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Action Plan for Management of MSW S.K.Singh,Env.Engr,CPCB

Really Needed ?The Hon'ble Supreme Court order dated 4.10.2004 directed for preparation of Action Plans by local bodies of 35 metrocities and 24 State Capitals. Pursuant to the order, CPCB interacted with SPCBs to get the action plans prepared from these. Local bodies have taken initiatives to prepare Action Plan for management of MSW. .

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Action Plan for Management of MSW S.K.Singh,Env.Engr,CPCB

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    2. Really Needed ? The Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 4.10.2004 directed for preparation of Action Plans by local bodies of 35 metrocities and 24 State Capitals. Pursuant to the order, CPCB interacted with SPCBs to get the action plans prepared from these. Local bodies have taken initiatives to prepare Action Plan for management of MSW.

    4. Situation Analysis Data Collection (Primary/Secondary) Field studies (Qty/Characterization) Targeted Development, Upgradation and Renovation of facilities—growing backlog Project-wise approach—strategy formulation, Prioritized Action Plan with DPR Public Private Partnership-participatory approach

    5. Create Awareness For segregation at house-hold level Waste minimisation…..etc. Community initiatives (composting….)

    9. Create System (MSWM System)

    13. Sahaj Safai Kendra (Chandigarh)

    22. Thrust of Implementation Schedule-III - Improvement in existing landfill sites - Identification of new landfill sites for future use. Schedule-IV Setting up of waste processing facilities with the adoption of appropriate technology

    23. Waste Processing Technologies (Schedule-IV) Accepted Technologies (may not require specific approval of CPCB;) Composting Vermi-composting Anaerobic digestion Incineration Pelletisation

    24. Other Possibilities….. Co-incineration in Cement Kilns etc. Methane Capturing for CDM …………. ………….

    25. Tasks for SPCBs/PCCs Monitoring compliance of specified standards regarding GW, ambient air, leachate, compost & incineration Selection of Waste Processing technologies Selection of landfill sites, O & M of sites Grant Authorization for setting up of processing and disposal (landfills) Forwarding Annual Report to CPCB regarding implementation of Rule by 15th September every year. Management of accidents State level monitoring committee Studies to back up Rules

    26. Contd…….. Strengthen laboratories for monitoring WP/WD facilities. Directory on expertise available (DPR,WP, WD, Equipment manufacturers) Inventorizations of cities/towns in State/UT for assessing status of MSWM Guiding ULBs to fill Form-II (AR) for sending regularly to SPCBs State level ‘Advisory Group’ to assist local bodies for selection of appropriate WP technologies, identification of sites and operation of landfills. Immediate Attention-prohibit burning of waste, regulating movement of stray cattles and seeking participation of Public and NGOs for promoting segregation of waste at source and door-step collection of waste.

    27. Time Bound Action Plan Prepare time-bound action plans for cities/towns having population > 20000 and 50,000(Priortization) Action Plans to indicate requirements (physical and financial) for each activity (CSSTPD) Training programmes for ULBs (at all levels-state/regional) through Municipal Administration/ State Institute)-creating trg.facilities Mass awareness programme (jointly with ULBs) Undertake inventorization of cities/ towns for assessing status of Solid Waste Management

    28. Prepare a DPR for one city/ town and getting such DPRs prepared for all cities/ towns in the State. Set up one model facility in the State Directions under Section 5 of EPA to ULBs-to submit time bound action plans for implementation of Rules-?-States/UTs to issue directions for ULBs with population > 20,000, >50,000

    29. Proposed approach for implementation

    30. Contd…

    33. Set up model facilities (demo-basis) for at least one town in each State/UT. Towns having population > 50,000 to 2.0 lakh and waste generation upto 100 tones are preferred. The proposal would be cost sharing basis (50:50) DPR to be prepared by ULB (CPCB-indicative format for preparation of DPR). Detailed MoU to be signed by concerned SPCB, local body and CPCB Scheme to be operated through SPCB.

    34. Recycling and Resource Recovery Plastics/Glass….etc C & D Wastes Energy Generation Composting ……………. …………….

    37. * CPCB/IARI studies on characterization of compost quality& its application on agricultural crops. 7 compost plants studied for characterization of compost quality. Studies indicated: * Av concentration of heavy metals in the raw waste that was fed to the various compost plants were--Lead (47 to 185 mg per kg), Nickel (36-63 mg/kg) Cadmium (1.5 to 6.5 mg/kg) Mercury(0.01 and 0.23 mg/kg) Finished Compost-Pb; 108-203 mg/kg; Ni- 8-80 mg/kg; Cd-3.8-12.4 mg/kg and Hg – 0.01-0.31 mg/kg. Growth attributes of wheat/ maize and vegetable crops viz., plant height, number of cobs/tillers/m2, dry matter production and leaf area index, were increased due to supply of nitrogen through combination of different doses of urea with compost/ sewage sludge. MoUD- Report of Interministrial Task Force on Integrated Plant Nutrient Management using City Compost (constituted,March,2003, SC Direction)

    38. Utilization of Grants under 12th Finance Commission * 12th FC recommended grants of Rs.5000 Crores to ULBs for the period 2005-2010 of which Rs.2500 Crores have to be devolved upon exclusively for setting-up of solid waste management systems in Urban areas to ensure management of MSW in accordance with MSW Rules. MoUD on 6th October, 2005 has circulated guidelines for preparation of DPRs and selection of technologies for processing and final disposal of MSW for different categories of towns for the benefit of State Government/ Local bodies. The emphasis has also been given to implement various activities of solid waste system through private sector participation. 28 State Governments and SPCBs may initiate the process for utilizing the grants and set-up appropriate committees/ technical institutions to guide local bodies in preparing DPR for cities and towns.

    39. Total capital investment estimated by MoUD for 423 class-I towns is as under: Capital Investment (Rs. in Millions) *Equipment and vehicles -3864.43 *Composting of waste -10012.35 *Landfill development -10568.83

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