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Our Unit’s Mission It is to greatly impact others to get what they want and to become who they have imagined. Our Vision To produce more leaders in our unit, and to help women around the world to be happy, to be stunning and sexy, earning good income, and having her makeup done!.
Our Unit’s Mission It is to greatly impact others to get what they want and to become who they have imagined. Our Vision To produce more leaders in our unit, and to help women around the world to be happy, to be stunning and sexy, earning good income, and having her makeup done!
This Feb 2013 is an incredible month for SD Joey Song and our team! SD Joey Song has completed her DIQ and debuted as a Sales Director on 1 Mar 2013! I am proud to announce that I am a Senior Director now in my 1year and 9 months as a Sales Director.Congrats to Sd Joey and her team once again! She is an incredible leader with great leadership qualities! I believe you will set another great achievement this year.When I recruited Joey in Apr 2012, she was in the midst of finding a part time job, after recruiting her for 2 months I was not in touched with her as I left her to settle her job. 2 months later, she called me and said she wanted to focus on Mary Kay business,. She was very focused on training with me, each time I have classes she will be there and observe and within 3 months she has learnt whatever she needs for her business. By Nov 2012, she was ready to run for her directorship (more of Joey’s Istory below). Diamond Surpreme Team UnitMar 2013 NEWSLETTERwritten by: Senior SD Juliana Aw, Hp: 9688 1798, Email julianaaw@gmail.comFind me on facebook: julianaaw@hotmail.com
In our line of business, if you are focused and believe - Its akin to a certain kind of plant namely Chinese Bamboo - the first 4 years you can't see anything on the surface area, but underground you can see that its creating a massive roots system, and the fifth year this Chinese Bamboo will shoot upto 80 feet! From zero to 80 feet in one year! It's goes to show that if you do your classes (min 3 classes a week) faithfully, and be focused, your future in Mary Kay is already there. Don't think thoughts of defeats and lack all day and expect abundance! Cancel that thoughts as you are prophesying your future!As you are sowing more seeds, life will give you explosive growth beyond your income, training and experience.Focus on your Mary Kay career, and you will fulfil your dreams sooner than you think!I am so ready to look forward to producing my second, third, fourth and more SDs in my unit as I am working towards to be the first National Sales Director in Singapore. Please feel free to call me and let's get you up for Sales Director gear! • New Consultants please remember to visit my blog: http://fromjulianadesk.wordpress.com. Password is diamond. Please download things you required to learn – skincare script, things you required for classes, etc. • New consultants are advised to observe my class on every Friday of the month at 7pm at International Plaza. Programmes will be as advised in this newsletter and my facebook.
My goal for this Sep 2013 is to become Queen of Sales and Queen of Sharing for 2013 seminar, and produce 20 Sales Director in my unit and be a National Sales Director by Dec 2013. Diamond Supreme team members, I must do it because I can do it! And I believe we can do it together! God Speed! Btw, I have my own blog: http://fromjulianadesk.wordpress.com Read all about it….. :P Here’s my commission as below for Feb 2013: • My MK Sales - $1600 Profits • Director’s Commission - $4113 • Total commission for this month : $5713 (just working 3 weeks in Feb!)
SD Joey’s IStory • I was working in the Corporate office before i started my own business, i was working for Barclay, Fifa... I was incharged of all the coordination with the broadcaster and recording partners to make sure all the live matches were broadcasted on time in the Europe and Asia Pac. I was working constantly in the middle of the night 2+ till 4+ am, if its world cup season i have to work 24/7.I felt no satisfaction in my job, as i felt not being appreciated by my boss. Very often, during office hours, my boss would bring the guys out for beer, and i'll be left inside the office to do my job.I decided i would love to have my own business. And at the same time my boyfriend of 8yrs, he decided to left me over another gal he met at his work place, he was my first love and i was with him for 8yrs, this caused my confidence level to drop instantly to zero.
SD Joey’s IStory • Hence I decided i need to change myself in order to change the situation of my life to even better! I was exploring for business opportunity and i came across Mary Kay and i decided to join Mary Kay as an Independent Beauty Consultant and started my business, enriching women's life and gaining my own confidence back!I became a Sales Director in just 9 months!I thank God, thank my Mentor Juliana aw and i thank Mary Kay!!You have made my dreams come true!
Aim for Red Jacket Rally 2013! Check APPLAUSE Mar issue (FINAL MONTH)! • A brush set worth $90 will be given to those who achieve before 27 Mar 2013. Pls SMS at 96881798 when achieve! • You can do it! • To qualify: • Recruit 10 team members from 1 Nov 2012 to 27 Mar 2013 (Must activate on same month and new recruits must have cumulative 600 PSP by 27 Mar 2013) • Recruiter must have 3000 PSP by end of contest period.
Queen of Sales (FEB 2013) • Shirley Chew (1209 psp) CONGRATS! I am so proud of you!
RECOGNITION BOARD QUEEN OF SALES 2) Natalie Koh (1162 PSP) 12) Han Qiumin (507 PSP) 3) Rosalind Lim (903 PSP) 4) Joey Song (855 PSP) 5) Lily Yang (814 PSP) 6) Cheryl Soh (770 PSP) 7) Melisa Leung (724 PSP) 8) Cassandra Tan (612 PSP) 9) Cassandra Ong (606 PSP) 10) Tracy Ng (602 PSP) 11) Cindy Lam (601 PSP)
This month promotion just specially for our team - if you hit 600 psp this Mar 2013, you get the color book from me Free! SMS me 96881798 when u hv achieve ! ;) Only when you are there for the Recognition night, 4 Apr 2013!) 1 Mar to 31 Mar 2013 – FREE COLOR EBOOK!
DIAMOND SURPREME TEAM Mar/ Apr 2013 CLASSESUNIT MEETING SCHEDULE Take note: Mainroom (if company is using the room we will do Room 1) Mar 2013 at 7pm (International Plaza #13-08) Color Confidence Workshop for the month of Mar 22 Mar - Skincare bombing workshop the Korean way - Using softener and micro and regena firming serum and rest and restore massage 29 Mar - Beauty Bar makeover party! Apr 2013 at 7pm (SELF MAKEOVER PARTIES) 4 Apr – Recognition Night and Open Skincare Class (Basic Botanicals) + basic makeup 11 Apr – Microdermabrasion Night and Eye Spa + smokey eyes makeup 18 Apr – Training for Consultants – Image – Walk the Talk! 25 Apr – Self Makeover Party! Teaching latest Catwalk Trend – Classic Cat Eye liner + Red lipstick!
FYI • My unit meeting (either Thurs or Friday) will include open classes too : Outline(we will be at main room and if not it will be room 1 incase main room taken)1st Thurs of the mth - Open skincare classes and Recognition! You can bring guests! If you bring guests, u will get a sample pack from me - 6 packs of Timewise night solution & day solution or 6 packs of Mask 2 2nd Thurs of the mth - Fabulous Thurs - Color analysis / Open class. Recruit 1 bc this Fabulous Friday and if he or she activate min 150 psp, you get a R & R worth $8 from me!3rd Thurs of the mth - unit meeting - How to sell & recruit. Team Members only! – Consultants can request to have this, let me know 4th Thurs of the mth - party (food and fun) open class - Make Me Gorgeous! I will open up Make Me Gorgeous facebook page for our group and our customers, so we do a before and after pix. We will reward the Best Dressed Consultant & Best "Makeup" artistry customer on that day! Gifts are sponsored by me :)
Debrief for all Consultants while you attend my classes! • Every Thurs/ Friday at 7pm it’s our skincare/makeup open class. You can bring your guests, however you are required to bring your own products for your guests. • After the whole skincare class, let’s sit down together and do debrief. • As you can see from the above flow of the class, there are 3 parts. To all New Consultants, please memorise the following when you attend my classes: • For first class, memorise what I did for part 1. • Then when you come for the second class, memorise what I did for part 2 • and then when you come for third class, memorise what I did for part 3. During the classes, you can record or video taped me during the classes. This business is all about duplicating . Just duplicate what I did. And treat all your guests with the “Make me Feel Important” attitude. Tell me also your learning key points and what can you improve from there. Challenge for all Consultants (1 Mar to 30 Jun 2013)– If you feel that you are ready, call me to observe your classes. Consultants who conduct at least 3 classes, will get a special gift from me! SMS me at 96881798 when you have finished conducting 3 classes!
This Mar, New Recruits to join at $105 (lots of updated training materials) More info found in APPLAUSE.
One Woman Can Beauty Contest! MUST Participate! Great way to ask your friends to help you!
April Career Conference on 20 Apr 2013! Try to come and learn from the Best Teachers!
Remember the 1st time how Mary Kay products felt on your face and someone shared it with you? Now its your turn to share it with everyone you know. “There are four kinds of people in this world: •those who make things happen•those who watch things happen•those who wonder what happened•those who don’t know that anything happened!I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be first on that list.” - Mary Kay Ash