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The health situation in Honduras is critical, with a high risk of illness and mortality. The health system is undergoing a crucial moment but efforts are being made to provide quality health services. This initiative aims to regulate and harmonize health cooperation to effectively utilize resources.
Healthsituation: theHonduranpopulationis at risk of fallingill and dyingduetotherange of transmisible illnessses, degeneratingchronicillnesses, malnutrition in vulnerable populationgroups, lessions, accidents, and others. • In addition, thehighrates of maternal mortalityfrompreventable causes, as well as infant neonatal mortality. • Healthsystemsituation: thehealthsystemisundergoing a criticalmoment, however, efforts are beingmadetobeabletoprovidequalityhealthservicestoallthepopulation .
In ordertoregulate, harmonize and toallowfortherational use of resources of HealthCooperation, The Secretary of StateforHealth in Honduras, throughpresidentialDecree No. 1464, of November 2001, has madethe “Rules and Procedures Manual forHealthCooperation” available.
The Nonrefundablecooperationreceived at theSecretary of Health can bethrough: • Donations: spontaneous offers from agencies, international organizations, countries, NGO’s and private individuals and business, foreign and domestic or by initiative of the Secretary of Health. • Principles for the donation of resources: • Order and Transparency: following all steps established in the processes defined by the Secretary • Responsibility: no staff or employee of the Secretary may accept donations unless specifically assigned to do so by the Secretary..
Principles for Donations of Resources: • Importance: donations will be accepted any time they meet the general criteria, technical specifications, or minimal requirements established in the regulations. • Quality: the products being donated will have to meet quality controls. • Audit: once donations become the property of the Secretary, all the products will be subject to the same inventory controls assigned to official government property.
Resourcesthat can beaccepted as donations: Material Resources FinancialResources TechnicalAssistance The institution, individual, orbusiness, thatwishestomake a donation, willberequiredtosend a amessageeitherby mail, fax, electronic mail, oranyothermeansavailable, totheSecretary of Health, eitherlocally, regionally, ortotheinstitutionitself, and followallthenecessarysteps in thedonationprocess.
Medical Brigades under regular conditions: • Under regular conditions in the country, the process must be arranged and coordinated with the authorities of health, at the corresponding level, and must follow the policies, priorities, and population areas defined by the Secretary of Health of our country. • National and International Medical Brigades must request the corresponding authorization to the authorities, at the corresponding level, prior to arriving/conducting a brigade.
Principles that govern Medical Brigades • Responsibility: The Secretary of Health according to the Constitution and the law, defines national health policy, processes, planification, coordination and supervision of all public and private activities in the area of health. • Hirarchy: The Secretary at the departmental and municipal levels will engage through the regional offices. • Legal framework: the national and international medical brigades will be subject to the laws of the country.
NGO’s that work in the area of health must register with the Secretary of Health. This is to ensure that they meet the requirements, resources, and have the means to be able to perform the health functions that they wish to pursue. The Secretary of Health will only be able to enter into conventions with national and international NGO’s that are duly conformed and registered according to the law.
In orderfortheSecretary of Health and thecooperatingNGO’stobeabletoworktogether, thefollowingprinciplesmustbemet: • Responsibility: The Secretary of Healthisbylawresponsible of regulating, planning, coordinating and supervising of allpublic and privateactivities in thehealtharea. • Hirarchy: theSecretary at thedepartmental and municipal levelswillundertakethecoordination, throughthe regional healthoffices. • Priority: The NGO’swillhavetocoordinatetheirhealthactivitieswiththecorrespondinglevel, and focustheiractivitiesaccordingtothepolicies, needs, proprities, and areas, definedbytheSecretary.
The NationalHealth Plan for 2010-2014 isframedamongothers, in objectivenumber 3 of theCountry’sVisiontowards 2038 and theNational Plan for 2010-2022. “Health as a pillar fortheimprovement of life”. The abovemustbe a referencetoidentifythoseareas in whichNGO’smayassist in thesupportforthe country. In ordertomeettheobjectives of theseplans, assistanceisnecessary in differentareas: Material Resources: in ordertobeabletoassist in thedifferenthealthpromotion and preventionprojectsthattheSecretary of Health has beendeveloping in theareas of hospital and walk-in clinics.
b. Technical Assistance: for the development of the capacities of human resources in health, to improve the carry-out of health services within the system, and by accomplishing, as a result, the availability of nurturing and quality attention to the population. • c. Financial Resources: • for the improvement of current conditions in the areas of infrastructure, equipment and capacity to dispense medicines and materials within the health network in the entire country, which includes “cesamos”, “cesares”, national, regional, and local hospitals. • Financing of projects, consulting, advising, scientific research and special events, all of which will enable the improvement of the population’s health.
However, the needs and permanent demands presented by the different regions of the country must not be forgotten. These have been presented through the Regional Councils for Development in the framework of the Vision for the Nation and the National Plan, and they stress the improvement of the infrastructure of the different regions, in addition to the availability of medicines and materials. We must not forget that there continues to be a real need to take acctions regarding prevention of transmisible illnesses, malnutrition for children under the age of 5, chronic and degenerative illnesses, and the lowering of the mother and child mortality rate. This last one deserves special effort.
As example of veryspecificneeds, thefollowing can bementioned: Thereisurgentneedto open anOfthalmologyUnit in Honduras, duetothefactthatthereis a growingloss of eyes, as a result of inadecuatehandling of eye traumas and ofthalmologicillnesses. Strengthening of theMother and Infantwards in the San Felipe and Leonardo Martinez Hospitals in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, respectively. 3. The creation of theUnitforQuimotherapy and IodineTreatmentforthe cases of cancer at the San Felipe Hospital in Tegucigalpa.