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The evolving librarian – health and medical librarians in a changing environment

The evolving librarian – health and medical librarians in a changing environment. Sue Lacey Bryant Health Education in Transition UHMLG Spring Forum, 4th Feb 2013. The Evolving Librarian . Source: A visualização da imagem anterior desperta para a leitura do artigo:

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The evolving librarian – health and medical librarians in a changing environment

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  1. The evolving librarian – health and medical librarians in a changing environment Sue Lacey Bryant Health Education in Transition UHMLG Spring Forum, 4th Feb 2013

  2. The Evolving Librarian Source: A visualização da imagem anterior desperta para a leitura do artigo: "Evolving Web, evolving librarian" de Amy and Robert Favini balcaodebiblioteca.blogspot.com

  3. Introduction • A burning platform for change • The pressing need for innovation • Positioning librarians as catalysts for change • Bringing knowledge to bear • The library as a platform for change

  4. University of Birmingham, main library

  5. DH NCB NIHR LETB HEE PHE The new NHS infrastructure NICE

  6. Fire fighting The practice of dealing with problems as they arise rather than planning strategically to avoid them

  7. Omphaloskepsis The contemplation of one's navel which is an idiom usually meaning complacent self-absorption

  8. A burning platform for change • Harsh financial climate • Ageing population • £20 billion of efficiency savings required within NHS by 2015

  9. National priorities • Stemming the increase in emergency admissions • Service reconfiguration; making the shift from hospital to community care; seamless care • Addressing inappropriate variations in clinical practice; clinical safety and quality

  10. A pressing need for innovation “We need to radically transform the way we deliver services. Innovation is the only way we can meet these challenges” “Put simply, we must make innovation a priority. We know that the NHS can spread new ideas at pace and scale when it puts its mind to it, and we need to do more of this.”

  11. Copying is good “ Innovation ... needs to be replicable – and replicated – across similar settings. So innovation is as much about applying an idea, service or product in a new context, or in a new organisation, as it is about creating something entirely new. Copying is good.”

  12. Positioning librarians in the workplaceas catalysts for improvement • Aligning with NHS priorities • Multidisciplinary working • Changing skill mix • Role substitution • Role enlargement • Role enhancement

  13. Enhancing the role of librarians Role enhancement involves expanding a group of workers' skills so they can assume a wider and higher range of responsibilities through innovative and non-traditional roles

  14. Bringing knowledge to bear in a cold climate: an ABC

  15. A practical approach to ‘KM’ • Applying knowledge • Building know-how • Continuing to learn

  16. A = Applying knowledgearound the commissioning cycle

  17. Milton Keynes CCG... • CCG is responsible for £268 million • CCG must be innovative and effective if we are to produce better services whilst reducing the increasing cost of healthcare

  18. The intelligent commissioner Knowledge service • Searches - • clinical & cost effectiveness best practice”; models of service • Horizon scanning; alerting • Website • Disseminate best evidence Business intelligence • Monitor, analyse, interpret, report on cost, activity, outcomes, quality ref contract • Clinical analytics • Public health intelligence

  19. Role of Knowledge Officer Role of KO • Search & summarise info: • models of service • clinical effectiveness • Clinical effectiveness • Support pathway review and service redesign as a member of the team • Profile knowledge needs • Targeted and tailored Knowledge@lerts • Lead website steering group • Commissioning Manual • Innovation action plan • Promote R&D • In house: CCG Telephone directory; Desk pack • Ensure access • Information skills & resources

  20. Improving Medical Practice by Assessing CurrenTEvidence

  21. B = Building Know-How to improve performance

  22. Mainstreaming systematic approach

  23. Tools • MK CCG Information pack • Opportunity Locator (NIII) • NHS Atlas of Variation (Right Care programme) • National Benchmarker (Audit Commission) • NHS Comparators • ACGs • JSNA

  24. C= Continuing to learn • Evidence-based practice skills • Effective meetings practice • Learning sets to support model of improvement • Metrics; outcome measures • Mosaic • Lessons learned events

  25. The library as a platform for change

  26. Understanding the environment • The context in which health & medical information is needed, managers reach decisions about models of care, patients are asked to enter into shared decision-making • Changing healthcare environment: policy, economic, legal issues, education & training patterns, workforce • Changing information environment: virtual learning environments, social networking, the creative cloud, open access access scientific publishing

  27. Preparing for today and tomorrow • Health sciences librarians must prepare to meet the needs of today's and tomorrow's health sciences environment • Multi-disciplinary, life-long learning - to serve the needs of health providers and consumers See Platform for Change, MLA, 1992

  28. The Evolving Librarian

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