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Chapter 1: The Sociological Perspective

Objectives: Explain the role of values in social research as prescribed by Weber, and the ensuing controversies over whether sociological research can be and/or should be value free.

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Chapter 1: The Sociological Perspective

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  1. Objectives: Explain the role of values in social research as prescribed by Weber, and the ensuing controversies over whether sociological research can be and/or should be value free. Distinguish between Weber’s “Verstehen”, and Durkheim’s “social facts”; Explain how, despite differences, both can be used together in social research Chapter 1: The Sociological Perspective

  2. Using your whiteboard: Write your definition for the term “values” Warm it up…

  3. Values: the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. What are the proper purposes and uses of sociology? side 1: goal should be simply to advance understanding of social life and present findings to the world side 2: goal should be to investigate social issues that harm people and try to spearhead reform movements Values in Sociological Research…the debate

  4. Max Weber thought Sociology should be value free (personal values or biases should not influence social research) Wanted Objectivity (total neutrality) Values in research = Bias in findings Must have replication (repeating a study in order to test its findings) to “weed out” any bias Weber’s views on values in sociology

  5. Within your group discuss the following questions:  Should values play a role in Sociological research?  Is there a place for values in research? What do you think?

  6. Verstehen—German word used by Weber, to understand, to have insight into someone’s situation must understand subjective meanings (meanings that people give their own behavior) must understand how people view and explain their own behavior to truly understand why they do what they do Walk in their shoes Verstehen

  7. Social Facts—Durkheim’s term for a group’s pattern of behavior  External to the individual examples: June is the most popular month for weddings, suicide rates are higher among the elderly, more births occur on Tuesdays than on any other day of the week use social facts to interpret social facts Social facts

  8. On your white board give your hypothesis: Why do you think June is the most popular month for weddings in the United States? Once you have your hypothesis share with your group Take a guess…

  9. Verstehen and Social Facts reinforce one another Sociologists use Verstehen in order to interpret social facts take a set of facts, apply Verstehen to them to gain insight that goes beyond statistics Verstehen and Social facts

  10. Find 1 Article/Blog Post/Commentary about any social problem/issue that you want. Email me the link (mlewis@pleasanthillschools.com) and a 1 page summary and reflection of the piece. --DUE BEFORE CLASS ON TUESDAY (be prepare to share on Tuesday in class) --Example Google Doc Group Content Presentations --Sociologists and their Contributions --Possible Choices: --Auguste Comte --Herbert Spencer --Karl Marx --Emile Durkheim --Max Weber Each group will pick a Sociologist, research them and their major contributions to Sociology, then create a lesson to present to the class. --Pre-record or Live record? --Class interaction --5-7 minutes in length For next week…

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