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Edgar Allan Poe. “The Father of the Short Story”. Family Background. Born in Boston in 1809 Father abandoned the fam then died of alcoholism and mother died when Poe was 2 John and Francis Allan adopted him Mrs. Allan loved him, but his relationship with Mr. Allan was strained.
Edgar Allan Poe “The Father of the Short Story”
Family Background • Born in Boston in 1809 • Father abandoned the fam then died of alcoholism and mother died when Poe was 2 • John and Francis Allan adopted him • Mrs. Allan loved him, but his relationship with Mr. Allan was strained
Education • Poe went to college (paid for by Mr. Allan) • Within 1 yr Poe gambled and drank all his college $ away • Allan refused to give him more $ • He was kicked out of school • Poe served 2 yrs in the Army in an attempt to reconcile with Allan
More Family Trials • Mrs. Allan died • Mr. Allan remarried • Poe is left out • “The want of parental affection has been the heaviest of my trials”
Writing • At 18 Poe moved to Boston to write the “great American novel” • He published a few poems at his own expense • No recognition
More Family Stuff • Moved to Baltimore (the Baltimore Ravens are named after his famous poem!) • Lived with his aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter Virginia • In 1835 he married Virginia – the love of his life • John Allan died and left Poe out of his will • He was a successful editor and writer, but…
Emotional Instability • He was an alcoholic • He gambled and drank his $ away • He gained some fame for his poetry, but… • In 1842 Virginia died • This sent Poe into a drunken depression • His body was found on the side of the street in 1849 • It went unnoticed for several days and his death was called a “suicide prepared for a long time” by those who knew him
His Contributions • He was the “father of the short story” – he created it as a genre • He invented the detective story (think CSI and Law and Order type shows) • He perfected the horror tale • He is celebrated and criticized by many authors