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Chalcopyrite. by-nc-sa: Pandarine. A common mineral found in almost all sulfide deposits, chalcopyrite usually occurs in:. by-nc-nd: Orbital Joe. medium-temperature and high-temperature hydrothermal veins. igneous rocks or metamorphosed igneous rocks . by-nc-sa: Steve took it.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chalcopyrite by-nc-sa: Pandarine

  2. A common mineral found in almost all sulfide deposits, chalcopyrite usually occurs in: by-nc-nd: Orbital Joe medium-temperature and high-temperature hydrothermal veins igneous rocks or metamorphosed igneous rocks by-nc-sa: Steve took it by-nc-nd: skylarprimm

  3. Chalcopyrite is mined in large open mines by-nc: niallkennedy by-nc-sa: Ron Schott by-nc: mm-j

  4. Chalcopyrite is the primary source of copper by: Indigo Goat / Wendy & Andrew McGregor by-nc-nd: Revilo. Copper is the first known metal to be widely worked. by-sa: Chris 73 by-nd: sila

  5. by-nc-nd: Khya by-nc: ophiuchus1 by-nc-sa: Wessex Archaeology Copper is easily worked. by: ccarlstead

  6. by-nc-nd: tigerlilyshop by-nc-nd: rosemanios Copper has long been popular around the world, sometimes in alloys with other metals. by-nc-nd: Matthew J. Stinson

  7. Before people learned to smelt iron, bronze (a copper alloy) was the most durable, widely worked and economically most important metal. by-sa: Alun Salt by-nd: hans s by-nc-sa: Wessex Archaeology Civilizations worked in bronze in the ancient Near East, India, East Asia, Aegean, Europe, and in the Americas. by-nc-sa: Wessex Archaeology

  8. by-nc: Mr Sniglet by-nc-nd: Daintree by-nc-nd: david hornbuckle Copper mixed with tin makes bronze by-nc-sa: petersawatzky by: Bharat [O*] raM

  9. by-nc-nd: Leonefabre by-nc: Darwin Bell by-sa: wakalani Copper mixed with zinc makes brass

  10. by-nc-nd: seriykotik1970 by-nc-sa: rogdorf Copper is commonly used in coins, sometimes alloyed with other metals by: Mulad

  11. by-nc: abbyladybug by-nc: partylikechewie Copper is in building materials and decorations by: edwardwilliamosborn by-sa: Claudecf by-nc-nd: kroo2u

  12. Copper is often in plumbing. by-sa: Beige Alert by-nc-sa: iwasteela by-sa: AZAdam

  13. Copper is used in generating and distributing electrical power… by-nc-nd: ingoism by-nc-sa: Bah Humbug by-nc: Géologue

  14. …and in bringing electrical power to our buildings. by-sa: grendelkhan by-nc-nd: romanediridinghe by-nc-sa: Mozul

  15. Copper is important in electronics as the wire around electromagnets… by-nc: Mole_Farmer by-nc-sa: super-structure …and as a conductor of electricity in circuit boards. by-nc-nd: JulianBleeckr by-sa: chrisjroos by-sa: avlxyz

  16. Chalcopyrite by-nc-sa: Pandarine

  17. Our notation description public domain (none) Creative Commons Licenses by by-sa by-nc-sa by-nd by-nc-nd GNUGNU Free Documentation License © Copyright. All rights reserved media rights Many of the photos in this presentation were obtained through Flickr and Wikipedia. Funded by FIPSE and by the University of Minnesota. Compiled for Dr. Kent Kirkby, Department of Geology and Geophysics, by Kate Rosok, 2007. Each displayed image retains its original media rights. For educational purposes only; not to be used commercially.

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