ramp-up plan at Skoltech
Skoltech Staff Training at MIT: Administrator Capacity Enhancement Program (ACEP)
Faculty 780 total applications through December; 50 interviews planned for early 2013 By July 2012, 400 applications, 20 interviews at MIT 20+ MIT faculty, 9 FFF, and 3 firms recruit top candidates; First faculty hired at Skoltech International Skoltech faculty recruitment launched Fall round of Skoltech faculty applications Skoltech faculty search committees established; expanded for CREI director/senior faculty search 2011 2012 2013 First 3 Skoltech faculty begin faculty development program (FDP) posting at MIT First Skoltech Founding Faculty Fellows recruited(17 total) Initial design of MIT/Skoltech postdoctoral program Customized FDP design to build careers of Skoltech faculty Experts from around the world engaged by Skoltech for advice and network-building Recruitment effort launch in 2013
Faculty—International Search and Recruiting More than 25 MIT faculty, Skoltech faculty, and Skoltech Founding Faculty Fellows serving on search committees for junior and senior faculty, CREI director searches. Faculty Search Committee Biomed Energy IT/Hardware IT/Software Faculty Search “Pipeline”: first round (early 2012) E & I Nuclear Space Faculty Search “Pipeline”:second round (2012–2013)
Skoltech Faculty Development at MIT • SkoltechFaculty Development Program (FDP) at MIT: • Research collaboration • Participate in Skoltech/MIT curriculum & education development • Entrepreneurship and innovation development Master’s and PhD educational programs at Skoltech … Join/teach in educationprogram at Skoltech 50 newSkoltech Faculty Hires 1st year postingat MIT Move to Skoltech … 2-year collaborative research project with MIT faculty host Join a Skoltech CREI SkoltechCenter for Research, Education & Innovation … Time
Faculty Development Program—Skoltech Faculty Engaged at MIT Year-Long Posting at MIT 1. Education/Teaching Skills 2. Research Collaboration & Mentoring (Two-year joint research with host MIT faculty) 3. Develop Innovation, Entrepre-neurship, Leadership Skills 12.S680/16.S899 Spring 2013: Space Physics, Space Environment, and Space Hazards Yuri Shprits, Kerri Cahoy 16.89J/ESD.352 Spring 2013: Space Systems Engineering Jeff Hoffman, Alessandro Golkar 15.S12 Spring 2013 SSIM: Systems Optimization, Models, and Computation Brian Anthony, Victor Lempitsky
Education Skoltech education outcomes identified to meet Russian needs with world-class standards First courses in IT and Energy ready to be taught at Skoltech in fall 2013 Skoltech best practices developed as model for Russia New and adapted Skoltech courses piloted at MIT Skoltech Educational Outcomes Workshop in Moscow Skoltech educational quality assurance system initiated Russian undergraduate education interface visit & workshop at MIT 2011 2012 2013 Influence Russian undergraduate engineering education reform, to prepare students for Skoltech graduate education Skoltech learning outcomes, degree requirements, academic year structure defined Learning outcomes for first Skoltech master’s programs (IT, Energy)
Skoltech Master’s and PhD Education • Education is deeply entwined with Research and Innovation • Skoltech education depends on both MIT core/E&I and advanced tracks with CREIs • MIT also engaged in some SkoltechCREIs in order to help develop/transfer Skoltech curricula
Organizing Streams of a Skoltech Master’s Program Scientific and Technical Specialization, Knowledge and Experience • Provide solid foundation of the scientific and engineering fundamentals Sector, Knowledge and Experience • Orient the students to how a sector works, and how innovation works in the sector • Technical aspects of the sector • Ecosystem aspects of a sector Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Experience • Orient the student in the process of, provide skills for, and experience with innovation—so that graduates know how to innovate and are prepared to take the risks necessary to be successful • Innovation, Design, Manufacturing, Entrepreneuring
Curricular Elements in a Skoltech Master’s Program Capstone Thesis(prior project + ~4 course equivalent extension) Scientific and Technical Specialization, Knowledge and Experience • ~8 courses • Research project in CREI (~2 course equivalent) Sector, Knowledge and Experience • ~2 courses • Development project in sector-based entity (~2 course equivalent) Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Experience • ~3 courses
Education—2013 Goals/Plans 2016 2015 2013 2014 Fall Fall Fall Fall Spring Spring Spring Spring Energy – Track 1 IT – Track 1 Energy – Track 2 IT – Track 2 Mixed Programs (e.g., Energy + IT) Academic Programs Bio – Year 0 Bio – Track 1 Internal Candidate Doctoral Program • Delivery of first classes at Skoltech (IT & Energy) in Fall 2013 • MIT faculty/staff to assist in teaching 5 of these first 6 courses at Skoltech • Pilot and transfer courses for Spring 2014 at Skoltech • Define, develop and pilot Biomed and Manufacturing courses (to start delivery in Fall 2014 at Skoltech) • Host Skoltech Biomed Year 0 students at Skoltech partner universities, including MIT (Fall ’13) • Pilot the Manufacturing and Product Realization program (Fall ’13) with Skoltech students hosted at MIT Space Year 0 Space Nuclear Nuclear, Y0
Students 13 MIT students travel with Skoltech for entrepreneurial student recruiting (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan univ.) Skoltech students absorb classes andE&I culture Inaugural Skoltech master’s students spend 2012-2013 academic year at MIT, ICL, HKUST, ETHZ First student exchange through MISTI-Russia program 2011 2012 2013 Skoltech admissions campaign launched First Skoltech student selection weekend PhD admissions process and website developed MIT faculty/staff ensure rigorous standards to attract top students to Skoltech First Skoltech PhD student admitted (enrolls in early 2013) Inaugural class of 20 Skoltech master’s students
Students—Admissions, Recruitment • Spring admissions cycle for Skoltech master’s programs • Rolling admissions for Skoltech PhD students
Students—Pilot Year (Year 0) at MIT Skoltech students join/excel in entrepreneurship contests and activities, MIT classes, student life Students absorb MIT innovative culture to bring to Skoltech
Research Targeted collaborations synchronized with Skoltech strategy for future CREIs New collaboration unites researchers in Russia, Netherlands, US to build Skoltech Strategic target areas and partners for Skoltech impact identified New connections between potential research partners CREI-2 Proposers’ Conference attracts 600+ to Moscow Skoltech 2030 Workshop and strategy development Initial 25 planning grants (PGs) awarded Stem Cell Center launched (2013) 2011 2012 2013 First 3 CREIs selected via international peer review process 143 CREI-2 white papers from 381 institutions(and 10 Nobel Laureates) CREI-1 Proposers’ Conference at MIT attracts 300 participants First 9 Strategic Development Projects (SDPs) launch Skoltech CREI process attracts international participants 129 CREI-1 white papers received from 260 institutions Outstanding CREI-1 centers to attract faculty and launch Skoltech research Joint research networks seeded to build Skoltech capacity
Skoltech Centers for Research, Education and Innovation (CREIs) • Each Skoltech CREI brings together, in a globally distributed model, leading institutions focused on a shared strategic problem or research area important to Russia. The Skoltech CREIs will accelerate development of, and provide transitional Skoltech capacity in: • Research expertise and research infrastructure • Educational programs: both formal and informal • Entrepreneurship and innovation: to move ideas to economic impact • Faculty: attracting, recruiting, mentoring Skoltech faculty • Students: admitting and nurturing top Russian and non-Russian talent • Industry capacity: to engage, understand needs, enlist involvement • Convening capacity: define agendas and enlist world community • Funding: attract non-Russian international funding • Reputation
Defining the Skoltech 2030 Strategy:Summary of High Priority CREI Investments • IT • Machine learning and AI • Advanced computing systems • Big Data • Electronics materials and device • Quantum physics/technology • Space • Supporting humans in long term space exploration • Small satellites • Utilization of space data • Cross-cutting • Advanced materials • Computational and data-intensive science & engineering • Human engineering and cognition * Topics in italics are under negotiation • Biomedicine • Computational and systems biology • Immunology and infectious disease • Gene- and nano-medicine • Regenerative medicine • Energy • Hydrocarbon fuel production and transportation • Hydrocarbon processing • Electrical power systems generation and distribution • Electrical energy storage • Nuclear • Nuclear energy safety • Materials for extreme environments • Non-energyapplications
Call For CREI ProposalsSkoltech as Russia’s Gateway to International Scientific Excellence • CREI-1 Proposal Round • 129 white papers from 260 institutions • 13 finalists • 3 CREI awards • Stem Cell Research • Infectious Disease & RNA Therapeutics • Electro-Chemical Energy Storage • CREI-2 Proposal Round • 143 white papers from 381 institutions • 15 finalists • Industry CREI candidates identified • CREI awards to be selected in May 2013
Strategic Development ProjectsBuilding Capacity & Networks for Skoltech MIT / Irkutsk RAS (2013) Turitsyn/Voropai Efficient and reliable energy networks with distributed and heterogeneous resources MIT / MSU Chakraborty/Nedospasov Vaccine Design and Development MIT / NSU Leeb/Fedoruk Advanced Modeling and Control of Intelligent Power Systems MIT / MSU Poggio/Konushin Brains, Minds and Machines MIT / MEPhi (2013) Li/Strikhanov Nuclear Systems and Materials MIT / MAI Young/Efremov Space Exploration MIT / MIPT Barzilay/Vorontsov Massive Data Analysis and Processing MIT / INM RAS, MSU White/Tyrtyshnikov Comprehensive Computational Engineering MIT / New Economic School Micali/Izmalkov Secure Markets and Services MIT / A.M. Prokhorov Institute, RAS Baldo/Tikhodeev Low Energy Information Technology MIT / Institute of Applied Physics, RAS So/Sergeev Next Generation Biophotonics for Biology, Pharmacology, and Medicine • Nine teams of 3 MIT + 3 Russian researchers launched in mid-2012 • Seeds network for research and capacity building for Skoltech across all five thematic areas (biomed, energy, IT, nuclear, space)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Russian university/institute entrepreneurs receive mentoring to speed development Resolution of key governance and IP ownership, license, revenue share issues to enable research-innovation 82 pre-proposals, 11 semifinalists, and 4 finalist projects launched to improve research commercialization Successful US-based entrepreneurs recruited as pilot Skoltech Catalysts Russia-wide call for proposals for pilot Skoltech Innovation Sponsorship Program (ISP) Template CREI contract (Master Partnership Agreement – MPA) 2011 2012 2013 First month-long intensive “Innovation Workshop” at MIT for Skoltech students Workshop to design CEI@Skoltech Phase 1 benchmarking study of university based E&I CEI expansion to include Manufacturing Systems 60 MIT contributors, 200+ hours of lectures, and 40 off-campus activities create new Skoltech E&I content Strategy and plans defined to create unique Skoltech model Skoltech to address invent-to-manufacture full value chain Best practice sites identified
Innovation Workshop at MIT • Over 62 people from 15 MIT labs and departments contributed to the delivery of the workshop • Intensive month-long program for Skoltech students • Develop an experientiallearning curriculum • Hands-on, team-oriented activities • Fuses multiple MIT approaches to innovation • Reconciles technology & vehicles (company, startup, paper, grants, …) • Empower students and develop the student culture of Skoltech • Intensity, curiosity and adventure, centers on innovation, founded on firm disciplinary fundamentals • Refine a Mens et Manus (Hand and Mind) approach to innovation
Intangible Value of MIT Collaboration • Brand and Platform • Attracts world-wide involvement and people to Skoltech, in all areas and activities (faculty, students, research, education, industry, innovation, …) • In addition to direct Collaboration activities, indirect or independent activities of Skoltech are enabledand amplified by the association with MIT • Culture • Fundamental: a leading model for a high-impact, economically generative, research university—tying research, education and industry/innovation together • Impact not only Skoltech, but culture of other Russian universities, research institutes, and industry: innovation, collaboration • MIT engagement acceleratestransformative changes that might otherwise take much longer to develop on their own • Networks • Bring Skoltech into contact with all corners of MIT, and with MIT’s partners throughout the world (universities, industry, policy) to build and foster Skoltech communities (internal, Skolkovo, region, and world)
Impact of MIT-Skoltech Collaboration Contribute to a potentially high impact social/economic initiative in an important country Gain exposure to new problems and approaches Experiment with integrated research, education, innovation models Provide MIT students and faculty with new opportunities for international engagement and experience Design and use new, state-of-the-art research facilities at Skoltech Help educate future global leaders Connect to Russian industry and multinational companies in Russia, including technology companies (established & startups) in Skolkovo Interact with a deep Russian talent pool of scientists/engineers Create a key hub or portal for long-term MIT collaborations with multiple Russian and international universities
Summary • MIT is committed to the success of Skoltech • Unique opportunity for research, education and innovation collaboration with existing and new researchers and industries in Russia • MIT assisting with: • Faculty (and students, postdoc) recruiting and development • Novel educational program development • Adapting known models for research contracts, IP management, commercialization to Skoltech and Russia • Powerful concept and international collaborations in the Centers for Research, Education and Innovation (CREIs) • MIT encourages others to join with Skoltech in this unique opportunity