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Module lectures template

Module lectures template. Your Name Your University European Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management Universidade do Algarve 2004-2005. Title of your module. Discipline: in which it fits (general / coastal /freshwater, check website under modules )

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Module lectures template

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  1. Module lectures template Your Name Your University European Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management Universidade do Algarve 2004-2005

  2. Title of your module • Discipline: in which it fits (general / coastal /freshwater, check website under modules) • Topic: in which it fits (check website, within a module topics are underlined)

  3. Introduction • Calendar and timetable • Assessment and submission date • Bibliography • Programme

  4. Programme • Calendar: week DD-MM to DD-MM • Timetable:Day Room Times (24 hour clock) • MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday

  5. Assessment • The module is worth 2 ECTS credits out of an annual total of 60 ECTS. • The assessment will be graded in two ways: • using a 0-20 scale, where 10 is the pass mark • using the ECTS A-F scale, where F is a fail • Describe how you will assess the module, most modules should be assessed by an individual piece of work representing a maximum of 20 hours work, including research (be realistic). Explain what languages you will accept the work in, usually English but maybe also additional languages. • Submission is electronic (via email). Give your email contact here and the submission date. A copy should also be sent to the secretary (mestradosfct@ualg.pt)

  6. Bibliography • 1 References: • Give a maximum of 5 references in journals • 2 Books / Reports: • Give a maximum of 5 books / reports • 3 Web • Give a maximum of 5 web sites • If possible provide pdf or doc files or a photocopy. These should be left with the secretary

  7. Objectives • Explain how your module relates to integrated river basin management or integrated coastal zone management • Explain how your module links up with other modules in the course (check the web site)

  8. Requirements • Explain if students doing this module require certain skills, for example if the module is very mathematical • Make clear what level is required, for example a good grasp of calculus

  9. Programme • List the main headings of the module

  10. Learning outcomes • After completing this module you should know: Explain what the student should know after completing this module • After completing this module you should be able to: Explain what the student should be able to do after completing this module

  11. Other skills • Explain what other skills (not specific to the module) the student may have acquired, for example how to prepare a literature review or how to prepare a poster

  12. Today’s lecture

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