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First Age of Empires. Chapter 2 – Egyptian civilization united into a kingdom around 3100 BC Known as the Old Kingdom Power of pharaohs died out bringing it to an end in 2180 BC. Old kingdom. 2040-1640 BC Strong pharaohs gained control – brought back order! Improved trade
Chapter 2 – Egyptian civilization united into a kingdom around 3100 BC Known as the Old Kingdom Power of pharaohs died out bringing it to an end in 2180 BC Old kingdom
2040-1640 BC Strong pharaohs gained control – brought back order! Improved trade Created 1000 of new acres of farmland Prosperity did not last Middle Kingdom
A group from Palestine moved in Hyksos – “The rulers of foreign lands” Took over Egypt until 1523 BC 1640 BC
When the Middle Kingdom died out, war and violence erupted Hyksos – shook Egyptians confidence Learned now that desert boundaries can’t always protect
Historians believed at the same time, Hebrews settled here as well. Bible states – Abraham crossed into Canaan around 1800 BC His decedents into Egypt around 1650 BC At the same time….
Hyksos ok with Hebrews – Racially akin Egyptians not ok with Hyksos 1600 – New warlike rulers in Egypt! Drove the Hyksos out! Back into Palestine and Syria Reasons unknown, Hebrews stayed …
Exodus – Enslaved and forced into labor Left Egypt between 1500 and 1200 BC
Pharaohs declared a New Kingdom when they left Became wealthy Bronze weapons, two wheeled chariots New Kingdom
Declared herself Pharaoh (1472 BC) Encouraged trade, not war! Egypt thrived under her! Hatshepsut
Hatshepsut’s stepson – possibly had her murdered Warmonger! Created a huge empire! Moved all the way into Palestine and Syria Thutmose III
Their conquest of into Syria brought them into conflict with the Hittites (1400 BC) Many small battles After – Ramses and Hittites wanted peace Treaty – “Peace and brotherhood between us forever!” Ramses II
1200 BC – After his death, many invasions again Was never able to recover Many small kingdoms now New Kingdom dies
Create a Venn Diagram Egypt Nubia
http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=nubia&view=detail&mid=33C8F40735B4DC16E11F33C8F40735B4DC16E11F&first=0&FORM=LKVRhttp://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=nubia&view=detail&mid=33C8F40735B4DC16E11F33C8F40735B4DC16E11F&first=0&FORM=LKVR The Kushites conquer the Nile