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< 시제 종류와 완료형 >. 동 사 의 시 제. 1. 기본시제. A. 현 재 : I work. B. 과 거 : I worked. C. 미 래 : I will work. 2. 완료시제. A. 현재완료 : I have worked . B. 과거완료 : I had worked . C. 미래완료 : I will have worked. 3. 진행시제. A. 현재진행 : I am working.
동 사 의 시 제 1.기본시제 A.현 재 : I work. B.과 거 : I worked. C.미 래 : I will work. 2.완료시제 A.현재완료: Ihave worked. B.과거완료: Ihad worked. C.미래완료: Iwill have worked. 3.진행시제 A.현재진행 : I am working. B.과거진행 : I was working. C.미래진행 : I will be working. A.현.완.진행: Ihave been working. B.과.완.진행: Ihad been working. C.미.완.진행: Iwill have been working. 4.완료진행
◈ 1. 기본시제 ◈ A. 현재시제 1. He is a student. (현재 상태) 2. Here comesthe bus. Here hecomes. (현재 동작) 3. He usually gets up at six. (현재 습관, 반복적 동작) 4. The Earth moves round the Sun. (불변 진리, 사실) 5. (시간, 조건 부사절: 현재형으로 미래 대용) 6. (미래대용) :왕래발착 동사+미래 부사 • I will wait here until she comes back. • If it rains tomorrow, I will stay home. • He starts(= will start)tomorrow. • He leaveshere tonight. • Tomorrowis Min-ho’s birthday.
B. 과거시제 1. He read the book yesterday. (과거 동작) He was very poor then. (과거 상태) 2.We took a walk before breakfast. (과거 습관) Hewould sit for hours doing nothing.(불규칙습관) *She used to go to school on foot. (규칙적습관) *There used to be a big well there.(과거계속적 상태) < be used to + (동)명사>: ~에 익숙해져 있다. • She is used todriving a car. • {=be accustomed to + do(=to +명사형)} • You’ll be used tothe Korean way of life. • I got used togoing to bed early and rising early. • <get, become +used to>:동작을 강조
C. 미래시제 (영국:s-w-w. s-s-w ~?) 1.단순미래:(시간에 따른 미래 ) 2.의지미래 • Iwill be ten next year. • Youwill soon get well. • Itwill rain tomorrow. • WillIsucceed? • Willyou be free tomorrow? • Willhe come tomorrow? a)평서문: 1.주어 의지2.Speaker 의지 a) 1. I ( You, He )will fight to the last. 2. A: Iwill do my best A: Youshall go.(=I will let you go.) A: Heshall go.(=I will make him go.) b)의문문: You의지 b)A:ShallI open the door? B:Yes, please. A:Willyou come next week?B:Yes, I will.No,I won’t. A:Shallhe come in? B:Yes, let him come in.
◈ 2.진행시제 => be 동사 + ~ing ◈ A.현재진행: am(are, is) + ~ing • He is writing a latter to her. • I am leaving here tomorrow morning. ※왕래발착 동사( go, come, start, leave, arrive) =>진행형으로 가까운 미래 표현 • I am goingtothe park. (진행) • I am goingtothe parktomorrow.(예정) • I am going to write a letter to her.(예정) • She is tobe married next year. (예정이다) • He is about tostart for America.(막~ 하려 • 고 하다) {미래 대용 표현 } was(were) + ~ing B.과거진행: • We were watching TV when the bell rang. C.미래진행: will(shall) be + ~ing • I will be working this time tomorrow.
※ 진행형 쓸 수 없는 동사 ※ (계속적인 상태를 나타내는 동사들) 감정(know, like, love..) , 소유(have, belong..) 지각(see, hear, smell ..) 는 진행형 할 수 없음. • I am knowing him very well.(X)=> I know him • very well. • He is loving her. (X)=> He loves her. • She is having a book.(X)=> She has a book. • (cf) She is having lunch. = She is eating lunch. • I am belonging the club.(X)=> I belong to the club. • This flower is smelling sweet.(X)=> This flower • smells sweet.
◈ 3.완 료 시 제 ◈ <완료시제>A.현재완료 : have(has) + p.p. B.과거완료 : had + p.p. C.미래완료 : will(shall) + have + p.p. (대과거 ) had worked (과 거) worked (현 재) work (미 래) will work 미 래 완 료 현재완료 과거완료
A. 현재완료 : have(has) + p.p. (내용) 1: 동작의 완료2: 현재까지 의 경험 3: 동작의 결과4: 상태,동작의 계속 1: 완료( just, already, yet, now ...등과 종종 쓰임) • I have just finished my homework. • They havealreadyfinished the work. (벌써) • I havenotmet your sister yet. (부정문:아직) • Has he left here yet ? (의문문:벌써) 2: 경험(ever, never, before, once ..등과 종종 쓰임) • I haveneverseen such a pretty girl. • Ihave beentoAmerica twice. (~ inLondon.) • Have you ever seen the sunrise? • Yes, I have. (=Yes, I have seen it three times. ) • No, I haven’t. (=No, I have never seen it.)
3. 결과 • He has lost his watch. • (=> ) • He has gone to America. • (=> ) • (cf) He lost his watch, and he hasn’t found it yet. He went to America, and he isn’t here. I (You) have gone to Paris.(X) 1,2인칭에 사용 不 4. 계속( since~, for~ ...등과 종종 쓰임) 1. 상태의 계속 : have + P.P 2. 동작의 계속 : have + been + ~ing 1. I have known her sinceshe was a child. *( I have been knowing her since ~ .(X) ) 2.He has been studying English for ten years. *( He has studied English for ten years. (X) )
※(계속 의미 표현 주의) 1. 동작 의미 동사의 계속 의미 표현=>완료 진행형 2. live, stay등 동사는 상태,동작 포함=>현재완료와 현재완료 진행형모두 쓰임 • I have written six letters since this morning. (완료) • I have been writing letters since this morning.(계속) • She has lived here for five years. • = She has been living here for five years. *(It is +시간 + since~ = It has been+시간+since~) • It is (= It has been) ten years since he died. • = • = • = • = Ten years since he died. He has been deadfor ten years. It was ten years agothat he died. He died ten years ago
※현재 완료와 쓰일 수 없는 어구 a) 확실한 과거( yesterday, then, ago, last~ ...) 와 just now (이제 막)은 쓸 수 없음 • He has returnedyesterday.( ) X He returnedyesterday. • He has come home just now.( ) X He came home just now. (비교)He hasjustcome home. ( just 또는now ) We have had much rainthis year.(현재포함과거) b)의문사 when과 쓸 수 없음 • Whenhave you written the letter?( ) X Whendidyou write it ?
B. 과거완료 : had + p.p. (과거 어느 때를 기준하여 그 때까지의 동작, 상태 등의 완료, 경험, 계속, 결과를 나타냄) 1. 완료 I had finished my homework when he came in. 2. 경험 I knew him at once, for I had seen him before. 3. 계속 He had been ill for two weeks when he died. 4. 결과 I found that I had lost my watch. ※대과거:어느 과거보다 먼저 일어난 동작, 상태 • I lost the watch that I had bought it the day before. • =I bought a watch, and lost it the next day.(발생순서)
C. 미래완료 : will, shall + have + p.p. ( 미래 어느 때 까지 의 완료, 경험, 결과, 계속) 1. 완료 I will have read this book by tomorrow. 2. 경험 If I read it again, I shall have read it twice. 3. 결과 He will have bought a house by that time. 4. 계속: ( 상태의 계속 ) You will have lived here for a year by next week.
◈ 4.완료진행 => 현재,과거,미래의 동작의 계속 ◈ have(has) + been + ~ing A.현.완.진행: 현재완료 진행형 • I have beenstudying English for three years. B.과.완.진행: had + been + ~ing 과거완료 진행형 • I had beenreading a novel till he came. C.미.완.진행: will(shall) + have + been + ~ing 미 래 완 료 진행형 • It will have beenraining for a week by tomorrow.