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How the Web Impacts Design & the Supply Chain. Objectives of Study. Confirm and discover behavior and motivations of design engineers and procurement / supply chain professionals on worldwide basis Analyze on-line behavior changes with North American engineering community over past three years.
Objectives of Study • Confirm and discover behavior and motivations of design engineers and procurement / supply chain professionals on worldwide basis • Analyze on-line behavior changes with North American engineering community over past three years
Objectives of Presentation • Provide EOEM marketing, advertising agency, web development and supply chain professionals with statistical research, analysis, real-life experiences and practical information to better construct your Web site and help reach and service key prospects, partners and customers.
Methodology • 800 telephone interviews (25 minutes on average per interview) • Fieldwork dates: December, 2000, to February, 2001 • Sample size: • North America (500 interviews) • 250 design engineers / managers • 250 procurement / supply chain professionals • Europe (150 interviews) • United Kingdom, Germany, France • 90 engineering, 60 procurement/supply chain • Asia (150 interviews) • China, Taiwan, Korea • 90 engineering, 60 procurement /supply chain • Confidence interval +/- 3.4% • Comparisons to EE Times 1998 and 1999 data for trend analysis
Differences from 1999 study: • International focus • Inclusion of procurement/supply chain professionals • Greater detail on behavior and use • Updated Website evaluation criteria • New subjects: • Site searchability • EDA/ASP access • On-line marketing • Expanded e-commerce section
For North American engineers, time spent on-line each day continues to increase Engineering NA only
Engineers around the world are on-line each day Engineering
Time spent on online activities Engineering Worldwide 111 minutes per day:
Distribution of time spent on-line Engineering Average time per day (%)
Procurement professionals spend even more time on-line than do engineers. Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide
North American procurement leads in on-line activity by a considerable margin Procurement/ Supply Chain
Time spent on online activities Procurement/ Supply Chain Worldwide 152 minutes per day:
Distribution of time spent on-line Procurement/ Supply Chain Average time per day (%)
Comparison of time spent per session Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Average minutes per session
Activities while searching for product information Those who search for information on electronic components Engineering
Activities while searching for product information Those who search for information on electronic components Procurement
Activities when gathering info on profession and electronic industry Those who gather information on their profession and industry Engineering
Activities when gathering info on profession and electronics industry Procurement/ Supply Chain
Activities when search for design ideas and application techniques Those who search for design ideas and application techniques Engineering
Procurement/ Supply Chain Activities when searching for technical information Those who search for technical information such as electronic component specifications
Observations • On-line behavior part of daily routine for engineers and supply chain managers globally • E-mail constitutes roughly half of all on-line behavior • Among North American engineers, on-line behavior up 9% from last year • Asian respondents (especially engineers) more enthusiastic about on-line activities than others • European engineers are on as frequently as their colleagues elsewhere, but devote less time per session to each activity • North American procurement/supply chain managers lead others in on-line usage, especially for e-mail and buying on-line • Similarities between engineering and procurement on informational searching activities
Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Engineers and procurement display different on-line behavior patterns Top Two Box Scores Very/Somewhat Useful
Engineering/ Procurement On-line behavior differs by region – especially in Asia Top Two Box Scores Very/Somewhat Useful Conceptual stage Developing specs Simulation stage Testing and debugging Prototyping Sending to production Between projects Detailed design stage Qualifying and vendors
Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Search engines and supplier’s sites are most popular starting points for Web searches…
…although among North American engineers, general search engines have grown in popularity. Engineering NA only
Engineering/ Procurement Asian and Europeans still prefer starting with sites of known suppliers.
Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Frequent use of general search engines
Frequent use of general search engines Engineering/ Procurement
Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Popular general search engines Those who use general search engines
Popular general search engines Those who use general search engines Engineering/Procurement
Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Site search capabilities provided by supplier also frequently used
Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Most search by keyword or part number rather than by parameter Top Box – Very Useful Those who typically use site search capabilities
Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Preferred site-specific search methods Single Response Those who typically use site search capabilities
Asians prefer to search by keyword. Engineering/ Procurement Single Response Those who typically use site search capabilities
Observations • Engineers and procurement display differing on-line behavior patterns • Engineering more likely to be on-line early in design stage • Procurement’s on-line behavior more consistent throughout design stages • North Americans and Asians open to using Web later into the design process • Both groups begin their Web searching by using general search engines (esp. North America) or sites of known suppliers • Yahoo, Alta Vista and Google most popular search engines worldwide • Suppliers’ site searching by part number and keyword also frequent • Interest in parametric searching and “natural language” modest
Engineering and supply chain visit supplier sites most often for product information…(“Very often” and “Somewhat often”) Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide
…although North Americans and Asians are also frequent users of other site capabilities (“Very often” and “Somewhat often”) Engineering/ Procurement
Importance of Product Information elements Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important
Importance of Product Information elements Engineering/ Procurement Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important
Importance of Purchasing Services elements Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important
Importance of Purchasing Services elements Engineering/ Procurement Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important
Importance of Design Support elements Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important
Importance of Design Support elements Engineering/ Procurement Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important
Importance of Design Tools elements Engineering/ Procurement Worldwide Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important
Importance of Design Tools elements Engineering/ Procurement Top Two Box Scores Extremely/Somewhat Important