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Applying Corpus Based Approaches using Syntactic Patterns and Predicate Argument Relations to Hypernym Recognition for Question Answering Kieran White and Richard Sutcliffe Contents Motivation Objectives Experimental Framework P-System Classifications Larger Evaluation
Applying Corpus Based Approaches using Syntactic Patterns and Predicate Argument Relations to Hypernym Recognition for Question Answering Kieran White and Richard Sutcliffe
Contents • Motivation • Objectives • Experimental Framework • P-System Classifications • Larger Evaluation • Comparison of Three Models • Conclusions
Motivation • Question answering and the DLT system • TREC, CLEF and NTCIR • Four stages to answering a factoid query in a standard question answering system • Identification of answer type required • Document retrieval • Named Entity recognition • Answer selection
Motivation • Example from TREC 2003 • How long is a quarter in an NBA game? • Identity type of answer required • length_of_time • Document retrieval • Boolean query: quarter AND NBA AND game • Relax query if no documents returned
Motivation • Example from TREC 2003 • Named Entity recognition • Locate instances of length_of_time Named Entities in documents • Answer selection • Select one length_of_time Named Entity (e.g. 12 minutes) using a scoring function
Motivation • Comparing query terms with those in supporting sentences • White and Sutcliffe (2004) • Compared terms in • 50 TREC question answering factoid queries from 2003 • Supporting sentences • Morphological relationships • Identical terms (e.g. Washington Monument and Washington Monument) • Different inflections of terms (e.g. New York and New York's • Terms with different parts of speech (e.g. France and French)
Motivation • Comparing query terms with those in supporting sentences • Semantic relationships • Synonyms (e.g. orca and killer whale) • Terms linked by a causal relationship (e.g. die and typhus) • Word chains (e.g. Oscar and best-actress) • Hypernyms (e.g. city and Berlin) • Hyponyms (e.g. Titanic and ship) • Meronyms (e.g. Death Valley and California Desert) • Holonyms (e.g. 20th century and 1945) • Attributes and units to quantify them (e.g. hot and degrees) • Co-occurrence (e.g. old and 18)
Motivation • Comparing query terms with those in supporting sentences • Hypernyms / Hyponyms most common semantic relationship type • TREC Examples • What stadium was the first televised MLB game played in? • In 1939, the first televised major league baseball games were shown on experimental station W2XBS when the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodgers split a doubleheader at Ebbets Field.
Motivation • TREC Examples • What actress has received the most Oscar nominations? • Oscar perennial Meryl Streep is up for best actress for the film, tying Katharine Hepburn for most acting nominations with 12. • What ancient tribe of Mexico left behind huge stone heads standing 6-11 feet tall? • The company's founder, geophysicist Sheldon Breiner, is a Stanford University graduate who used the first cesium magnetometer to discover two colossal and ancient Olmec heads in Mexico in the 1960s.
Motivation • TREC Examples • When was the Titanic built? • The techniques used today to analyze the defects in the metal did not exist back in 1910 when the ship was being built, he said.
Motivation • How to classify? • Common nouns in ontologies (e.g. WordNet) • Proper nouns??? • Feature co-occurrence • Labelling clusters of semantically related terms (Pantel and Ravichandran, 2004) • Responding with the hypernym of similar previously classified hyponyms (Alfonseca and Manandhar, 2002; Pekar and Staab, 2003; Takenobu et al., 1997)
Motivation • Search patterns (Fleischman et al., 2003; Girju, 2001; Hearst, 1992; 1998; Mann, 2002; Moldovan et al., 2000) • Feature co-occurrence and search patterns (Hahn and Schattinger,1998)
Objectives • Create one or more hyponym classifiers for use as a component in a question answering system • Evaluate accuracy of classifiers when identifying the occupations of people
Experimental Framework • P-System • Takes a name as input and attempts to respond with the person's occupation • Predicate-argument co-occurrence frequencies • A-System • Takes a name as input and attempts to respond with the person's occupation • Search pattern
Experimental Framework • H-System • Takes a name as input and attempts to respond with the correct occupation sense • P-System and A-System hybrid
Experimental Framework • AQUAINT corpus (Graff, 2002) • List of 364 occupations • 257 names from 2002-2004 TREC Question Answering track queries • 250 were classifiable by a person
P-System Classifications • Minipar (Lin, 1998) • Subject‑verb and verb‑object pairs • Frequencies passed to Okapi's BM25 matching function • Candidate hypernyms (occupations) indexed as documents • Hyponyms (names) presented as queries • Ordered list of hypernyms returned in response to a hyponym • Top-ranking hypernym selected as answer
P-System Classifications • 50 names from TREC queries • No co-reference resolution • 0.30 accuracy • Full names substituted for partial names • 0.44 accuracy
P-System Classifications • Accuracy increases with name co-occurrence frequency • Occupation co-occurrence frequency was not a limiting factor in our experiments • Grouping similar occupations allowed us to perform a 194-way classification experiment • Accuracy increased from 0.44 to 0.56
P-System Classifications • Tuning constants provide some control over the specificity of occupations returned • Best assignment of constants penalises occupations occurring in fewer than 1,000 predicate-argument pairs • Some occupations could be classified better than others • Which could P-System classify accurately? • How accurately? • Test set too small
Larger Evaluation • Apposition pattern • Provides reference judgements • Ontology of occupations and an ontological similarity measure • Quantifies similarity between returned occupation and nearest occupation in reference judgements • Threshold for the ontological similarity measure • A value greater than or equal to this indicates that the response of P-System is correct
Larger Evaluation • Apposition pattern • Search pattern occupation,? Capitalised Word Sequence • Examples • For the past year, actorAaron Eckhart has been receiving hate mail. • The landlord, Jon Mendelson, said he would consider any offer from Simmons.
Larger Evaluation • Apposition pattern • 107,958 distinct capitalised word sequences found in apposition with an occupation • In a random sample of 1,000 instances • 801 were correct • 93 attributed some role to a person rather than their occupation (e.g. referred to the leader of an organisation as a chief) • 56 indicated an incorrect occupation • 50 capitalised word sequence did not refer to the complete name of a person
Larger Evaluation • Ontology of occupations • Manually constructed ontology of hypernyms • Internal nodes comprise filler nodes that provide structure and occupations from the list of 364 • Leaf nodes are all taken from the list of occupations
Larger Evaluation • Extract from ontology
Larger Evaluation • Similarity Measure • Semantic Association Measure (SAM) between two nodes is calculated by • Assigning a weight, w, to each edge where if c1 represents the number of successors of a node in the ontology and c2 is the number of successors of one of its children then • Summing the weights of all edges between the two nodes to determine the distance, d • Finally,
Larger Evaluation • Calculating SAM
Larger Evaluation • Similarity Threshold • Identified the best from a range of candidate thresholds between 0.20 and 0.40 • Compared a manual evaluation of P-System over 200 names in apposition with an occupation... • ...to automated evaluation method using a candidate threshold to produce a binary judgements
Larger Evaluation • Similarity Threshold • If the SAM between the occupation returned by P-System and the nearest occupation in apposition was... >= candidate threshold • Right by automated evaluation < candidate threshold • Wrong by automated evaluation
Larger Evaluation • Similarity Threshold • Calculated proportion of times the automatic and manual evaluations agreed in their judgements of a response • Selected candidate threshold with largest agreement level • Threshold 0.28 • Agreement level of 0.872 • Or 0.848 where unusual but otherwise correct classifications was also considered right. • High agreement levels validate evaluation method
Larger Evaluation • P-System was tested on the 3,177 names • That exists in apposition with at least one occupation • Which are present in at least 100 predicate-argument pairs • Responses were automatically evaluated
Larger Evaluation • Classification accuracy for actors was 0.955 • 1.00 > accuracy >= 0.75 • Actor, author, quarterback, prosecutor, singer, boxer, premier, coach, attorney, lawyer, politician • 0.75 > accuracy>= 0.50 • Spokesman, minister, senator, governor, president, baseman, fielder
Larger Evaluation • 0.50 > accuracy >= 0.25 • Writer, runner, expert, killer, guard, executive, leader, hero, brother, player, captain • 0.25 > accuracy >= 0.00 • General, officer, driver, chief, veteran, chairman, director, manager, agent, host
Comparison of Three Models • A-System • Uses apposition instances from previous experiment • Returns occupation that occurs most frequently in apposition with input name
Comparison of Three Models • H-System • P-System and A-System hybrid • If P and A both return an occupation • Returns the occupation sense that occurs in apposition that is closest to the response of P • If only P returns an occupation • Returns a sense of the response of P • If only A returns an occupation • Returns a sense of the response of A
Comparison of Three Models • Three-way comparison between P, A and H • 250 classifiable TREC names • Manual evaluation • Compared the three models • In both a strict and lenient evaluation • Where all names were classified and also where just those names occurring in at least 100 predicate-argument pairs were classified • Controlled for the ability of A to classify a name
Comparison of Three Models • H is most accurate across all names • Significantly better in lenient evaluation • Accuracies: H 0.584, A 0.492, P 0.424 • In strict evaluation H is also the most accurate • A only attempted to classify 0.632 of names • H and P attempted 0.904 and 0.892 of names
Comparison of Three Models • On names that were found in apposition with an occupation • In the lenient evaluation H was most accurate • Accuracies: H 0.797, A 0.778, P 0.544 • In the strict evaluation A was the best • Accuracies: H 0.722, A 0.728, P 0.462
Comparison of Three Models • H-System returns more general occupations than A-System • An advantage for it in the lenient evaluation • A disadvantage in the strict evaluation • The principle of combining two very different approaches to classification has been validated
Conclusions • Combining two classification models such as in H-System allowed us to • Respond with high accuracy • Increase Recall beyond that of component classifiers • Experiments demonstrate that we can • Identify hypernyms of proper nouns such as people's names • In the context of question answering