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Political Parties

Political Parties. Chapter 5. Parties and What They Do. Political Party is a group of people who try to control government by winning elections and holding public offices Major Parties – Republicans and Democrats Political Party Essentials Link people & their wishes to gov’t action

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Political Parties

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  1. Political Parties Chapter 5

  2. Parties and What They Do • Political Party is a group of people who try to control government by winning elections and holding public offices • Major Parties – Republicans and Democrats • Political Party Essentials • Link people & their wishes to gov’t action • Unify the people by finding compromises

  3. Major functions of Political Parties • Nominate or name candidates for public office • Inform the people and inspire them to participate in public affairs • Help ensure that their candidates and officeholders are qualified and of good character • Have gov’t responsibilities • Congress & State Legislatures are organized along party lines • They conduct a lot of their business based on partisanship • Parties act as watchdogs over the conduct of the gov’t

  4. The Two-Party System • Two parties dominate politics in the U.S. • Republicans and Democrats • Minor parties exist but don’t have wide support • Electoral System favors a two-party system • Nearly all U.S. elections are single-member district elections – voters choose one candidate for each office • Winner is the one with a plurality – the most votes • U.S. election laws were created by the two major parties so they are bipartisan and discourage minor parties

  5. The U.S. is a pluralistic society • Pluralistic is one that consists of distinct cultures and groups • Consensus does exist – general agreement between various groups on fundamental matters • Political Systems in the World • Many have a multiparty arrangement – major and minor parties compete • To gain power parties have to form a coalition – diverse interests coming together • Dictatorships have one-party systems

  6. The Two-Party System in American History • Political parties in the U.S. evolved during the debate over the ratification of the Constitution • Federalisms supported ratification • Anti-Federalists did not • Election of 1800 • Jefferson beat the incumbent, John Adams • Anti-Federalists took control of politics in the U.S. • They changed their name to the Democratic-Republicans

  7. Four eras of one-party domination • 1800-1860 – Democrats • 1860-1932 – Republicans • 1932-1968 – Democrats • 1968-Present – See Saw between the parties

  8. The Minor Parties • Four Types of Minor Parties • Ideological Parties • Based on certain social, economic, or political ideas • Don’t often win elections, but stay around a long time • Single-issue Parties • Focus on one public policy matter • Fade away after issue is resolved • Economic Protest Parties • Appear in tough financial times • Criticize economic actions and plans of the major parties • Splinter Parties • Break away from major parties • Usually have a strong leader who didn’t win in the major party

  9. Role of Minor Parties • Act as critics and innovators drawing attention to issues • Candidates from these parties can “spoil” the election for a member of a major party by stealing votes

  10. Party Organization • Decentralized/Fragmented • National Level has four basic elements • National Convention • National Committee • National Chairperson • Congressional Campaign Committees • A Party has three parts • Party Machinery’s leaders • Party members/electorates who vote for the party • Party’s officeholders

  11. State Levels • Party structure is set by state law • Central Committee • Committee Chairperson • Local Levels • Party unit in each district • Ward – a small unit of a city • Precinct – subdivision of a ward • Parties since 1960 • Power is declining • More split-ticket voting

  12. Voters & Voter Behavior Chapter 6

  13. The Right To Vote • Suffrage – the right to vote • Franchise – the right to vote • 1789 – only white males had the right to vote • American Electorate – all those over 18 who are eligible to vote • Restrictions eased with the Civil War Amendments and the 19th Amendments • Civil Rights in the 1960s set everything straight • 26th Amendment gave 18 year olds the right to vote • Founding Fathers left voting qualifications up to the states. States messed up so the Federal gov’t took over.

  14. Voter Qualifications • Three main qualifications • Live in the state you want to vote in • Be at least 18 years old • Be registered to vote • Old Requirements • Literacy test • Poll Tax • Basic reasons one may not be permitted to vote • The Mentally impaired • Those convicted of a felony

  15. Suffrage & Civil Rights • 15th Amendment – said can’t use race, color, or previous condition of servitude to prevent voting • Gerrymandering – drawing district lines to the benefit of one party is ILLEGAL

  16. Civil Rights-pressured Congress to set things straight for African Americans • Civil Rights Act of 1957set up Civil Rights Commission • Civil Rights Act of 1960 – federal referees to help with registration and fair elections • Civil Rights Act 1964 – Court orders/injunctions to keep fair elections • Voting Rights Act of 1965 – made the 15th Amendment official

  17. Voter Behavior • Off-Year Elections – the office of the President is not up for election • Always electing/re-electing representatives and senators • Low voter turnout • Political Efficacy – people feel their vote doesn’t count. They feel the gov’t is controlled by the • Politicians • Interest groups • media

  18. Political Socialization – how political attitudes are formed • Income • Occupation • Education • Gender • Age • Religion • Ethnicity • Region • Family

  19. Gender Gap – differences in the voting patterns of men and women • Psychological Factors • Party Identification • Perception of Candidates • Issues

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