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Chapter 26. Postwar Confidence and Anxiety 1945-1960. Section 1. An Economic Boom. U.S. after WWII. August 1945 – 12 million Americans in military No longer a need for military implements Millions of defense workers lost jobs Wartime industries had to convert to meet peacetime needs
Chapter 26 Postwar Confidence and Anxiety 1945-1960
Section 1 An Economic Boom
U.S. after WWII • August 1945 – 12 million Americans in military • No longer a need for military implements • Millions of defense workers lost jobs • Wartime industries had to convert to meet peacetime needs • Fear of joblessness & a return to depression
Demobilization • Process of bringing home troops from former war situation • Pres. Truman began by the end of 1945
GI Bill of Rights • Congressional act granting veterans benefits including: a year of unemployment payments to those unable to find jobs ($20.00/week); financial aid to those attending college; loans to build homes & businesses; veteran’s hospitals
Baby boom • Intense population increase following WWII (1946-1964)
Economic Changes • Skyrocketing prices – too much money to spend on too few goods • Business cycle increased – demand increased; businesses hired more & produced more; people bought more
U.S. produced about 50% of world’s total output leading to higher standard of living than anywhere in the world • Increased productivity (rate at which goods are produced or services performed) – due to technology improvements
Korean War brought a continued commitment to defense spending by the gov’t
Taft-Hartley Act • Outlawed the closed shop – a workplace in which only union members can be hired • Prompted by continuous strikes • Vetoed by Truman but overridden by Congress
Election of 1948 • South Carolina Gov. Strom Thurmond – States’ Rights Party • Former VP Henry Wallace – Progressive Party • New York Gov. Thomas Dewey – Republican • Pres. Harry Truman - Democrat
Dewey was predicted to win but Truman made a “whistle stop” train tour of 30 speeches & 31,000 miles to win by a narrow victory
Fair Deal • Truman’s plan to strengthen existing New Deal reforms & establish new programs (national health insurance) • Congress did not support
Election of 1952 • WWII Gen. Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower – Republican (had never held political office) • Illinois Sen. Adlai Stevenson - Democrat
First Presidential election to use campaign ads on TV • Eisenhower wins easily
Section 2 A Society on the Move
Suburban Migration • 40 million moved to the suburbs between 1940 & 1960 • Why? – shortage of urban housing (baby boom families)
William Levitt • Mass produced suburban homes using the same plan • Built in weeks rather than months • Paid for on an installment plan
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) • Provided low-interest loans allowing home buyers to make a down payment of 5-10% & pay out 30-year mortgage
“Car culture” • Registered automobiles rose from 26M to 60M from 1945 to 1960 • Due to growth of suburbs • Big engines, enormous horsepower, newest technology • Resulted in fast-food restaurants & drive-in movies
Interstate Highway Act • 1956 law authorizing funds to build 41,000 miles of highways – multilane expressways to connect the nation’s major cities
Highways were renamed in 1990 to recognize Eisenhower’s role – became known as the Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways • Boosted travel & vacation industries
Sunbelt • Name given to the southern & western states which saw an increase in population following WWII • Appealing climate • Jobs in defense industries including aerospace & electronics
Impact of Migration • Political power shifted with population shift: Suburbs & Sunbelt gained representation; Northeast & Midwest lost • Environmental concerns: traffic jams, smog & water shortages
Service sector • Businesses that provide services, such as healthcare, law, retail, banking, or insurance • Outnumbered jobs in the manufacturing sector • Included those in information industries
Information industries • Businesses that provide informational services • Built & operated first computers • Hotel reservations; bank accounts
ENIAC • Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer • Took up 18,000 square feet (3 basketball courts) • Less powerful than today’s desktop computers
Franchise businesses • Allow a company to distribute its products or services through retail outlets owned by independent operators • Stressed quality & sameness
Kemmons Wilson • Homebuilder who established the Holiday Inn franchise after a family vacation on which hotels were difficult to locate, overpriced & lacked adequate parking facilities
Multinational corporations • Companies that produced & sold their goods & services all over the world & established branches worldwide • General Motors, General Electric, IBM, Coca Cola
Education Expansion • More educated workforce boosted economic productivity • Percentage college attendees rose from 15% to 40% between 1940 & 1960 • High school graduations increased
Federal funding for schools increased after the launch of Sputnik – National Defense Education Act: $1B program to produce more scientists & science teachers
California Master Plan • Called for 3 tiers of higher education: research universities, state colleges, & community colleges – to be accessible to all of the state’s citizens
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka • 1954 Supreme Court ruling to desegregate schools on the basis that segregation in schools was unconstitutional
Section 3 Mass Culture & Family Life
Consumerism • Large scale buying, mostly on credit • Why? – 1). Rise in median family income (average family income); 2). Consumer-oriented companies encouraged buying on credit • Shopping became a pastime (Supermarkets & shopping centers)
Nuclear family • A household consisting of a mother and father and their children • Seen as the backbone of society in the 1950’s • Traditional family values returned
Dr. Benjamin Spock • Author of Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care • Emphasized the importance of nurturing children; children could not get too much comfort & love
Religious Revival • Organized religious groups became popular • Church attendance rose • Increased number of churches strengthened community ties • Religious services were shown on TV
Dr. Jonas Salk • 1954 – developed a vaccine against polio which along with an oral vaccine developed by Alfred Sabin almost eliminated the disease • Contributed to longer life expectancies for children
Television • Bought by Americans at a faster rate than radios or cars in the 1920’s • Popularity threatened he movie industry • Attracted children
Rock-and-roll • Name given by disc jockey Alan Freed to music that had commonly been known as “race” music • Originated in the rhythm & blues traditions of African Americans
Section 4 Dissent and Discontent
Betty Friedan • Author of The Feminine Mystique which described the plight of the suburban housewife during the 1950’s • Later became instrumental to the women’s rights movement
Beatniks • Writers and artists who openly criticized American society • Refused to conform to accepted ways of dressing, thinking or acting