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CLASSIFICATION: . Diabetes mellitus type I --- insulin dependent (Ketosis-prone)Diabetes mellitus type II--- non-insulin dependent (Ketosis-resistant)Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Gestational Diabetes (IGT). Diabetogenic Effects of Pregnancy: . Insulin resistance Increased lipolysis Altere
2. CLASSIFICATION: Diabetes mellitus type I --- insulin dependent (Ketosis-prone)
Diabetes mellitus type II--- non-insulin dependent (Ketosis-resistant)
Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Gestational Diabetes (IGT)
3. Diabetogenic Effects of Pregnancy: Insulin resistance
Increased lipolysis
Altered maternal gluconeogenesis
4. ** WHITES Classification
5. DEFINITIONS: DM= Fasting venous glucose concentration > 8.0 mmol/l
and 2 hrs (75 gm load ) > 11.0 mmol/l (or) one of the above + Symptoms
IGT = Fasting < 8.00 mmol/l, but 2 hr (75 gm load) = (9.0-10.9)
6. WHO recommended modified GTT ( 75 gm load)
7. How do diabetic patients present
-Risk factors ( history & examination)
-Blood tests--screening
-Blood test
8. Screening: WHY ?
30% have none of the Above risk factors
Not all DM, IGT, have persistent glucosuria
50% of pregnant women have glucosuria at some time
9. Risk factors
DM, IGT, must be suspected in Pregnant women with
Age > 30
Family history of DM
Past history of: - Diabetes in a previous pregnancy
- Unexplained I.U.F.D., Neonatal death
- Congenital abnormalities
- Recurrent abortions
- Large babies > 90th centile
Hypertension in multipara
Recurrent infections:Urinary, Fungal
Significant Glycosuria
11. MATERNAL COMPLICATIONS Obstetric - Polyhydramnios
- pre-eclampsia (10-15%)
Diabetic Emergencies - Hypoglycaemia
- Ketoacidosis
- Diabetic coma
Vascular & End-Organs - Renal
- Ophthalmic
- Peripheral vascular
Neurologic - Peripheral neuropathy
- Gastrointestinal disturbance
Infections - Urinary
13. Fetal complications
(1) Macrosomia & Traumatic delivery
(30% in seemingly controlled)
(2) Delayed organ maturity (RDS) 6 times
(3) Congenital malformations:
Cardiovascular : Transposition of great vessels
Ventricular septal defect
Aortic coarctation
Artial septal defect
14. Fetal complications (cont)
Central Nervous system - Anencephaly
- Holoprosencephaly
- Encephalocele
Skeletal & spinal - Caudal regression
Genitourinary - Renal agenesis
- ureteral dupliction
Gastrointestinal - anal atresia
** Note: when a two-vessel cord is found, suspect a high incidence of congenital anomalies
(4) Intrauterine fetal Death
(5) Growth restriction (in advanced DM)
15. NEONATAL complications: Hypoglycaemia
16. Principles of management:
Start in preconception time
Specific during pregnancy
17. Specific
16 x Wt. (pounds ) + 300 = CALORIES
Carbohydrates 60%
Fat 20%
Protein 20%
– Regiment A * 3 times sol.-with meals + lnt. Evening
- Regiment B * 2 types (short & intermediate)
Twice Daily
Dose (daily) = wt. (kg) x 0.6 first
x 0.7 second
x 0.8 third
2/3 in A.M. 2/3 1nt + 1/3 short
1/3 in P.M. 1/2 1nt + ˝ short.
18. CONTROL Control :
Fasting < 5.0 mmol/1
2 hrs P.P. < 7.0 mmol/1
Adjustment when necessary
Glycosylated Hb A1c (retrospective) < 6
Fetal well being:
AFP 16-18 wks
Detailed scan 19-20 wks
Biophysical assay from 28 wks
Fetal wt. & growth two weekly (3rd)
- Timing depends on: (Around 38 wks)
Maternal factors
Biochemical control
Fetal status
- Method --- LSCS in any medical or obstetric complication.
**Insulin dose adjusted on hourly basis with caloric requirements intravenously.