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Participant Booklet Planning the Integration of Technology in English as a Second Language. Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash. Reflection and Planning Tool Name:. Sandra Laine and Nadia Laurendeau, Service national du RÉCIT, domaine des langues
Participant Booklet Planning the Integration of Technology in English as a Second Language Photo by John Schnobrichon Unsplash Reflection and Planning Tool Name: Sandra Laine and Nadia Laurendeau, Service national du RÉCIT, domaine des langues Work canvas adapted from Laury Bédard and Julie Noel, CSMB
Table of Content • How to use this Participant Booklet • Setting a Personal Learning Goal • Module 1 : Context and Environment • Activity 1 • Activity 2 • Module 2 : Set Learning Intentions • Activity 1 • Activity 2 • Activity 3 • Module 3 : Explore Different Tools • Activity 1 • Activity 2 • Module 4 : Try It Out! • Activity 1 • Activity 2 • Activity 3 • Module 5 : Classroom and Material Management • Activity 1 • Activity 2 • Activity 3 • Module 6 : Apply In a Learning Sequence • Activity 1 • Module 7 : Reflect On This Online Course • Activity 1 • Additional Tools and Resources • My Personal Notes
How to use this Participant Booklet Planning the Integration of Technology in English as a Second Language Instructions: • Keep a copy in your files and refer to the document when needed or when it is required in a task. • Add new information as you find it in the Personal Notes slide • To get feedback, send some of the reflections and activities to show your work in this online course. You will receive feedback as soon as possible. • If you wish to earn badges, you will be given instructions throughout the course. • You can contact us anytime using the form on the home page of the online course.
Set a Personal Learning Goal Why did you register for this online course? What would you like to learn in this course?
Module 1 - Context and Environment Activity 1 : Myths and Facts • Complete the online quiz. Any surprises? • More about myths and facts about teaching with technology. • Do you know another myth about teaching with technology? We encourage you to have a discussion with your students about this topic. ------------------------------------------------------------Sources: • https://impact.chartered.college/article/six-myths-of-digital-technology/ • https://www.edutopia.org/blog/3-edtech-myths-mary-beth-hertz • https://equip.learning.com/technology-skills-21st-century-students If you'd like to find out more about myths and facts, here are some interesting articles. • https://rossieronline.usc.edu/blog/digital-literacy-myths/ • https://www.educationcorner.com/k12-technology-myths.html • http://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/teaching_ahead/what-are-the-biggest-myths-about-using-tech-in-the-classroom/ • https://www.eschoolnews.com/2017/05/08/myths-classroom-technology/?all
Module 1 Context and Environment *You can add information any time during this online course. Activity 2 : Watch the video named “Context and Environment” . • Take time to assess your context and environment. Complete this Participant Booklet with your observations when you are prompted to do so. • Explore these websites and take notes on the type of information you can find. Digital Action Plan Service national du RÉCIT Service national du RÉCIT, domaine des langues
Module 1 Context and Environment (continued) *You can add information any time during this online course. • What’s around my school? Library, organizations, etc… • Who can help me? (pedagogical consultant, principal, “enseignant ressources” for technologies, other teachers in my school(s), parents, TES, etc). Name them here. • Who are my students? • age, grade: • number of students: • number of groups: • level of English : • Intervention plans : • Characteristics (active or calm) : • Interests :
Module 1 Context and Environment (continued) *You can add information any time during this online course. • Where can I find tools and information about technologies? Are there conventions or workshops I can attend? • What material is available around me? (tablets, computers, IWB, apps, already paid access to websites by school board in the portal, robots, Lab créatif, etc) • Tools: • Availability and reservation:
Module 1 Context and Environment (continued) *You can add information any time during this online course. • Which online tools or website did my school board or school already purchase? • Other resources around me: • Optional question: What is my budget*? • technology: • books: • teaching materials: • supplies: • projects: • other: *possible budgets. You should contact your principal to get information about your school’s budget.
Module 2 Set Learning Intentions Activity 1 : Watch the video “Learning Intentions - Part 1” and take notes. Activity 2 : After reading the article “Is Your Lesson a Grecian Urn?”, answer these questions. Choose which answer best describes what a Grecian Urn is in the given text: A project that looks creative and hands-on but that lacks substantial learning in the given subject. Using creativity to turn a boring project into a fun one. A way to maximize student implication in a given project by letting them be creative with parts of the project. A project that becomes too complicated because of all the subject matter students need to learn to carry it out.
Module 2 Set Learning Intentions 2. Explain how what you have just read or heard can be transferred or applied to the context of using technology in the ESL classroom. 3. Can you hypothesize how learning intentions can help prevent Grecian Urn projects? Activity 3 : Using one of the activities you do in class, write a learning intention that includes technology. If you haven’t integrated technologies yet, write a learning intention having an activity in mind.
Module 3 Explore Different Tools *** At the end of this module, you will have the opportunity to earn a Discover Badge. *** Activity 1 : Video “Integrating Technology Into Planning - With a Learning Intention” Take notes about the information in the video to remember the 3 phases and what each tool can do in general. You will need this information in order to choose 4 tools to explore further in this module. Use the grid on the next slide to go to the page of the toolsselected and complete the activities. For each tool, you will: Learn about the chosen tools. Watch teachers and students in action. Explore the functions of the tool. Complete the Participant Booklet. It will take about 15 minutes to explore each tool.
Module 3 Explore Different Tools Activity 2 - Station Choice Board Step 1: Choose four tools to explore and reflect on reinvestment possibilities. Sandra Laine, Service national du RÉCIT, domaine des langues
Option 1 Use a Collaborative Word Wall Goal: To explore how you can use a collaborative word wall with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about Padlet. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Option 2 Using Interactive Videos Goal: To explore how you can use interactive videos with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about EdPuzzle. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Option 3 Creating a Narrated Video Goal: To explore how you can use narrated videos with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about Adobe Spark Video. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Option 4Create a Media Message Goal: To explore how you can use poster tools with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about PosterMyWall or PicCollage.. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Option 5 Using Digital Flashcards Goal: To explore how you can use digital flashcards with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about Quizlet. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Option 6 Check for understanding Goal: To explore how you can use quiz tools with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about Quizziz. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Option 7 To Write a Story/Comic Strips Goal: To explore how you can use books with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about Book Creator. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Option 8 Record a Video Response Goal: To explore how you can use video response with students. Step 1 - Write down what you’ve learned about Flipgrid. Step 2 - List some activities you think you could integrate this tool to enhance your students’ learning. Step 3 - Which competency(ies) would you use this tool for?
Module 3 Explore Different Tools Activity 4: Earn a Discovery badge If you wish to earn a Discovery badge, you need to send in the list of the 4 web tools you have explored in this module through the assignment activity in the online course. After review from the course monitors, when all the conditions are met, you will be awarded a Discovery Badge.
Module 4 Try It Out! *** At the end of this module, you will have the opportunity to earn the Apply Badge. *** Activity 1 : Tools Review Take notes about the different tools review. You may need to choose one you haven’t explored yet to complete the next activities.
Module 4 Try It Out! Activity 2 : Choose one of the tools and complete the challenges to go beyond exploring. Follow the steps. 1. Set the learning intention of your activity and choose the appropriate tool. 2. In the online course, complete the activities offered to help you create an activity you could use in class. To help with the tools, we provided tutorials for each of them in the Challenge Yourself section. Remember, always keep your learning intention in mind. Describe your activity: Note: You can always complete more than one challenge. You will have access to all these resources as long as the online course is open.
Module 4 Try It Out! Activity 3 : Describe Your Experience 1. Write a text that describes your appropriation of the tool in your Personal Booklet. This text should include: • a description of the activity you created with one of the tools • an explanation of how this tool suits your learning intention • a description of the chosen tool • a link with the 3 phases of the pedagogical act (when to use it and how) • a link with the competencies • any pertinent information related to your experience with this tool • a description of your experiment in class with your students Text: Badge Opportunity If you wish to earn the Apply Badge, attach all the necessary files and send them to be reviewed by the course monitors. Files to attach to the assignment in the online course: 1. Personal Booklet: 2. A proof of the activity with an image, document or link. Course monitors will review your files and give your badge when all the conditions are met.
Module 5 Classroom and Material Organization Activity 1 : Write down the tips and tricks you would like to remember after watching the videos. Activity 2 : Read the article explaining the importance of giving a model or example to help students understand your expectations. Take notes on how to do so. Activity 3 : Read some articles about classroom management when using technology. Write down the tips and tricks you would like to remember.
Module 6 Apply In a Learning Sequence *** At the end of this module, you will have the opportunity to earn the Design Badge. *** Activity 1: Apply what you’ve learned in this online course and create a learning sequence to use in class. These are guiding sentences to help you. • Formulate your pedagogical intention for the next step which is to create a sequence of activities to use in class, integrating minimum 2 tools presented. • Plan a sequence or activity • Create a model for your students • What do I want my students to learn? (learning intention, targeted competencies, knowledge, etc.) • I chose to create a learning sequence using (minimum 2 tools): Note: Remember the 3 phases of the pedagogical act and the learning intention for your activities. You can go back to the previous modules for help.
Module 6 Apply In a Learning Sequence c) When will I use these activity? d) What will I need to plan before doing these activities? (material, devices, class organization)? e) What are the activities in my learning sequence? Note: Don’t forget to provide a model or example for students.
Module 6 Apply In a Learning Sequence Activity 2: Design Badge Opportunity Complete the Personal Booklet with this information. • Formulate your pedagogical intention for the next step which is to create a sequence of activities to use in class, integrating minimum 2 tools presented. • Plan a sequence or activity • Create a model for students. In order to complete this module and obtain a Design Badge, you will need to provide a model you created for one of your activities, complete the Participant Booklet and attach them to the homework in your online course. Course monitors will review your files and give your Design Badge when all the conditions are met. Note: Don’t forget to provide a model or example for students.
Module 7 Reflect on your learning process in this course *** At the end of this module, you will have the opportunity to earn the Transfer Badge. *** Activity 1 : Reflection about your learning process during this online course. • How has this online course helped you integrate technology into your pedagogy? • How can you further improve your integration of technology? What are your next steps?
Module 7 Reflect on your learning process in this course Activity 2: Transfer Badge Opportunity When you're ready to share your reflection, attach the following files to this assignment. You could also use one of the suggested tools in module 3 to present your reflection (video response, narrated video, online book, etc.) What to include: • Model or example created with one of the tools • Module 6 learning sequence • Module 7 answers to reflection questions in your Participant Booklet. Course monitors will review your work and award you a Transfert Badge when all the conditions are met. Remember, it's not the result that counts, it's the process and the reflection behind it.
Additional Tools and Resources After exploring the additional tools, you can write down your findings here.
My Personal Notes Anytime during this online course, you can write down your findings here for future reference.