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Christine Gilbert, HMCI 12 May 2011. New framework: update. 10 unreported consultative pilot inspections in March/April 2011 150 ‘ live ’ pilot inspections in May/June 2011 Final versions of the evaluation schedule, inspection guidance and the inspection framework in September 2011
Christine Gilbert, HMCI 12 May 2011
New framework: update • 10 unreported consultative pilot inspections in March/April 2011 • 150 ‘live’ pilot inspections in May/June 2011 • Final versions of the evaluation schedule, inspection guidance and the inspection framework in September 2011 • Dissemination programme during autumn 2011 • Training for inspectors autumn 2011 • Implementation of the new framework in January 2012, provided the Education Bill receives Royal Assent
New framework: inspection methodology We will retain and build on: • a focus on pupils’ outcomes, including outcomes for different groups of pupils and how well the school promotes those outcomes • clear grade descriptors and guidance for each judgement • increasing inspection time in the classroom, with feedback to teachers • high levels of engagement with headteachers and senior staff • taking account of the views of pupils, parents and staff.
New framework: lessons learned from consultative pilots • Having fewer judgements enables inspectors to tell the story more effectively • Pre-inspection briefings are shorter and sharper • Discussions with different groups of pupils about their learning in specific subjects features more prominently and provide strong evidence about the typicality of teaching • The sharper focus on reading, literacy and numeracy made inspectors consider more carefully whether pupils had acquired the necessary skills for future development • The grade criteria were considered ‘just right!’
Achievement: inspectors will evaluate • How well pupils learn in a range of subjects and their progress • How competently pupils read and write and their progress • How competent pupils are in mathematics and their progress • How well gaps are narrowing between the performance of different groups • Standards attained, including those in reading, writing and mathematics • How well disabled pupils and those with SEN have achieved since joining the school and in primary schools • Pupils’ attainment in reading by the age of 6 and by the time they leave school
Achievement: outstanding Almost all pupils and groups of pupils, including disabled children and those with special educational needs, are making rapid and sustained progress over time given their starting points. They learn and make progress very well in most of their subjects, acquire knowledge quickly and in depth, and have high levels of understanding in different subjects. They develop and apply a wide range of skills highly effectively, including the application of communication, literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum. Where attainment, including attainment in reading in primary schools, is below average overall, or below average for any group, it is improving very strongly at a much greater rate than national averages for all pupils, and gaps with national attainment are narrowing.
The quality of teaching (1): inspectors will evaluate • how well teachers demonstrate high expectations and set challenging tasks that improve pupils’ learning • how well teachers assess pupils’ progress, provide them with constructive feedback and plan lessons to build on pupils’ previous learning to match their development needs • how well teachers enable pupils to identify and understand how they can improve their learning • how well teachers use questioning and feedback from pupils during lessons to check on how well their teaching is achieving the learning intentions and adjust their teaching accordingly and modify future work
The quality of teaching (2): inspectors will evaluate • how well teachers enthuse, engage and motivate pupils so that they learn and make progress • how well teachers use their expertise to deepen pupils’ subject knowledge and understanding and teach them the skills needed to make progress in the subject and help them learn for themselves • how well teaching and other support provides for a range of pupil needs • how well pupils are taught to read and to develop their skills in literacy and numeracy and enjoy their learning
Quality of teaching (1): outstanding Teachers have consistently high expectations of all pupils and set challenging tasks which are matched closely to specific learning needs. They build on consistently accurate assessment of pupils’ learning needs and plan astutely to ensure teaching is very well matched to their individual needs. Teachers and other adults enthuse, engage and motivate pupils and engender high levels of enthusiasm and commitment to learning. Marking and constructive feedback from both the teacher and pupils are frequent and of a consistently high quality. These activities enable pupils to fully understand how to improve their work encouraging high levels of commitment and interest.
Quality of teaching (2): outstanding Teachers are very knowledgeable in their subjects and expert in teaching them. Pupils show resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities. Teachers’ formative evaluation of the effectiveness of what they are doing is used to change tack, if necessary. No time is wasted and every opportunity is taken to develop crucial skills such as reading across the curriculum. Teaching is consistently good and much is outstanding, with the result that pupils and groups of pupils currently in the school are making exceptional progress over time.
Leadership and management: inspectors will evaluate How well key leaders and managers: • demonstrate high expectations and ambition for pupils and promote improvements in their achievement • improve teaching and learning through supporting and developing staff • are improving the school and developing the school’s capacity for sustaining its improvement • evaluate the school’s strengths and weaknesses and make use of their findings to promote improvement • the quality of the school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils.
Leadership and management: outstanding The pursuit of excellence in all of the school’s activities is underpinned by an uncompromising and highly successful drive in improving outcomes for all pupils. All leaders and managers lead by example and base their actions on a deep and accurate understanding of staff and pupils’ skills and attributes. Key leaders provide a relentless focus on improving teaching that results in teaching which is at least consistently good or better or satisfactory and improving at a very rapid rate. The school community, including the governing body, has a very strong sense of acting as a team and places the needs of all pupils at the forefront of its work. The school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils consistently exceed statutory requirements.
Behaviour and safety: inspectors will evaluate • pupils’ conduct in lessons and around the school • pupils’ ability to assess and manage risk appropriately and keep themselves safe • pupils’ attendance and punctuality at school and in lessons • pupils’ behaviour towards, and respect for, other young people and adults, including freedom from bullying
Behaviour and safety (1): outstanding Pupils and groups of pupils are consistently very well behaved over time and show high levels of engagement in lessons. They are scrupulously punctual and highly adept at managing their own behaviour in the classroom and in social situations. They are extremely calm and orderly when moving around the school. Individual pupils and groups of pupils including those with identified behavioural difficulties respond extremely positively to the school’s strategies to improve behaviour. Pupils are highly supportive of one another and feel very safe at school at all times. They have a very clear understanding about what constitutes unsafe situations. They maintain a well-tuned perspective on their own safety and that of others.
Behaviour and safety (2): outstanding Instances of bullying are extremely rare. Pupils are acutely aware of different forms of bullying and instrumental in preventing its occurrence. The school swiftly and successfully addresses any incidents of bullying that do occur and this engenders the full confidence of pupils and parents. Parents, carers and pupils are very aware that attendance and punctuality are important. Where pupils are able to influence their own attendance, it is likely that attendance will be above average for all groups of pupils or showing sustained and convincing improvement over time. Attendance is likely to be at least 90%. This applies in all settings apart from those where the vast majority of pupils have a diagnosed medical condition.
Overall effectiveness: outstanding The school takes all necessary steps to help pupils meet their potential with great success. Outstanding teaching leads to outstanding achievement or achievement that is good and rapidly improving. Other principal aspects of the school’s work are good or outstanding. The school’s relentless and wide-ranging promotion of the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development enables pupils and groups of pupils to thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community. Consequently pupils and groups of pupils have excellent experiences in their time in school ensuring they are fully equipped for the next stage of their education and/or training.