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Deep brain stimulation for Addiction. Alexander Taghva , M.D. Orange County Neurosurgical Associates Ohio State University December 6, 2012. Disclosures. Medtronic fellow in neuromodulation at Ohio State University 2010-2011. Objectives.
Deep brain stimulation for Addiction Alexander Taghva, M.D. Orange County Neurosurgical Associates Ohio State University December 6, 2012
Disclosures • Medtronic fellow in neuromodulation at Ohio State University 2010-2011
Objectives • 1. Discuss quantifiable behavioral aspects of substance-dependent individuals, especially delay discounting. • 2. Propose a neurobiological explanation for these deficits to support a role for deep brain stimulation . • 3. Briefly review available clinical data on DBS for addiction.
Ongoing research at OSU: TBI, obesity, Alzheimer’s • Ongoing Phase I trials for neurobehavioral deficits for Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injury, obesity • Many of these patients have problems with behavioral self-regulation, including addictions • Too soon to make claims, but anecdotally, behavioral self-regulation improves in some of these patients with DBS
Claims I will try to support (simplified) • Addiction is essentially a disorder of increased impulsivity. • Prefer immediate gratification despite long-term consequences • Different brain regions respond differently to immediate versus delayed rewards • Ventral and dorsal CSPTC circuits • Addiction arises from imbalances or dysfunction of these circuits
Addiction can be seen as a disorder of increased impulsivity (Claim 1)
Neuroeconomics • Neuroeconomics studies the calculations involved in decision making • “Delay-discounting” refers to the process by which immediate rewards are worth more than delayed rewards. • This can be quantified by the “indifference point.”
Example: Delay discounting • If I offer you $1000 right now versus giving you $1000 one month from now, you would take the money now • What if I offer you $900 now versus $1000 in one month? • How about $800, etc….?
Example: Indifference point • If the preference switches to take $1000 in one month versus $800 now, the amount discounted in one month is 20%. • That is, the indifference point is 80%
Increased discounting in addictive behaviors • Drug addicts, gamblers, alcoholics tend to discount more than non-afflicted people • This is also the case with obese individuals. • In other words, lower-value immediate rewards are more valuable than higher value rewards later. • Translates to impulsive behavior
Smokers and EtOH discount more than controls (Businelle et al 2010)
Obese women discount more (higher impulsivity) than control women. (Weller et al. 2008, Appetite)
Different brain regions respond differently to immediate vs. delayed rewards (Claim 2)
Immediate versus delayed rewards • McClure et al in 2004 demonstrated that certain brain circuits react differently to immediate rewards versus delayed rewards. • Immediate-reward (limbic) circuit consists of ventromedially placed structures • VTA, ventral striatum, ventral pallidum, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, anterior and subgenual cingulate gyrus, medial OFC
Delayed-reward (associative) circuits • Structures involved in response to delayed-rewards are more dorsolaterally placed • Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC), central striatum
“Limbic” CSPTC loop Corticostriatal circuits exist for limbic, cognitive, and motor circuits. Limbic – emotional value Cognitive – control of emotions Motor – complete action These circuits interface at ventral striatum (and other cortical regions) to provide a link from emotion to action.
“Cognitive” or “Associative” circuit Provides top-down control of impulses
Ventral striatum limbic to motor (Haber et al 2000)
Overlap in ventral striatum Anatomic basis for interface between different circuits (Haber and Knutson)
Areas of interaction of dorsolateral circuits with ventromedial circuits The reward circuit: linking primate anatomy and human imaging. Haber SN, Knutson B. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2010 Jan;35(1):4-26. Epub . Review.
Frontostriatal DTI predicts impulsive behavior Olson EA et al. White matter integrity predicts delay discounting behavior in 9- to 23-year-olds: a diffusion tensor imaging study. J Cogn Neurosci. 2009 Jul;21(7):1406-21.
Addiction results from imbalance or dysfunction of these circuits Claim 3
Magnitude of reward vs. delay Impulsive individuals have more cortical deactivation to delay and less mesolimbic activation to delayed rewards. (Ballard and Knutson 2008)
This dysfunction is also seen in drug abusers Not only the balance but magnitude of activation given a delay may be dysfunctional. Complex picture. NIAAA
Decreased dorsal activation with risk taking in drug abuse Bjork 2008
Imaging from obesity • Neuroimaging also supports the fact that delayed-reward circuits are underactive as compared to immediate reward circuits in obesity
Increased activation of reward circuitry in obesity L.E. Stoeckel et al. / Brain Research Bulletin 79 (2009) 388–395
Decreased dorsal activation proportional to BMI (Batterink et al)
Decreased dorsal activation proportional to BMI (Batterink et al)
The emotional brain overrides the rational brain (Arnsten 2009)
DBS of NAcc shell attenuates cocaine reinstatement DBS of shell attenuates reinstatement of cocaine DBS of dorsal striatum does not work
DBS NAcc decreases alcohol consumption in rats Current through shell of nucleus accumbens had dose dependent response
Clinical data on DBS Addiction • Target primarily used is nucleus accumbens
Smoking cessation and weight loss DBS Nucleus accumbens Mantione et al Neurosurgery 2010
Lesioning study 5-year nonrelapse rate 58% Side effects – lack of sexual desire, poor concentration, loss of interest Lesioning of nucleus accumbens attenuates opiate addiction
Mechanisms of Action of DBS • Local inhibition • Local excitation • Regulation of impulses • Desynchronization of impulses • Changes in gene expression
Frontostriatal modulation occurs… But the data are somewhat hard to interpret. (Bourne et al 2012)
Increase in “error related negativity” on EEG Anterior mid-cingulate cortex implicated
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