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Welcome to Class 4!. Meet the teacher evening with Mrs Conway-Byron. Adults in Class 4. *Me! (Mrs Conway-Byron) *Mrs Humby (HLTA - teaches PE, handwriting, music, RE on Wednesday) *Mrs Beckerleg – learning support assistant *Mrs Waine – learning support assistant
Welcome to Class 4! Meet the teacher evening with Mrs Conway-Byron
Adults in Class 4 *Me! (Mrs Conway-Byron) *Mrs Humby (HLTA - teaches PE, handwriting, music, RE on Wednesday) *Mrs Beckerleg – learning support assistant *Mrs Waine – learning support assistant *Mrs Pullin – learning support assistant *Mrs Edgerly and Mrs Parsons – works with children with specific needs *Mrs Clarke – SENCO – Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Morning and afternoon Routine • Children are asked to leave their bags inside and then return to the playground until the bell goes (8.55am) as they cannot be supervised in the classroom until this time. There is however an adult supervising the playground. We would appreciate your help with this. • When it rains they are supervised in the dining hall. • In the afternoon I emphasise to the children to meet you where you have agreed and to return to the classroom and wait with me if you are not there.
Snacks at breaktime. • Children receive free fruit and vegetables at break time – we encourage children to always try the different fruits and vegetables. • Any extra break should still be healthy! We encourage the children to only have a type of fruit or vegetable during first break. • The children also keep their drinks bottles in the classroom and are able to drink from these at any time during lesson time. Please make sure they are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Lunchtimes • The children eat their lunch in the classroom at 12.10-12.40pm. • They are encouraged to remember basic table manners and this is an important part of the lunchtime routine.
Reading • In class 4 we share reading books during literacy teaching. • Guided reading – sessions are stamped. • Paired reading and individual reading. • We will also work on focused reading tasks during literacy lessons. • Therefore, although we still endeavour to hear individual readers as often as possible, we concentrate on other methods of reading throughout the school year. • You may keep books for as long or short a time as you wish. Please let us know when you have finished via the reading record book. • The children may bring in books/magazines of choice to read during quiet reading/golden time.
Spelling • We are aligning our spellings for the year with the Letters and Sounds approach to phonics. It is a synthetic phonics approach as detailed in the Rose report. The scheme asks for children to have practise of the chosen weekly sound and this is the best way to achieve that! • We do 10 minutes of phonics revision most days – which will reinforce the spelling pattern being learnt at home. • Spelling rules should be taught, revisited and built upon according to the scheme, and sounds taught at a fast pace and revisited regularly. We are looking for understanding of the sound, rather than long lists of difficult words!
Spelling techniques • Most people like to use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK- http://www.ictgames.com/lcwc.html • Some children need to use other methods in order to learn their spellings (see multi-sensory techniques) • A good rule is to show the children the sound, pronounce the sound, give them some examples of words which contain the sounds, and then get them to write the sound. We then break the word down into sounds – ch-i-p and the children must blend it – then the children break down a word themselves. They will be tested on Tuesdays. • Phonics sounds are now very pure – we try not to over-emphasise sounds by placing an ‘uh’ sound at the end.
Year 2 Spelling Look Say Cover Write CheckYou can use this website to practise your spellings online http://www.ictgames.com/lcwc.html.PRACTISE these sounds: o c k ck e u r h b READ these words: people Mr Mrs aboutWeek 2: oy, ir, ue, aw
Handwriting • We follow the penpals handwriting scheme. • You will find the scheme in your handout.
Reward Systems • In class 4 we have golden time on Friday – Minutes can be taken off of goldentime and earned back for various reasons! • The emphasis is very much on positive reinforcement and praise, but where necessary we operate a three warning rule – on the third warning, a privilege such as goldentime or lunchtime may be limited and the situation resolved where possible. If it is a serious or continuous matter it may be referred to Mr Powell. • We also have table points – these can be awarded for good work. The children check their work for these! The team with the most table points at the end of each term wins a prize! • House points can now be awarded by all members of staff for good behaviour or kindness towards others. • Stickers and certificates may be awarded for individual success, or the chance to share such success with the rest of the class or during an assembly.
Toys • Children can bring their own toys into school but the rule is that they should fit into the children’s drawers. • We don’t use pencil cases at present – it causes much confusion! But the children can bring them in for goldentime or wet lunchtimes. • I am happy for children to bring in things to show but cannot guarantee that we will do it on the chosen day.
PE • We do PE every Tuesday and Wednesday. • Mrs Humby takes the Wednesday session. • Please ensure the children’s kits are clearly named to avoid confusion!
ICT *We have ICT sessions mainly using the laptops. We have two sessions linked with maths or literacy, and one linked with our topic work, which we use as often as possible. *The children either have the use of one computer each during ICT while half are having goldentime, or they share the laptop with a partner during partner sessions. We also use the whiteboard during most lessons – with coloured backgrounds to help those children with specific needs.
Topics this term • The teaching of foundation subjects changed last year. All subjects are now incorporated into topics and the children will be taught the skills of each subject through the topic chosen. • This half term - Science, History, DT, Art – The Circus. • Next half term – Science, Geography, History – Time Detectives. • PE – gymnastics and dance • Music – with Mrs Humby • RE – Friends and Family • - Christmas Around the World. • PSHE – New Beginnings and Taking Part • - Getting On and Falling Out/Anti-Bullying Week • ICT – skills based incorporated into topic work. Also have one maths and one literacy session, which we use most weeks.
Parent help! • If you would like to do any further work with your children or would like any advice the following website is useful for parents.
More Websites! • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ - science clips which complement the topics done in class. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/stories/- stories to listen to and read along. • www.sums.co.uk/playground.htm - maths games.
Any questions? • If you have any questions then please let me know. • I will be here for the next 20 minutes for any individual questions. • I am free most mornings for individual questions also.
Thank you for coming….. Please let me know if you think of anything else you would like to know…...