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The World into Which Jesus Was Born

The World into Which Jesus Was Born. “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. “ Galatians 4:4-5 . Babylonian Captivity.

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The World into Which Jesus Was Born

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  1. The World into Which Jesus Was Born

  2. “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. “ Galatians 4:4-5
  3. Babylonian Captivity The End of Idolatry for Israel
  4. Babylonian Captivity The End of Idolatry for Israel
  5. Babylonian Captivity The End of Idolatry for Israel The Changing of a Religion
  6. Babylonian Captivity 586 B.C. The Destruction of Jerusalem
  7. Babylonian Captivity 586 B.C. The Destruction of Jerusalem The Destruction of the Temple
  8. Babylonian Captivity 586 B.C. The Destruction of Jerusalem The Destruction of the Temple The Inability to Make Sacrifices
  9. Babylonian Captivity New Emphasis on Studying the Law
  10. Babylonian Captivity New Emphasis on Studying the Law The Sect of the Pharisees
  11. Babylonian Captivity New Emphasis on Studying the Law The Sect of the Pharisees The Class of Scribes
  12. Babylonian Captivity New Emphasis on Studying the Law The Sect of the Pharisees The Class of Scribes
  13. Babylonian Captivity New Emphasis on Studying the Law The Sect of the Pharisees The Class of Scribes The Forming of Synagogues
  14. A Subject People The Sect of the Sadducees
  15. A Subject People The Sect of the Sadducees The Sect of the Essenes
  16. A Subject People
  17. The Helenistic Period
  18. The Helenistic Period Alexander the Great Jerusalem 332 B.C.
  19. The Helenistic Period Language
  20. The Helenistic Period Language Religion
  21. The Helenistic Period Language Religion Political Change
  22. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" The Elimination of all non-Hellenistic forms of Religion and Culture
  23. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" The Elimination of all non-Hellenistic forms of Religion and Culture No Passover
  24. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" The Elimination of all non-Hellenistic forms of Religion and Culture No Passover No Jewish Forms of Dress
  25. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" The Elimination of all non-Hellenistic forms of Religion and Culture No Passover No Jewish Forms of Dress No Jewish Dietary Restrictions
  26. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" The Elimination of all non-Hellenistic forms of Religion and Culture No Passover No Jewish Forms of Dress No Jewish Dietary Restrictions No Sacrifices to the God of Scripture
  27. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" The Elimination of all non-Hellenistic forms of Religion and Culture No Passover No Jewish Forms of Dress No Jewish Dietary Restrictions No Sacrifices to the God of Scripture No Copies of the Scripture
  28. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" The Elimination of all non-Hellenistic forms of Religion and Culture No Passover No Jewish Forms of Dress No Jewish Dietary Restrictions No Sacrifices to the God of Scripture No Copies of the Scripture No Circumcision
  29. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" Samaritan “Solution”
  30. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" Judah
  31. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" Judah
  32. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" Judah The Final Insult
  33. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" Mattathias
  34. Antiochus IV Epiphanes' "Reforms" Mattathias Judas Maccabaeus (Maccabees)
  35. The Making of a Mindset
  36. The Making of a Mindset The Maccabean Revolt
  37. “The crowds going ahead of Him, and those who followed, were shouting, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David; BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD; Hosanna in the highest!’” Matthew 21:9
  38. “So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, ‘Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?’” Acts 1:6
  39. The Making of a Mindset The Maccabean Revolt The Hasmonean Dynasty
  40. The Making of a Mindset Civil War
  41. The Making of a Mindset
  42. Roman Rule
  43. Roman Rule 63 B.C. to 180 A.D. Hasmonean Dynasty Continued until 37 B.C.
  44. Roman Rule 63 B.C. to 180 A.D. Hasmonean Dynasty Continued until 37 B.C. Herodian Dynasty begins in 37 B.C.
  45. Roman Rule Caesar Augustus 27 B.C. to 14 A.D.
  46. Roman Rule Caesar Augustus 27 B.C. to 14 A.D. Restoration of Temple 19 B.C. to 64 A.D.
  47. Roman Rule Caesar Augustus 27 B.C. to 14 A.D. Restoration of Temple 19 B.C. to 64 A.D. Birth of Jesus Approximately 6 to 4 B.C.
  48. Roman Rule Caesar Augustus 27 B.C. to 14 A.D. Restoration of Temple 19 B.C. to 64 A.D. Birth of Jesus Approximately 6 to 4 B.C. Crucifixion Approximately 28 to 30 A.D.
  49. Influences of the Culture Greek
  50. Influences of the Culture Greek Language
  51. Influences of the Culture Greek Language Popular Religion
  52. Influences of the Culture Roman
  53. Influences of the Culture Roman Governor
  54. Influences of the Culture Roman Governor Soldiers
  55. Influences of the Culture Roman Governor Soldiers Caesar
  56. Influences on the Culture Hebrew
  57. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians
  58. “For when Herod had John arrested, he bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. For John had been saying to him, ‘It is not lawful for you to have her.’ Although Herod wanted to put him to death, he feared the crowd, because they regarded John as a prophet.” Matthew 14:3-5
  59. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians Tax Collectors
  60. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians Tax Collectors Sadducees
  61. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians Tax Collectors Sadducees Scribes
  62. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians Pharisees Tax Collectors Sadducees Scribes
  63. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians Pharisees Tax Collectors Essenes Sadducees Scribes
  64. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians Pharisees Tax Collectors Essenes Sadducees Zealots Scribes
  65. Influences on the Culture Hebrew Herodians Pharisees Tax Collectors Essenes Sadducees Zealots Scribes Sanhedrin
  66. “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. “ Galatians 4:4-5
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